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the mistery

Who? What? That?

the Monster of the andes

Why? When and where?


 Pedro Alonso López (Venadillo, Tolima, Colombia,

October 8, 1948-disappeared September 22, 1999),
also known as the Monster of the Andes

 Due to his cruel and bitter childhood he grew up with 12

brothers, his father was killed 6 months before he was born and
his mother was a prostitute, he grew up in a violent
environment as he lived with a curtain that separated his mother
and the client from them and his brothers, he was grabbing
traumas and at age 9 he had sex with his younger sister which
made his mother run him out of the house and after living on
the street at age 12 an American family adopted him but he was
abused by a teacher and ran away again.

 A serial killer who took as victims more than 300 girls and young
people, mostly female and 4 men who were prisoners, had an
approximate of 110 in Ecuador, 100 in Colombia and many more
than 100 in Peru, was known also as the strangler because when he
murdered his victims he strangled them to death, first he abused
them and then they were murdered at dawn since he liked to see
their bright eyes before he died, he never murdered someone at

 Due to his traumas throughout his childhood and everything

that happened to him in his life, they psychologically damaged
him to the point of becoming a serious murderer who murders
to avoid his problems.

 In Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and it was between the years 1948

that he was born and until the most updated in 2013 although
his disappearance was in 1999

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