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AP Physics C - Mechanics

Kinematics In 1 Dimension
Table of Contents:
Kinematics in 1 Dimension
Click on the topic to go to that section.

·What is Kinematics?
·Displacement and Distance
·Velocity and Speed
·Free Fall
·Kinematics Equations
·Velocity and Position by Integration
·Position-Time Graph Interpretation
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What is Kinematics?

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Kinematics is the study of the motion of objects. It doesn't care

what is making the objects move - that's the topic of the next
chapter - Dynamics.

Before we can launch into the study of Kinematics, we need to

define position, and review the mathematical terms scalar and

To know how an object moves, you need to know its position at all

You measure position by choosing a reference frame and noting

how far and in what direction the object is from a specific point on
the reference frame - typically the origin.

Most of the time a Cartesian coordinate system works (x, y), but
you can also use a polar coordinate system (r, θ).
Position - Time graph and chart
This chapter will focus on 1-
Dimensional motion, so an
appropriate reference frame
will be the x axis (or y axis if
the object is moving up and

Since we need to know its

position at all times, we can
either use a table, listing its
position and time, or a graph.
It is easier to visualize the
actual motion using a graph -
a position - time graph.
1The position - time graph below describes the motion of a
particle.At what time is the particle's position equal to
6.0 m?

A. 2.0 s

B. 2.5 s

C. 3.0 s

D. 3.5 s

E. 4.0 s
2The position - time graph below describes the motion of a
particle.What is the object's position at t = 3.4 s?

A. 8.0 m

B. 10 m

C. 12 m

D. 14 m

E. 15 m
Scalar and Vector
There are two terms that are used to describe where an
object is located and how it moves.

·Scalar - gives the magnitude of the motion - it has no

direction. Scalar variables include time, temperature and
- quantities that have no direction. Scalar values may be
positive or negative, but they don't indicate direction; just
their relationship to an arbitrary origin (ice's temperature can
be described as -100C or 263 K - both equivalent scalars).

·Vector - a combination of the magnitude and the direction of

where an object is and where it is moving. Kinematics problems
usually involve the use of vectors.
3Compare and contrast the properties of scalar and
vector quantities.

ABoth have magnitudes, but scalars can only have a

positive value for magnitude.
B. Both have magnitudes, but scalars can only have

a negative value for magnitude.
C. Both quantities have positive magnitudes but
no directions.
D. Both quantities have a magnitude, but only
vectors have direction.
E. Both quantities have a direction, but only
scalars have a magnitude.
and Distance

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Displacement and Distance
Distance is a measure of how far an object travels without regard to
its initial or final position. It is a scalar quantity, and is frequently
labeled "d".

Displacement is quite different. It measures the difference between

an object's final and initial positions. It is a vector and has direction
and magnitude and is labeled .

Both quantities are measured in meters (m).

Displacement ≡
Displacement and Distance
The below sketch shows the motion of an object from to .


Motion is in this direction

The displacement is in the positive direction (or the

east or to the right or any applicable description).

In this case, the magnitude of the displacement is equal to the

distance traveled by the object. The distance is just a number with
appropriate units (m, in this case) - it has no direction.
Displacement and Distance
Consider the following case where the magnitude of the displacement
will NOT equal the distance traveled. An object starts at zero, moves
9 units to the right (red), then 13 units to the left (green). What is its
displacement, ? What is the distance, d, traveled?

-5 0 5 10
Displacement and Distance
= (-4 - 0) m = -4 m, or 4 m in the negative direction
or 4 m to the left or 4 m West (represented by the blue line) -
depending on how the problem is asked - please check with
your instructor for his/her preference .

d = (9 + 13) m = 22 m (represented by the sum of

the red and green lines, without regard to sign, and with no
direction - the total distance traveled).

-5 0 5


Distance does not have to

equal the magnitude of the
4How far your final position is from your initial position is
known as:

Ainstantaneous position

B. average position

C. position differential

D. distance

E. displacement
5How far you physically travel (a car's odometer reads this
value) is known as:

Ainstantaneous position

B. average position

C. position differential

D. distance

E. displacement
6A car travels 5500 m to the north, and then 3200 m to the
south.What distance was traveled by the car?

A-8700 m

B-8500 m

C-2300 m

D2300 m

E8700 m
7A car travels 5500 m to the north, and then 3200 m to the
south.What was the displacement of the car?

