Sci7 - Ch1 - L2 - Scientific Method

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Intended Learning
1. Define the scientific method and scientific attitude;
2. Identify the steps involved in the scientific method
3. Explain the importance of having a scientific
attitude in conducting scientific investigations
Scientific Method
Scientific Method
 involves a series of steps
that are used to investigate a
natural occurrence.
Steps in Scientific Method
1. Problem/Question:
Develop a question or
problem that can be solved
through experimentation.
Steps in Scientific Method
2. Observation/Research:
Make observations and
research your topic of
interest. Gather information
or data.
Steps in Scientific Method
2. Observation/Research:
Steps in Scientific Method
3. Formulate a hypothesis

Predict a possible answer to

the problem or question.
Steps in Scientific Method
4. Experiment:
Develop and follow a
procedure. Include a detailed
materials list.
Steps in Scientific Method
4. Experiment:

The outcome must be

measurable (quantifiable).
Steps in Scientific Method
5. Collect and Analyze Results:

Modify procedure if
needed. Confirm the results
by retesting.
Steps in Scientific Method
5. Collect and Analyze Results:

Includes tables, graphs,

and photographs.
Steps in Scientific Method
6. Conclusion
Include a statement that
accepts or rejects the
Steps in Scientific Method
6. Conclusion
Make recommendations
for further study and
possible improvements to the
Steps in Scientific Method
7. Communicate the Results:
Be prepared to present
the project to an audience.
Expect questions from the
Now try solving this simple problem
by applying scientific method. Suppose you
found a dead mouse in your backyard.
Solve the mystery on the cause of death of
the mouse.

Page 5

Will It Mix?
Pages 6-8
Materials That You Need
Small softdrink bottle with cap


Food coloring

2 tbsp of cooking oil

Plastic spoon
Task 1
Half-fill the soft drink bottle with
tap water, and then add a few drop of
food coloring. Shake it until the color
of the water is uniform.
Task 2
What do you think will happen if
oil is added to the water. Write your
Task 3
Scoop a spoonful of oil using
plastic spoon. Slowly add it to the
colored water. Shake it vigorously
until the oil mixes with water.
Task 4
Put the bottle back
down and let the content
settle for 30 seconds. Draw
in the box on page 7 the
appearance of the oil and
water inside the bottle.
Label them.
Task 5
Carefully observe your set-up.
Did the water and oil mix? Where is
the oil? Where is the water?
Task 6
Now, think of a way on how the
water and the oil inside the bottle will
mix. Write your plan.
Task 7
What happened to the water and
the oil? Draw and label the
appearance of water and the oil in the
Task 8
Based on the result, did the oil
and the water mix? What conclusion
can you form out of it?
Task 9
Do you help your mother in
washing dishes? How will you apply
what you have learned from this
activity in washing dishes?

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