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Topics to be covered

▪ Structure of Relational Database

▪ Domain
▪ Keys of relations
▪ Relational Algebra
▪ Implementing Relational Algebra using SQL
▪ Set Operators
▪ Sub queries
Arity = No. of • Attribute = Column Name
Columns = 3 • 2 attribute in same relation
(table) can't have same name

Total No. of
Tuples = Set of
Cardinality permitted
of relation values for that
attribute =
Row =
Record =
• Predefined row/column
format for storing
• Relation = Table
▪ Super Key
• A super key is a set of one or more attributes whose values
uniquely identifies each record within a relation.

Super Key (EnrollNo) Super Key (RollNo, Branch, Semester)

EnrollNo RollNo Name Branch Semester SPI BackLog

6662030701 101 Pritesh CE 3 8 0
6662030702 102 Vaibhav CE 3 7 0
6662030601 101 Mihir CI 3 8 0
6662030602 102 Darshan CI 3 6 1
5662030701 101 Priya CE 5 8 0
5662030702 102 Shreya CE 5 7 1
5662030601 101 Niddhi CI 5 7 1
▪ Candidate Key
• A candidate is a subset of a super key.
• A candidate key is the least combination of attribute that uniquely
identifies each record in the table.
• The least combination of fields distinguishes a candidate key from
a super key.
▪ Candidate Key What is the difference between
super key and candidate key??

Candidate Key
(RollNo, Branch, Semester)

EnrollNo RollNo Name Branch Semester SPI BackLog

6662030701 101 Pritesh CE 3 8 0
6662030702 102 Vaibhav CE 3 7 0
6662030601 101 Mihir CI 3 8 0
6662030602 102 Darshan CI 3 6 1
5662030701 101 Priya CE 5 8 0
5662030702 102 Shreya CE 5 7 1
5662030601 101 Niddhi CI 5 7 1
▪ Super Key V/S Candidate Key
EnrollNo alone works as a
super key??
Answer is Yes
Super Key So (EnrollNo, Branch) is super
(EnrollNo, Branch) key but not candidate key.

EnrollNo RollNo Name Branch Semester SPI BackLog

6662030701 101 Pritesh CE 3 8 0
6662030702 102 Vaibhav CE 3 7 0
6662030601 101 Mihir CI 3 8 0
6662030602 102 Darshan CI 3 6 1
5662030701 101 Priya CE 5 8 0
5662030702 102 Shreya CE 5 7 1
5662030601 101 Niddhi CI 5 7 1
▪ Super Key V/S Candidate Key
RollNo and Branch alone works
Super Key
as a super key??
(RollNo, Branch, Semester)
Answer is No

EnrollNo RollNo Name Branch Semester SPI BackLog

6662030701 101 Pritesh CE 3 8 0
6662030702 102 Vaibhav CE 3 7 0
6662030601 101 Mihir CI 3 8 0
6662030602 102 Darshan CI 3 6 1
5662030701 101 Priya CE 5 8 0
5662030702 102 Shreya CE 5 7 1
5662030601 101 Niddhi CI 5 7 1
▪ Super Key V/S Candidate Key
RollNo and Semester alone
Super Key
works as a super key??
(RollNo, Branch, Semester)
Answer is No

EnrollNo RollNo Name Branch Semester SPI BackLog

6662030701 101 Pritesh CE 3 8 0
6662030702 102 Vaibhav CE 3 7 0
6662030601 101 Mihir CI 3 8 0
6662030602 102 Darshan CI 3 6 1
5662030701 101 Priya CE 5 8 0
5662030702 102 Shreya CE 5 7 1
5662030601 101 Niddhi CI 5 7 1
▪ Super Key V/S Candidate Key
Branch and Semester alone
Super Key
works as a super key??
(RollNo, Branch, Semester)
Answer is No

EnrollNo RollNo Name Branch Semester SPI BackLog

6662030701 101 Pritesh CE 3 8 0
6662030702 102 Vaibhav CE 3 7 0
6662030601 101 Mihir CI 3 8 0
6662030602 102 Darshan CI 3 6 1
5662030701 101 Priya CE 5 8 0
5662030702 102 Shreya CE 5 7 1
5662030601 101 Niddhi CI 5 7 1
▪ Super Key V/S Candidate Key
(RollNo, Branch, Semester) is
Super Key super key as well as candidate
(RollNo, Branch, Semester) key.

