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Etiquette and diplomatic protocol in business

Case problems to prepare presentation 30-40

1. History of etiquette
2. Etiquette basic definitions- legal rules, moral rules, good manners,
3. Emancipation of women and good manners- history of emnacipation of women,
a woman at work and privately, relation between woman and man at work

4. Etiquette in every day life- shaking head, shaking hands, casual situation in the
street, in restaurant, in shop, on train, and buss. Formal and informal behaviour-
either formal „Sir”/ „Madam” or informal „how are you”
5. Good manners in every day life- politness, being in time, smile, discrecy, lie,
theft, drinking alcohol, respect to the others
6. Introducing onself- privately, in factory, during business appointment, in
diplomacy. Who is the first? Who shakes hand firstly?
7. At work- relations between woman and a man, shaking head, greeting,
privilages of women at work, the rule of domination, manager and customers
Business etiquette
a) Office etiquette
b) Corporate etiquette
c) Classroom etiquette
8. Very important persons VIPs- diplomatic protocol, hierarchy, the rule of right
hand, precedence, business and diplomatic meetings, sitting at the table (French and
9. Dress code at work, in business, and in diplomacy, The dress of a woman and a
man in business, at parties, and after 7 pm.
10. Parties and banquets- private, offical, diplomatic, the way of decorating the table,
sitting guests, serving meals,forms of menu, talks during the meal, toasts, finishing
the meal,
10. Business cards- history, paper, design, forms of cards (formal, shared, private).
The way of giving a card
11. Foreign diplomatic delegations- prepraring programmes (initial, official), greeting
a foreign delegation, transit to a hotel, sitting in a car, negotiations, conference room,
preparing a press conference room, eating, signing contracts, visits, revisits, flowers,
gifts, press conference
12. Meals- buffet, sitting
Business breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, coctail, reception party, buffet party,
garden party
13. Business correspondence – letter, netiquette- e-mail business correspondence, on
the phone
14. Cross cultural etiquette various types of nationality
15. Etiquette in various countries- Europe- Poland, Germany, England, France, Russia;
Asia- China, Japan, Thailand, India; Arab countries- Morrocco, Iran; Australia;
Americas- United States, Brasil,

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