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Al-Andalus Secondary School

Department of English Language

Mission: Organizing learning opportunities in order to develop knowledge and skills according to national values and
Vision: Leadership in providing high quality learning opportunities.
Monday, 29 May, Speaking-Language Function
Hamad: “I am so stressed I can’t even sleep.”
Ahmed: ………………………………………………….
1. Which of the following responses best fits the above space?
A. Oh, dear!
B. I suppose not
C. I don’t think so
D. Come on! Let’s do it.

Ahmed: “I have a terrible toothache.”

Ali: “You should see a doctor.”

2. Which of the following functions is BEST expressed by the above

underlined sentence?
A. regret
B. advice
C. criticism
D. preference
Monday, 29 May,
2023 Speaking PE
Ahmed: “Have you thought about joining a gym”?
Ali: “………………………………………………………...”

3. Which of the following sentences BEST completes the above conversation?

A. I didn’t know that.
B. I managed to solve it.
C. It wasn’t really my idea.
D. Do you think that would work?

Salma: “I can’t walk up the stairs carrying two heavy bags”?

Rashid: “Would like me to carry one for you.”

4. Which of the following functions is BEST expressed by the above underlined sentence?
A. offer
B. rejection
C. approval
D. permission
Monday, 29 May,
2023 Reading
1 Living peacefully, Sara and her family enjoyed their house with its wonderful garden that was full of different kinds of flowers and plants.
They had the advantage of breathing fresh air that was coming from the seaside. Their life was great and everything had been perfect.

2 Three years later and because financial problems, Sara’s family decided to move to a new house. Finally, Sara’s father could find a proper one.
It was an old house that was built more than forty years ago. In spite of being so old, He thought it would be his best choice; for he had very few

3 Boom! A clap of thunder made the old house shake. Sara huddled under the three covers of her bed. The lightning lit up the room. I hate this
house, Sara thought. It was her first night in her new home. The house had belonged to her grandma. It was very, very old. Paint peeled off of the
walls. The wood boards of the floor creaked when you walked on them.

4 The house looked really creepy at night, Sara thought. The trees outside her windows looked like monsters in the dark. Their branches
looked like long arms. They waved when the wind blew. The storm made everything extra creepy. Sara hated storms anyway. She was very
frightened. It seemed worse in the old house.

5 Sara pulled the covers off of her head. The thunder became quieter and Sara slept. When she woke up in the morning, the storm had ended
and the sun was streaming through her window. Sara yawned and climbed out of bed. The trees outside didn’t look like monsters anymore. The
branches had nice green leaves growing on them. She could see a bird sitting on one of the branches. It sang a sweet song.

6 Sara walked to the window and looked outside. It looked pretty nice in the daylight. A garden of flowers grew next to the tree. Butterflies
flew around the flowers. “Maybe living here won’t be so bad after all,” Sara said.
Monday, 29 May,
2023 Reading

1. What is the passage MAINLY about?

A. The creepy garden

B. house near the seaside
C. moving to a new house
D. decorating a new room

2. In paragraph (2), what does the underlined word “proper” mean?

A. suitable
B. expensive
C. incredible
D. impressive
Monday, 29 May,
2023 Reading

3. How did Sara describe her grandma’s house?



4. How did Sara’s attitude change towards the house at the end?


Monday, 29 May,
2023 Vocabulary
Let’s grab a bite to eat before we go to school.

10. Which of the following best explains the above underlined phrase in bold?
A. buy something to eat
B. find something to eat
C. carry something to eat
D. eat something very quickly

I am tired of my job, and I can’t take it anymore.

11. Which of the following best explains the above underlined phrase
in bold?
A. I can’t keep my job.
B. I can’t leave my job.
C. I can’t put up with my job
D. I can’t find another job
Monday, 29 May,
2023 Vocabulary

Wednesday 24\5\2023 Revision Value: Sharing

1.Recall some vocabulary words learnt in ‘Module 9’.