A. 8700 m south

B. 8500 m north

C. 2300 m south

D. 2300 m north

E. 8700 m north
8You run around a 400 m track.At the end of your run,
what is the distance that you traveled?

A-400 m

B-200 m

C. 0 m

D. 200 m

E. 400 m
9You run around a 400 m track.At the end of your run,
what is your displacement?

A-400 m

B-200 m

C. 0 m

D. 200 m

E. 400 m
Velocity and Speed

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Average Velocity and Speed

Average velocity and average speed represent, respectively, the

change in displacement and the change in distance over time.

Average velocity (x direction):

Average speed:

Time is a scalar. So what does that tell you about average

velocity and average speed?

Velocity and speed are used in everyday language, but they

have distinct definitions in physics.
Average Velocity and Speed

Since displacement is a vector, when you divide it by a scalar, the

result is a vector; average velocity is a vector.

Since distance is a scalar, when you divide it by a scalar, the

result is a scalar; average speed is a scalar.

Speed can, but does not have to, equal the magnitude of velocity.

Velocity is more useful in physics problems.

10A particle is at position, x0= 19 m at t0 = 1.0 s, and is at
position, xf = 277 m at t = 4.0 s.What is the average
velocity and the average speed?

A. 86 m/s in the +x direction;86 m/s

B. 86 m/s in the -x direction;86 m/s

C. 99 m/s in the +x direction;99 m/s
D. 99 m/s in the -x direction;99 m/s
E. 99 m/s in the -x direction;86 m/s
11A particle is at position, x0= 19 m at t0 = 1.0 s, and is at
position, xf = -277 m at t = 4.0 s.Find the average
velocity and the average speed.

A. 86 m/s in the +x direction;86 m/s

B. 86 m/s in the -x direction;86 m/s

C. 99 m/s in the +x direction;99 m/s
D. 99 m/s in the -x direction;99 m/s
E. 99 m/s in the -x direction;86 m/s
12A particle is at position, x0= 0 m at t0 = 1.0 s, and is at
position, xf = -277 m at t = 4.0 s.Find the average
velocity and the average speed.

A. 92 m/s in the +x direction;92 m/s
B. 92 m/s in the -x direction;92 m/s
C. 92 m/s in the +x direction;-92 m/s
D. 92 m/s in the -x direction;-92 m/s
E. 99 m/s in the -x direction;0 m/s
13A particle is at position, x0= 19 m at t0 = 1.0 s, moves to
position x1 = 184 m, then to position x2 = -34 m and
comes to rest at xf = 19 m at tf = 6.1 s. Find the average
velocity and the average speed.

A. 85 m/s in the +x direction;85 m/s

B. 85 m/s in the -x direction;85 m/s
C. 0 m/s;85 m/s
D. 85 m/s in the -x direction;0 m/s
E. 85 m/s in the -x direction;0 m/s
Finding Average Velocity by Using Graphs
x (m) There are many different mathematical
tools that can be used to solve physics
problems depending on their nature. We
just used algebra to find average velocity.
P2 Now, we'll use graphical analysis.

Going forward, we'll be

x2 - x1 =Δx dealing with velocity and
displacement - not speed
and distance, and will
x1 P 1
simplify the notation by
t (s) leaving off the arrow
t1 t2 symbol on top of the
t2 - t1 = Δt variable.
Finding Average Velocity by Using Graphs
x (m) We are not bound by the traditional x-y
graph notation. We can label the axes
to fit our needs. As a matter of fact,
this type of graph is used in Quantum
Field Theory to show the behavior of
P2 photons and electrons.
Since this is 1-Dimensional
Kinematics, the position is
x2 - x1 =Δx measured in the x direction,
which we will place on the
vertical axis, and time will
P1 be on the horizontal axis.
t (s)
t1 t2
t2 - t1 = Δt Can you see why we chose these axes?
Finding Average Velocity by Using Graphs
x (m)
The above title shows why
position is on the y axis and
time is on the x axis.