EnrollNo RollNo Name Branch Semester SPI BackLog

6662030701 101 Pritesh CE 3 8 0
6662030702 102 Vaibhav CE 3 7 0
6662030601 101 Mihir CI 3 8 0
6662030602 102 Darshan CI 3 6 1
5662030701 101 Priya CE 5 8 0
5662030702 102 Shreya CE 5 7 1
5662030601 101 Niddhi CI 5 7 1
▪ Primary key
• A Primary key is chosen by database designer to identify tuples
uniquely in a relation.
▪ Alternate key
• If any table have more than one candidate key, then after choosing
primary key from those candidate key, rest of candidate keys are
known as an alternate key of that table.
▪ Primary Key V/S Alternate Key

Primary KeyKey Candidate Key
Alternate Key
EnrollNo (RollNo, Branch, Semester)

EnrollNo RollNo Name Branch Semester SPI BackLog

6662030701 101 Pritesh CE 3 8 0
6662030702 102 Vaibhav CE 3 7 0
6662030601 101 Mihir CI 3 8 0
6662030602 102 Darshan CI 3 6 1
5662030701 101 Priya CE 5 8 0
5662030702 102 Shreya CE 5 7 1
5662030601 101 Niddhi CI 5 7 1
▪ Foreign key
• A foreign key is a set of one or more attributes whose values are
derived from the primary key attribute of another relation.
Stu_ID RollNo Name Branch Semester SPI BackLog
1 101 Pritesh CE 3 9 0
2 102 Vaibhav CI 3 8 0
3 101 Nidhi CE 5 7 1
4 105 Shyam CI 5 8 2

Fac_ID Stu_ID Fac_SN Fac_Name Branch

1 1 501 Akash CE
2 2 502 Mohit CI
3 4 504 Nitin CE
4 1 515 Harnish CI
Relational algebra operation
▪ It is a language for expressing relational database queries.
▪ It is a procedural query language.
▪ Operations are as below;
1. Selection
2. Projection
3. Division
4. Cartesian product / Cross product
5. Rename
6. Set Operations
• Union
• Intersection
• Difference / Minus
Selection operation
▪ Retrieve one or more than one row/s (tuples) that satisfies the
condition/s with all columns (attribute)
▪ Symbol : σ (Sigma)
▪ Notation : σ(condition) <Table name>
▪ Operators:
• =,!=, <,>,<=,>=, Λ(AND), ∨(OR)
▪ Example: Student

Stu_I Stu_RollNo Name Departmen

D t
1 101 Ram Computer
2 105 Param IT
3 208 Krishti Computer
4 106 Balram Electrical
Selection operation example
▪ Find out the list of students from the following table who have
department = “Computer”
Stu_I Stu_RollNo Name Departmen
D t
1 101 Ram Computer
2 105 Param IT
3 208 Krishti Computer
▪ σDepartment=“Computer” 4(Student)
106 Balram Electrical

▪ Output:

Stu_I Stu_RollNo Name Departmen

D t
1 101 Ram Computer
3 208 Krishti Computer
Projection operation
▪ Retrieve one or more than one column/s (attribute) that satisfies
the condition/s with all rows (tuples)
▪ Symbol : ∏ (Pi)
▪ Notation : ∏ (column name) <Table Name>
▪ Example: Student

Stu_I Stu_RollNo Name Departmen

D t
1 101 Ram Computer
2 105 Param IT
3 208 Krishti Computer
4 106 Balram Electrical
Projection operation example
▪ List all the student’s name and department

Stu_I Stu_RollNo Name Departmen

D t
1 101 Ram Computer
2 105 Param IT
3 208 Krishti Computer

▪ ∏Name, Department (Student)

4 106 Balram Electrical

▪ Output:
Name Departmen
Ram Computer
Param IT
Krishti Computer
Balram Electrical
Combined Projection & Selection Operation
▪ Example: Display rollno, name & department of “CE” department
students. RollNo Name Department SPI
101 Raj CE 8
Student 102 Meet ME 9
103 Harsh EE 8
104 Punit CE 9
∏ RollNo, Name, Department (σ Department=‘CE’ (Student) )
RollNo Name Department SPI
101 Raj CE 8
104 Punit CE 9

