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Presented by -

Meesam Abbas

Objective Design Participants

1 According to Cancer research UK, when abnormal cells divide in uncontrollable
way then it is called cancer.

2 There were estimated 18.1 millioncancer cases around the world

in 2020.

3 Among women, breast Cancer is the most common cancer contributing 25.8% of
the 8.8 million cancer cases in women.

4 Breast cancer is a disease in which the cells in the breast grow out of control..

5 Today one in every twenty-two women in urban and six women in rural India is
at risk of developing breast cancer.
Study design
This study uses a descriptive cross-sectional study.

The study used Convenience Sampling to collect the data. 101 individuals were
considered for the study. All females above 20 years of age and below 75 years
of age residing in India were included.
Data Collection
• Primary data about awareness and
knowledge of breast cancer among women
collected in online mode using google form.
• The secondary data on conventional
therapies and novel technologies in
management of breast cancer collected
from research articles available on google
scholar and PubMed

Data Analysis
Primary data collected on knowledge,
awareness and perception of breast cancer was
analysed by Microsoft Excel. Descriptive/
inferential statistics was carried.
Among the sample taken of 101 individuals 72.3% were
aware about the risk factors of breast cancer whereas 27.7%
were either not aware of breast cancer or risk factors of breast
The study found that 72% of respondents were aware of breast cancer
risk factors, including diet-related factors, gender, and obesity (71%, 68%,
and 57% awareness, respectively). Breast self-examination was the most
prevalent early detection method (83% awareness), while other methods
had lower awareness levels. Symptoms such as breast pain, skin changes,
painless lumps, and nipple retraction were widely recognized. Treatment
options like chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy were highly known.
Married women had higher awareness of risk factors (74%) than
unmarried women (70%). Younger and middle-aged women showed
greater awareness (85%), and urban respondents had higher awareness
(78%) compared to rural respondents (52%). Education level and socio-
economic status positively influenced awareness.

Women had poor understanding of breast cancer
warning signs and risk factors. This could lead to
community-based breast cancer screening being
delayed. As a result, the study recommends lobbying
and a bigger intervention to improve breast cancer
awareness among women in India, with a special
focus on women with poor education.
Living Place of Sample

Age distribution of Sample

68% aware 32% unaware

Knowledge about the risk factors of the breast cancer Knowledge about any Breast Cancer Symptoms

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