P2 The particle moves from P1

x2 to P2 along the curved line
(looks like x = t2), where
P1 = (t1, x1) and P2 = (t2, x2).
x2 - x1 =Δx
What does the slope of the
straight line connecting P1
P1 and P2 represent?
t (s)
t1 t2
t2 - t1 = Δt
Finding Average Velocity by Using Graphs
x (m) From your math classes, you
learned that the slope of a line
is rise over run. In a
position - time graph, the
slope equals:

This is the definition of


x2 - x1 =Δx

the average velocity!


The slope of the line


P1 connecting two points on

a position time graph is
t (s) the average velocity of
t1 t2 - t1 = Δt the particle in that time
14What is the average velocity of a particle, whose motion
is described by the below position - time graph, from
t = 0 s to t = 4 s?
x (m)

A. -2 m/s

B. -0.5 m/s
C. 0 m/s
D+0.5 m/s
E+2.0 m/s

t (s)
15What is the average velocity of a particle, whose motion
is described by the below position - time graph, from
t = 2 s to t = 4 s?
x (m)

A+3.0 m/s

B0.33 m/s
C. 0 m/s
D. -0.33 m/s
E. -3.0 m/s

t (s)
16Explain, using the definition of slope, why the average
velocity from t = 0 s to t = 4 s was less than the
average velocity from t = 2 s to t = 4 s.
x (m)

t (s)
Instantaneous Velocity
Average velocity is used to define a particle's motion over a
specified interval of time, but that is not always what is most
interesting. For example, a police officer is not interested in your
average velocity over a two hour period. But, he is very interested in
your velocity at a specific given time.

This is more fundamental then it seems - the officer, even though

he probably doesn't realize it, actually wants your velocity at a time
interval of zero seconds!

The officer is looking for your instantaneous velocity to

ensure you're obeying the speed limit.
Instantaneous Velocity
Let's see how the average velocity equation works for a zero second
time interval. It's problematic because algebra doesn't handle
fractions with a zero in the denominator.

Δt = 0 is not good

Sir Isaac Newton recognized this problem and came up with the
concept of a zero time interval and invented calculus so he could
solve problems like this.

Calculus involves taking a time interval and shrinking it until it is

infinitesimally close to zero. You'll learn more about this in your
Calculus class - but you can tell the teacher you first saw it here.
Calculus was invented for Physics.
Instantaneous Velocity
Let's use a combination of algebra, a little bit of calculus, and
graphical analysis to understand instantaneous velocity.

Look at the two position-time graphs below. What changes from

the left to the right one?

x (m) x (m)


P1 P1
Δt t (s) Δt t (s)
Instantaneous Velocity
Point P2 moved closer to the fixed point P1 as the time interval
between positions was made smaller. Note that Δx decreased.
The slope of the line connecting the two points (the average
velocity) also changed. What should we continue doing?

x (m) x (m)


P1 P1
Δt t (s) Δt t (s)
Instantaneous Velocity
Continue to decrease Δt, until P2 is infinitesimally close to P1 - just as
Δt gets infinitesimally close to zero. When we get "there," the slope
of the line at P1 is the instantaneous velocity. It is also tangent to the
position - time curve at time t1.
x (m)

t =in
x2 nge
S lop

x1 P1
t (s)
t1 t2
Instantaneous Velocity
The instantaneous velocity is the limit of the average velocity as
the time interval approaches zero; it equals the instantaneous
rate of change of position with time.

x (m)

t =in
x2 nge
S lop

x1 P1
t (s)
t1 t2
Instantaneous Velocity
The average velocity equation was used as Δt kept decreasing until
it almost hit zero, at which point the instantaneous velocity of the
particle was found. We call that a "limit," as follows:

Instantaneous velocity is labeled vx, and the dx/dt term is called the
"derivative of x with respect to t."

The derivative of a graphed function is also the slope of the tangent

line to the function at that point.

The derivative of the position is the velocity.

Your calculus course will cover this in more depth.

Instantaneous Velocity Notation Convention
Since we assume that the time interval Δt is positive, vx has the
same algebraic sign as Δx.

For example, a positive vx means that x is increasing and the

motion is toward the right. Whereas a negative v x means x is
decreasing and the motion is toward the left.

Instantaneous velocity is a vector quantity like average velocity.

To show instantaneous velocity along the x axis, use v x.