Objectives: 2.Revise the uses of the full infinitive, the bare infinitive and the -ing form. SB-p.125


Lose/miss miss
miss lose
unaffected insecure illiterate irregular impatient
unaware incorrect illogical irresponsible immature
unkind inexperienced irrelevant impractical

unwilling inappropriate impolite


Thursday 31\3\2022 Grammar 9a + Vocabulary 9a Value: Responsibility


1. Practice using the full infinitive, the bare infinitive and the -ing form correctly.
Objectives 2. Deduce the meaning of some phrases from the context.
Friday, November 3,
2023 Vocabulary
10. Read the following then put the words between brackets in the correct form.
A. Have you seen my books? I seem to have …………………………………. (place) them.
B. Ahmed wants to become a policeman but his parents………………………………… (approve).
C. I want to buy…………………………………… (wire) headphones. Where can I find them.
D. I am really ……………………………(satisfy) with your service. I won’t dine at your restaurant anymore.

10.Fill in the gaps with the suitable words from the box.

habitats- deforestation- fossil- sight- shape- charge

A. The use of ……………………………. fuel is harmful to the environment.
B. Certain species of wild animals are endangered due to the loss of their natural………………………………….
C. Who is in ……………………………of this place? I need to talk to him in person.
D. I am out of ………………………….................. I would better join a gym.
Monday, 29 May,
2023 Vocabulary

Monday, 29 May,
2023 Grammar

16. Complete the following with the correct verb form.

A.The boy should avoid…………………………………….(sleep) late at night.
to travel
B. She plans …………………………………. (travel) to China this summer.
C. I can’t stand ……………………………. (see) him in the party tonight.
to give
D.My father refused …………………….. (give) me a permission to go camping.
E. I will never forget ……………………………(book) the ticket for the first time

17. Fill the gaps with the correct future tense (will or be going to).
will manage
F. I think he ……………………………………. (manage) to live alone abroad.
will pay
G.She promises she……………………………………(pay) for the damages she has made.
Monday, 29 May,
2023 Grammar

10.Complete the following with the correct passive form.

A. It is …………………………(believe) that acid rain damages the buildings.
were thought
B. Cars ……………………………(think) to pollute the atmosphere three years
were planted
C. Flowers …………………… (plant) in my garden last week.
Monday, 29 May,
2023 Grammar

1. I think Ahmed like swimming more than playing hockey.

(Use: prefer)
Ahmed prefers swimming to playing hockey.
Ahmed prefers to swim rather than play hockey.

2. Most people like reading in the evening more than hanging out.
(Use: prefer)

Most people prefer reading to hanging out.

Most people prefer to read rather than hang out.
Monday, 29 May,
2023 Grammar

1.Ali said, “We will visit the zoo”

(change into reported speech)

Ali said that they would visit the zoo.

2.Khaled said, “ I will go to the cinema”

(change into reported speech)
Khaled said that he would go to the cinema.
Monday, 29 May,
2023 Grammar

A. If I were you, I (travel) __would\could\might travel__ the world.

(correct the verb)

B. If I were you, I (buy) __would\could\might buy__ this expensive car.

(correct the verb)

Monday, 29 May,
2023 Grammar

A. We have already (eat) …… eaten………… dinner.

(correct the verb)

B. They (live) …….. have lived………… in this city for ten years.
(correct the verb)

C. She (travel) ……has traveled…. to Europe since 2013.

(correct the verb)
Monday, 29 May,
Topic A
Write an opinion essay on online (…………………). Make sure to take only one stand -either for OR
against and support your arguments with examples, reasons and justifications.

Topic B
Write an essay describing a celebrity or a famous person you know. Make sure to cover both outer physical
appearance and personal qualities or characteristics.

Topic C
Write an essay DISCUSSING the advantages and disadvantages of being a famous person.
Stay safe
Good Luck

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