RollNo Name Branch

Output-2 101 Raj CE
104 Punit CE
Combined Projection & Selection Operation
▪ Example: Display rollno and name of “CE” department students.
RollNo Name Department SPI
101 Raj CE 8
Student 102 Meet ME 9
103 Harsh EE 8
104 Punit CE 9
σ Department=‘CE’ (∏ RollNo, Name(Student) )
RollNo Name
Where is branch column to
101 Raj check condition??
102 Meet
103 Harsh So we can’t use selection left
104 Punit side and projection right side.
Division Operator
▪ Symbol: ÷
▪ Notation: Relation1 ÷ Relation2
▪ Operation: Produce the tuples in Relation1, that match all tuples
in Relation2.
Division Operator Examples

1 B
2 B

A A/ A/ A/
B1 B2 B3
Cartesian product / Cross product
▪ Combines information of two tables
▪ It will multiply each row(tuples) of first table(relation) to each
row(tuples) of second table(relation).
▪ Symbol : X (Cross)
▪ Notation : Relation1 X Relation2
▪ Resultant Relation:
1. Relation1 have n1 attribute and Relation2 have n2 attribute then
resultant relation will have n1+n2 attribute.
2. Relation1 have n1 tuples and Relation2 have n2 tuples then
resultant relation will have n1*n2 tuples.
3. If both relations have some attribute with same name, then it
will be distinguished by relation1.attribute and
Cartesian product example
Student Faculty
Stu_I Stu_RollN Name Department Fac_I Fac_Nam Department
D o D e
1 101 Ram Computer 1 Nitin Computer
2 105 Param IT 2 Chintan IT
Student X Faculty
Stu_I Stu_RollN Name Departmen Fac_I Fac_Nam Faculty.Deparmtn
D o t D e et
1 101 Ram Computer 1 Nitin Computer
1 101 Ram Computer 2 Chintan IT
2 105 Param IT 1 Nitin Computer
2 105 Param IT 2 Chintan IT
Set Operators
▪ Operation: All of these operations take two input relations, which
must be union - compatible:
1. Both relations have same (equal) number of columns

RollN Name Branch SPI EmpN Name Branc

o o h
101 Raj CE 8 101 Patel CE
102 Meet CE 7 102 Shah CE
103 Neel ME 9 103 Ghos EE
RollN Name Branch SPI EmpN Name Branch Exp
o o
101 Raj CE 8 101 Raj CE 8
102 Meet CE 7 102 Meet CE 1
103 Neel ME 9 103 Ghos EE 9
Set Operators
▪ Operation: All of these operations take two input relations, which
must be union - compatible:
2. Attributes domain must be compatible

RollN Name Branch SPI EmpN Name Branch Subjec

o o t
101 Raj CE 8 101 Raj CE DBMS
102 Meet CE 7 102 Meet CE DS
103 Neel ME 9 103 Ghos EE EEM
RollN Name Branch SPI EmpN Name Branch Exp
o o
101 Raj CE 8 101 Raj CE 8
102 Meet CE 7 102 Meet CE 1
103 Neel ME 9 103 Ghos EE 9
Union operator
▪ Symbol: U
▪ Notation: Relation1 U Relation2
▪ Operation: Combine the records from two or more tables (sets) in
to a single table (set), without duplicates.

Student U Faculty
Student Faculty Suresh
Raj Nitin Meet
Suresh Raj Nitin
Meet Akash Akash
Intersect operator
▪ Symbol: ∩ (Intersection)
▪ Notation: Relation1 ∩ Relation2
▪ Operation: Returns the records which are common from both

Student Faculty Student ∩ Faculty

Raj Nitin Raj
Suresh Raj
Meet Akash
Minus/Difference Operator
▪ Symbol: −
▪ Notation: Relation1 − Relation2
▪ Operation: Returns all the records from first (left) relation that are
not contained in the second relation.