17Explain how instantaneous velocity is derived by starting
with average velocity.Use algebra, graphical analysis
and a little bit of calculus in your response.

18One object has an instantaneous velocity of 5.0 m/s.
Another object has an instantaneous velocity of -5.0
m/s. Do they have the same instantaneous speed?
Explain your reasoning.

19What is the instantaneous velocity of the particle whose
motion is defined by the position - time graph at point P1?
x (m)

A. -2 m/s 5
B. -0.5 m/s
C. 0 m/s 4

D+0.5 m/s 3 (5,3)
E+2 m/s
(1,1) t (s)

20What is the instantaneous velocity of the particle whose
motion is defined by the position - time graph at point

A+2.0 m/s motion curve

B+0.5 m/s

C. 0 m/s
D. -0.5 m/s tangent line to (1,1)
E. -2.0 m/s
21If the position of a particle as a function of time is x(t)
= 2t3 + 4t2 + t + 18, what is its velocity at t = 3 s?

A. 61 m/s
B. 79 m/s

C. 97 m/s
D. 103 m/s
E. 111 m/s
22If the position of a particle as a function of time is
x(t) = 2t4 + 6t2 + 8t + 7 what is its velocity at t = 4 s?

A. 536 m/s
B. 553 m/s

C. 560 m/s
D. 568 m/s
E. 575 m/s
23If the position of a particle as a function of time is
x(t) = 4t2, what can you say about its velocity?

AThe velocity is a non zero constant.

B. The velocity increases with time.

C. The velocity is zero.

D. The velocity increases proportional to the square

of the elapsed time.

E. The velocity is in the negative direction.

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Velocity was defined as the change in position of an object over


Velocity can also change over time. This quantity is called


Like velocity, acceleration is a vector quantity.

Average Acceleration

Suppose the velocity of a particle changes from t1 to t2. The

average acceleration can be found from the change in velocity
Δvx divided by time interval Δt.

Average acceleration is defined as:

Looking at the equation, we see that the units of acceleration


Acceleration is measured in m/s2.

Average Acceleration

If a particle has an acceleration of 3 m/s2, then for every second it

travels, it increases its velocity by 3 m/s.

The units on either side of the above equality are mathematically

equivalent. But the right side more clearly reflects what is
physically happening. The left side is easier to write, so that's
what we'll use going forward.
Instantaneous Acceleration
Define instantaneous acceleration using the same
procedure that defined instantaneous velocity. The instantaneous
acceleration is the limit of the average acceleration as the time
interval approaches zero.

In this course, unless otherwise stated, acceleration will be

assumed to be constant, so average acceleration will equal
instantaneous acceleration.

From your previous physics knowledge, what common force

produces a constant acceleration?
Motion with Constant Acceleration
The gravitational force for objects near the earth's surface
produces a constant acceleration, g, where F = mg.

By assuming a constant acceleration, we can use this formula for

instantaneous acceleration:

The most simple accelerated motion is straight-line motion

with constant acceleration. It may seem strange, but this
occurs in nature quite often (like g).

Since acceleration is constant, an acceleration - time graph would

have zero slope.
Instantaneous Acceleration

Let's do a little work on the above equation to come up with

another expression for the average velocity - an expression
that will be used later in deriving one of the Kinematics

Since ax is a constant, this shows that Δvx is a linear function

with respect to time, and that the average vx can be
expressed as follows:
If you've arrived here
from a future slide,
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24A horse gallops with a constant acceleration of 3 m/s2.
Which of the following statements is true?

AThe horse's velocity remains constant.

B. The horse's position changes by 3 m every second.

C. The horse's velocity increases 3 m every second.

D. The horse's velocity increases 3 m/s every second.

E. The horse's acceleration increases 3 m/s2

every second.
25You are in a racing car and your velocity changes from 60
m/s to the right to 100 m/s to the right in 20 s.What is the
average acceleration?

A. -2 m/s2

B. -0.5 m/s2
C. 0 m/s2
D+0.5 m/s2
E+2 m/s2
26You are in a racing car and your velocity changes from
60 m/s to the right to 20 m/s to the right in 20 s.What is
the average acceleration?

