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l S ci en ce 11


i t h S i r Ma r k
The Human Person as
an Embodied Spirit

Sir Mark Anthony T. Galan PHILOSOPHY

• Our body is not the only thing that defines us.
• “hopeful, happy, or friendly”
• SPIRIT – enables us to exercise thought, possess awareness,
interiority, and the capacity to reach out to the outside world and
other persons.

Sir Mark Anthony T. Galan PHILOSOPHY

The Human Person as an
Embodied Spirit
• Not only are the body and spirit united, but they are also
integrated with each other. This means that we cannot
separate the two and they should go hand-in-hand in
making us who we are.
• EMBODIMENT enables us to do and experience all
the things that make us human persons.

Sir Mark Anthony T. Galan PHILOSOPHY

• Many believe that the HEART is the center of feelings of
love and affection.
• SCIENTIST – result of various biological reactions
associated with an increase in hormones.
• HYPOTHALAMUS – responsible for the feelings.

Sir Mark Anthony T. Galan PHILOSOPHY

Embodiment, therefore, is the one thing that
enables us to feel love and love of others.
• Our experience is also a product of embodiment.

The human body also stands as the mediator

between the material world and the spiritual
• Being an embodied spirit, the person is able to encounter
the world of objects in a manner that transcends the
Sir Mark Anthony T. Galan PHILOSOPHY
With human embodiment, physical acts are
no longer purely physical acts, because the
body conveys something from a person’s
inner world.

Sir Mark Anthony T. Galan PHILOSOPHY

These examples show that it is through
embodiment that a person is able to
have a very unique relationship to the
world. And it is this unique relationship
that defines us as humans.

Sir Mark Anthony T. Galan PHILOSOPHY

How does my human nature
enable me to explore my limits?
• It can be said that the human person is a very
biologically deficient being.

• TRANSCENDENCE – is the ability to surpass our limits.

Sir Mark Anthony T. Galan PHILOSOPHY

Try to ask yourself these questions:

1. Have you ever wondered about what is beyond our

world or universe?
2. Have you ever wanted to become better at something or
to learn something new?
3. Do you see yourself becoming a better person over
4. Have you ever imagined a life that is better than what
you are living now?

Sir Mark Anthony T. Galan PHILOSOPHY

Our mind is an important tool that allows us
to go beyond many of our physical limits.

Sir Mark Anthony T. Galan PHILOSOPHY

Although we have physical limitations, we
can transcend them because of our
spiritual dimensions. Being physically
limited in our abilities does not prevent us
from hoping for or aspiring grater things.

Sir Mark Anthony T. Galan PHILOSOPHY

Thank you so

Sir Mark Anthony T. Galan PHILOSOPHY

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