Student Faculty Student – Faculty –

Raj Nitin Faculty Student
Raj Suresh Nitin
Meet Akash
Meet Akash
Rename Operator
▪ Symbol: ρ (Rho)
▪ Notation: ρA (X1,X2….Xn) (Relation)
▪ Operation: It is used to rename a relation or attributes.
Rn Name CP
Student o I
101 Raj 8
102 Meet 9
▪ Find out maximum CPI from student 103 Sures 7
∏CPI (Student) — ∏A.CPI (σ A.CPI<B.CPI (ρA h(Student) X ρB (Student)))
Rename Operator
▪ Example: Student Rn Name CP
o I

ρA (Student) X ρB (Student) 101 Raj 8

102 Meet 9
103 Sures 7
A.Rno A.Name A.CPI B.Rno B.Nameh B.CPI
101 Raj 8 101 Raj 8
101 Raj 8 102 Meet 9
101 Raj 8 103 Suresh 7
102 Meet 9 101 Raj 8
102 Meet 9 102 Meet 9
102 Meet 9 103 Suresh 7
103 Suresh 7 101 Raj 8
103 Suresh 7 102 Meet 9
103 Suresh 7 103 Suresh 7
Rename Operator
▪ Example: Student

σ A.CPI<B.CPI (ρ (Student) X ρ (Student))


A.Rno A.Name A.CPI B.Rno B.Name B.CPI

101 Raj 8 101 Raj 8
101 Raj 8 102 Meet 9
101 Raj 8 103 Suresh 7
102 Meet 9 101 Raj 8
102 Meet 9 102 Meet 9
102 Meet 9 103 Suresh 7
103 Suresh 7 101 Raj 8
103 Suresh 7 102 Meet 9
103 Suresh 7 103 Suresh 7
Rename Operator
▪ Example: Student

σ A.CPI<B.CPI (ρ (Student) X ρ (Student))


A.Rno A.Name A.CPI B.Rno B.Name B.CPI

101 Raj 8 101 Raj 8
101 Raj 8 102 Meet 9
101 Raj 8 103 Suresh 7
102 Meet 9 101 Raj 8
102 Meet 9 102 Meet 9
102 Meet 9 103 Suresh 7
103 Suresh 7 101 Raj 8
103 Suresh 7 102 Meet 9
103 Suresh 7 103 Suresh 7
Rename Operator
▪ Example: Student

σ A.CPI<B.CPI(ρA (Student) X ρB (Student))

A.Rno A.Name A.CPI B.Rno B.Name B.CPI
101 Raj 8 102 Meet 9
103 Suresh 7 101 Raj 8
103 Suresh 7 102 Meet 9
Rename Operator
▪ Example: Student

∏A.CPI (σ A.CPI<B.CPI (ρ (Student) X ρ (Student)))


A.Rno A.Name A.CPI B.Rno B.Name B.CPI

101 Raj 8 102 Meet 9
103 Suresh 7 101 Raj 8
103 Suresh 7 102 Meet 9
Rename Operator
▪ Example: Student

∏A.CPI (σ A.CPI<B.CPI (ρ (Student) X ρ (Student)))


Rename Operator
▪ Example: Student

∏CPI (Student) ─ ∏A.CPI (σ A.CPI<B.CPI (ρA (Student) X ρB (Student)))


8 8 9
— =
9 7
Sub Query
▪ Query in a query.
▪ Sub query is usually added in a where clause.
▪ We will use sub query when we want to search some data using
select query but we don’t know the exact value from data.
▪ Types of sub query,
1. Single row sub query
2. Multiple row sub query
3. Correlated sub query
Single row sub query
▪ Returns 0 or 1 row
▪ Can be used with <,>,<=,>= etc operators.
▪ Example: Find out the name of staff whose salary is maximum.

select staff_name from

where staff_salary=(select max(staff_salary) from staff);

Single row sub query

Multiple row sub query
▪ Returns one or more rows
▪ Can be used with IN, NOT IN, ANY, ALL etc operators.
▪ Example: Find out the name of staff who are from “Computer”
department using sub query.

WHERE dep_id IN
(SELECT dep_id FROM department where dep_id='2');

Multiple row sub query

Correlated sub query
▪ If a sub query references columns in the parent query.
▪ This makes it impossible to evaluate the sub query before
evaluating the parent query.
▪ Example: Find out the name of staff who earn less salary then
average salary.

SELECT staff_name FROM

WHERE staff_salary <
(select avg(staff_salary) from staff);

Correlated sub query

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