A. -2 m/s2

B. -0.5 m/s2
C. 0 m/s2
D+0.5 m/s2
E+2 m/s2
27 You are in a racing car and your velocity changes from
50 m/s to the left to 10 m/s to the right in 15 s. What
is the average acceleration?

A. -4 m/s2
B. -0.25 m/s2

C. 0 m/s2
D+0.25 m/s2
E+4 m/s2
28 You are in a racing car and your velocity changes from
90 m/s to the right to 20 m/s to the right in 5 s. What
is the average acceleration?

A-0.071 m/s2

B+0.071 m/s2
C-14 m/s2
D+14 m/s2
E0 m/s2
29If the velocity of a particle as a function of time is
v(t) = t3 + 2t2 + 6t + 8, what is its acceleration at t = 5 s?

A. 95 m/s2
B. 101 m/s2

C. 109 m/s2
D. 205 m/s2
E. 213 m/s2
30If the velocity of a particle as a function of time is
v(t) = t3 - 2t2 - 6t + 9, what is its acceleration at t = 2 s?

A-12 m/s2
B. -3 m/s2

C. -2 m/s2
D. 4 m/s2
E. 12 m/s2
Finding Acceleration on a vx - t Graph
Average and instantaneous acceleration can be found on a velocity -
time graph, just like velocity was found using a position - time
graph. The slope of the line connecting two points will yield the
average acceleration, while the slope of the tangent line at P 1 will
find instantaneous acceleration.
31Using the below velocity - time graph, find the
instantaneous acceleration of the object at t = 2 s. Is
this equal to the average acceleration of the object
0 and 2 s?
v (m/s)

(4, 3)

(2, 1)
t (s)
12 34
32Using the below velocity - time graph, find the
instantaneous acceleration of the object at t = 2 s. Is
this equal to the average acceleration of the object
between 0 and 2 s?

33Using the below velocity - time graph, find the
instantaneous acceleration of the object at t = 2 s
and explain your answer.

Free Fall

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Freely Falling Bodies

Freely falling bodies are those that are subject only to the
gravitational force so they have a constant acceleration,
regardless of mass. (Fg = mg = ma, thus a = g).

Aristotle believed that heavier objects fell faster than lighter


Galileo later disagreed with Aristotle's belief, and experimented

to find the truth. His results found that the motion was
independent of weight.

The strength of gravity is constant as long as the fall height is

considerably less than the radius of the planet.
Freely Falling Bodies
The constant acceleration of a freely falling
body is called the acceleration due to
gravity. Its magnitude is represented by the
letter g.
The approximate value of g is 9.8 m/s2.

Since the value of g is dependent on the

planet, the moon and the sun have
different values of g.

Click on this paragraph to see a great

illustration of the effect of g and friction on
falling objects.

The picture to the left, shows the affect of

gravity on a falling body. The basketball
travels much faster per time interval as
34Galileo proved that objects of different masses fall with
the same acceleration.You want to demonstrate this in
class, and drop a sheet of paper at the same time as a
ball.You observe that the ball hit the ground first.What
happened?Is Galileo wrong?How would you modify
the experiment to show Galileo was really right?

35You throw a ball up in the air.Which of the following
describe the motion of the ball (assume no air friction)?
AThe magnitude of the velocity increases on the
way up.
B. The magnitude of the velocity decreases on
the way down.

C. The acceleration on the way up is less than
the acceleration on the way down.
D. The acceleration on the way up is greater than
the acceleration on the way down.
E. The acceleration on the way up is the same as
the acceleration on the way down.
Kinematics Equations

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Kinematics Equations Derivation
There are three main equations that enable us to solve
kinematics problems, assuming a constant acceleration.

We'll start with three equations:

Definition of acceleration:

Average velocity (click here to see where this was shown

First Kinematics Equation Derivation

Then set t1 = 0 and t2 be any later time t.


First Kinematics Equation

Second Kinematics Equation Derivation
Substitute the vx equation into the vx,avg equation:

Set this equal to the other vx,avg equation

After some algebra, we can arrive at position:

Second Kinematics Equation

Third Kinematics Equation Derivation
The third and final equation combines the first two, and removes
time as a variable.

