Group 6 - pmg320 Assignment 2

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Second Group Project on Hybrid, Adaptive and Agile


Group Members: Juliet Branch, Siarra Foster, Monique Hawthorne, Samuel Johnson, Aida Mehnert, Dylan Render, Sarah Stewart
Key Assumptions

1. The team will be divided by a variety of expertise; there is specialization in fields such as
social media and digital marketing, news media, artificial intelligence, programming,
engineering and more.

2. API integration is necessary for the use of multiple media platforms as well as successfully
integrating an AI component.

3. The project will be tested and presented to the Sponsor in incremental phases.

4. The timeline for this project is six months.

5. Estimating the budget for this project requires careful consideration of development team
costs, technology, infrastructure expenses, and ongoing maintenance and testing to ensure
project success
Suitability Spreadsheet
Culture Explained
Buy-In: The Sponsor of this project is available to be involved in decisions on functions, requirements, and in
discussing and selecting from any variety of options, but feels it is unnecessary to be involved in handling every
detail. The complexity and delicacy of the project, with an included AI function and the inclusion of multiple
application platforms makes the buy-in of this project extremely important. While our Sponsor already seeks
involvement, this only makes the team’s knowledge, consistency, and dedication to the project even more prevalent.

Trust: The buy-in connects directly to the trust that the stakeholders have. The team is highly experienced, reducing
risk and therefore ideally increasing trust. The Sponsor clearly holds trust as they are willing to let the team make
most decisions independently. However, the team should always keep a focus in maintaining trust by providing
ample communication, being fully aware of even seemingly minor details of the project, and by also maintaining
trust in each other. As there are team members who specialize in areas such as AI, social media, marketing, and
more, communication between these will benefit the cohesivity and level of trust within the team and with the

Decision-Making: Most of the decisions with how the project itself will be completed is left to the team. However,
any consultations regarding issues or foundational elements of the project, however, should be discussed with the
Sponsor. This not only reflects the skill and knowledge of the team completing this project, but the trust that the
Sponsor holds in the team and its’ capabilities.
Team Explained
Team Size: : The project team comprises members with diverse skills and expertise, spanning areas such as
software development, artificial intelligence, data scraping, security, and more. Given the project’s complexity
and the necessity for a broad spectrum of skills, an ideal team falls within the range of 10 to 15 members, each
fulfilling distinct roles and responsibilities. This balanced team size will facilitate effective and efficient
collaboration, enabling seamless resource allocation across the team.

Experience: This project demands an assembly of exceptionally skilled individuals. As outlined, every team
member obtains an extensive track record of expertise within their specialized domains. Given the project’s
critical importance, a certain level of risk is inevitable, but it is best managed through a team possessing an
advanced skill set in their respective areas. This heightened level of proficiency will bolster the project’s
stability and empower us with superior control when navigating potential challenges. The transformative
potential of this project in revolutionizing the Sponsor’s approach to marketing and global information sharing
necessitates nothing less than top-tier talent and contractors.

Access: Team members will have complete access to the Sponsor at any given time. This reflects the Sponsor’s
commitment to transparency, collaboration, and open communication. However, it’s important to note that the
Sponsor has a preference for receiving updates primarily on matters critical to the decision-making process.
This approach enables us to leverage their expertise at pivotal points in the project. For example, they have
indicated their readiness to provide consultation regarding essential elements such as functionality issues,
requirements, and available options.
Project Explained
Delivery: This project will be developed with a focus both on time and cost efficiency while ensuring effectiveness in
achieving its goals. The project will be accessible to the public via Global App stores, such as Apple’s App Store and
Google Play once it has been completely developed. We will run advertisements across different social media
platforms to ensure that our project is well known and people can access it with ease. Throughout the development
process, we will implement individualized sprints for each media category we intend to incorporate. This approach
will enable us to create and monitor systems tailored specifically for social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.
Additionally, it will facilitate the development of similar systems for other platforms.

Criticality: In order to ensure that the project is completed in alignment with the assigned timeline, we need to
minimize the amount of time, money, and other resources that are spent with risk of error. Ensuring we test for errors
and making sure progress occurs as it should is crucial to make sure that stakeholders are satisfied, so that we have the
necessary funding to complete the project. Some ways to maximize efficiency can include monitoring staff’s activity
on computers and providing incentives for those who make sufficient progress on the project at the end of each day or
week. These are just a few strategies that can be utilized to ensure the project is completed in the most efficient
timeline possible.

Changes: Staying up-to-date is crucial to the success of this project, through regular updates to ensure the alignment
with the system and real world social media/news platforms. As the volume of information increases, the need for an
expansion of databases equipped to store growing data will be required. Furthermore, to ensure optimal performance as
new technical advancements are made they will have to be adopted by the system in order to maintain ongoing
PMI Suitability Chart
Project Approach
Based on the information gathered, the ideal approach for this project is Agile. The project is subject to change and requires
adaptability and flexibility throughout its development. It will also benefit from an incremental approach, as the overall project
has multiple forms of media implementation. Putting smaller, specialized teams together and allotting time to plan, design, and
build each part and then build a cohesive model will produce an idealized end product. This also allows for ample
communication with the Sponsor. As each team member is highly experienced in their field, they can analyze their portion of
the project with their teammates and the Sponsor to create the exact vision sought.

In addition to flexibility, the Agile approach allows for changes and adjustments as the project progresses, allowing
sponsors to make decisions based on real-time feedback and reinforcing the already established ample communication.
Utilizing incremental development and delivery allows functionality to be tested, aligning with the desired sponsorship
involvement. Should sponsors decide to make adjustments or require additional testing for unforeseen circumstances, this can
happen without disrupting previous work, allowing controlled testing at every stage and sprint. Given our short timeline, this is
crucial for successful turnover.

Our testing will include utilizing prototypes, allowing us to test functionality and quickly get pieces of our platform into
consumers' hands. This will enable us to test various project components and get real-time consumer feedback. Considering our
sponsorship involvement and the project's scope, this will help us develop and ensure we are on track with the vision. This also
allows us to release the platform in stages and generate additional capital, market excitement, and potential sponsorship
Participation Log
Our group chose to meet live online every Tuesday at 5:30p CST. Following this, we
completed progress checks every Friday. This allowed us to discuss the work we
needed to complete as well as to ensure we all had the same understanding. The
progress checks simply provided a focus on task completion.
We were successful in participating cohesively, collaboratively, and on time each
week as a whole group.

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