Multiply through by 2ax:

Simplifying the equation results in:

Third Kinematics Equation
Kinematics Equations Summary

First Kinematics Equation

Second Kinematics Equation Third Kinematics Equation

36A car and a truck start from rest and at the same position.
They both accelerate at the same rate.The car
accelerates for twice the time as the truck.What is the
final velocity of the car compared to the truck?
AOne quarter as much.

B. Half as much.

C. The same.

D. Twice as much.

E. Four times as much.
37A car and a truck start from rest and at the same position.
They both accelerate at the same rate.The car
accelerates for twice the time as the truck.What is the
final position of the car compared to the truck?
AOne quarter as far.

B. Half as far.

C. The same.

D. Twice as far.

E. Four times as far.
38Two cars start from rest and accelerate at the same rate.
The second car accelerates for four times the distance
that the first car accelerates.What is the velocity of the
second car compared to the first car after that
AThe same.

B. Twice as fast.

C. Four times as fast.

D. Eight times as fast.

E. Sixteen times as fast.
Velocity and
Position by

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Table of
Effects of Acceleration on Graphs
These graphs represent motion with constant acceleration. The
position - time graph is a parabolic curve, while the velocity - time
graph is a straight line.

What does the acceleration - time graph look like?

x v
x Slope = vx vx

Slope = ax
Slope = v0x
t t
t v0x
Area under the Acceleration curve
The acceleration, since velocity increases in a linear fashion is
constant, is graphed below.
Compare the acceleration -
ax graph
time to the First Kinematics

Multiplying ax by t gives Δvx.

Or, the area under the

acceleration curve represents
ax the change in velociy of the
object over time t.

We're going to come back

t to this area business
0 t shortly.....
39What is the change of velocity over the time interval
0 to 8 s?

ax (m/s2)

A-24 m/s
B+24 m/s6
C-8 m/s
D+8 m/s5
E0 m/s4

t (s)
40What is the change of velocity over the time interval
4 to 8 s?

ax (m/s2)
A-24 m/s

B+24 m/s
C-12 m/s
D+12 m/s
E0 m/s 4
1 t (s)
Velocity and Position by Integration
Without constant acceleration, the three Kinematics equations
can't be used. Calculus needs to be used to move between
position, velocity and acceleration when any one of them is
expressed as a function of time.

Previously, calculus was used to go from x(t) to v(t) to a(t) by

taking derivatives:

Used when position x is a known function of time

Used when velocity vx is a known function of time
Velocity and Position by Integration

What if we had acceleration as a function of time and wanted to

find velocity and position? We want to go from a(t) to v(t) to x(t).
We're looking for an anti-derivative! Really, that's the name.

Another name for that is the integral. And it involves summing

the area underneath a curve (as was done a few slides ago).
When acceleration is constant or a linear function, it's relatively
easy - you have a geometrical shape such as a triangle or

But what if acceleration is not constant or linear?

Velocity and Position by Integration
Let's begin with a look at the graph of a particle with non-constant and
non-linear acceleration.

When acceleration was

constant, we found the
change in velocity by finding
the area of a rectangle - that
was the shape under the
curve describing a(t).

Is there a simple shape that

can be used to find the area
under the curve to the left
from 0 to 3 s?
Velocity and Position by Integration
No. You can't even build that shape from adding a triangle to a
rectangle. It's a curve.

But, we know the area of

rectangles - just base times
height. That's going to be
the trick we use.

How? See if you can come

up with a proposal before
going to the next page.
Velocity and Position by Integration

Draw a number of rectangles,
all with the same width (Δt),
and with a height so that the
left edge of the rectangle hits
the curve (either the middle or
right edge could've been
chosen - it just has to be

Then take the area of each

rectangle - all that changes is
the height.
t1 Δt t2
Velocity and Position by Integration

That gets us pretty close to
the area under the curve.

But for this curve, the

rectangles don't include all of
the area. If this curve would
have turned down (negative
slope), then some rectangles
ax,avg would include an area above
the curve.
t1 Δt t2 How could it be made more
Velocity and Position by Integration

By decreasing the width of

ax each rectangle - shrinking the
value of Δt - back to Newton
and his concept of a zero time

As Δt gets infinitesimally close

to zero, then the rectangles
become vertical lines that
"sample" the curve, and by
ax,avg adding the areas of each
vertical line, the exact area
under the curve is found.
t1 Δt t2
This is the Integration part of
Velocity and Position by Integration

Each one of these rectangles

has a width of Δt and a height
of an (which is different for each
rectangle). They represent the
change of velocity during each
Δt. To find the area of each
rectangle, use the equation:
Δvn = anΔt.
The total velocity change is
represented by the total
area under the curve between
t1 Δt t2 vertical lines t1 and t2.
Velocity and Position by Integration
As the Δt intervals decrease in size and increase in number, the
average acceleration approaches the instantaneous acceleration at
a specific time. When this limit is reached, the area under the curve
is the integral of ax(t) over time, or the change in velocity. an(t) is
the value of ax(t) for each little rectangle when it intersects the
acceleration curve.

The formal equation for this area is represented as shown - and this
equals the change in velocity for the time interval t1x to t2x.

Fun observation - the integral represents an infinite SUM,

and the integral sign looks like a stretched out S.
Velocity and Position by Integration

We can use the same procedure to find total displacement if we

know the velocity as a function of time. Here's the result:
Velocity and Position by Integration
These equations can be rewritten for an initial position of x0,
and an initial velocity of v0x, and t1x = 0, which unless other
specified, may be assumed.

This equation can be used if

acceleration ax as a function of t is

This equation can be used if velocity vx as a

function of t is known.
Acceleration, Velocity, and Position by
Integration and Differentiation



41An object starts at an initial position of x0 = 0 m.Its velocity
as a function of time is v(t) = 3t2 + 2t + 6.What is its
position at t = 4 s?

A. 26 m

B. 62 m
C. 80 m
D. 96 m
E. 104 m
42A particle starts at rest at x0 = 0 m.If its acceleration as a
function of time is a(t) = 12t + 6, what is the velocity
and position of the particle at t = 3 s?

A54 m/s;18 m

B18 m/s;54 m
C54 m/s;54 m
D72 m/s;81 m
E81 m/s;72 m
Graph Interpret

Return to
Table of
First Derivative of Position

The Position of an object is not

C always simply described by a
formula. Life would be very boring if
D that were true!
E t
B By plotting position vrs. time, values
of velocity and acceleration can be
found by analyzing the behavior of
the graph. This requires calculus.

The slope at any point gives the instantaneous velocity,

or the first derivative of x with respect to t .
Second Derivative of Position

Since and

Acceleration equals the second derivative of x with respect to t :

The second derivative is relative to the concavity (curvature)

of a graph. Your calculus course will cover this in more detail, but it
will be summarized on the next slide.
Second Derivative of Position

The slope of the curve on a position time graph gives us the

velocity (positive slope = positive velocity, negative slope =
negative velocity).

The concavity gives us information about the acceleration :

Concave up - acceleration greater than zero

Concave down- acceleration less than zero

Zero curvature - acceleration equals zero

Position Time Graph Interpretation
x-t graph Motion of Particle
x A
positive slope, moving in +x direction ,
concave up, speeding up
vx > 0, ax > 0
C positive slope, moving in +x direction ,
B zero curvature, no change in speed
D vx > 0, ax = 0

E t zero slope, instantaneously at rest ,

B C concave down, velocity changing from
vx = 0, ax < 0 + to -
negative slope, moving in -x direction,
D zero curvature, no change in speed
vx < 0, ax = 0
A negative slope, moving in -x direction,
E concave up, slowing down
vx < 0, ax > 0
43At which points is the acceleration of the object 0 m/s2?

AA and B x

BA and D

CC and E E
DC and D t

EA and C C
44At which points is the velocity of the object 0 m/s?

AA and B x

BA and D

CC and E E
DC and D t

EA and C C
45Describe the motion of the object at point B completely -
include its position, velocity and acceleration.

46Describe the motion of the object at point C completely -
include its position, velocity and acceleration.

47Describe the motion of the object at point D completely -
include its position, velocity and acceleration.

48A student in a physics lab uses a battery powered lab car
that has a pen attached that marks its position on a roll
of tape as it moves.The pen makes a mark every one
second.The results are tabulated below.Is the car moving
with a constant acceleration?Explain what
technique you used to answer the question.

t(s) x(m)

0 0

1 0.5

2 2.0

3 4.5

4 8.0

5 12.5

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