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Camp Coordination & Camp Management

Camp Coordination & Camp Management
Global Cluster Update

Shelter Meeting, Geneva 1 June 2007

Camp Coordination & Camp Management
Cluster Partners at Global Level
• UNHCR and IOM (co-chairs)
• CARE International
• Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
• International Rescue Committee (IRC)
• Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
• Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
• Shelter Centre
• United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)
Camp Coordination & Camp Management
Cluster Partners at Field Level
The partners involved in humanitarian response
for IDPs hosted in camps or camp-like settlements are:

• Main partners at global level

• Governments/local authorities
• Displaced persons through IDP camp leaders, representatives
or camp committees
• NGO service providers working in IDP camps
• Other stakeholders – host communities, community based
organisations (CBOs), donors.
Camp Coordination & Camp Management
Summary CCCM Presentation
Shelter Meeting – November ‘06
• Global CCCM partners
• CCCM framework: Roles and responsibilities – Camp
Coordination/Camp Management and Camp
• CD ROM ‘IDP Key Resources’
• Training and Workshops
• Deployment of staff to key IDP operations
• CCCM – levels of intervention
Camp Coordination & Camp Management
What’s New since
Shelter Meeting – November ’06?

1. CCCM – Standards and Policy-Setting

2. CCCM – Building Response Capacity
3. CCCM – Operational Support
Camp Coordination & Camp Management
1. CCCM – Standards and Policy-Setting
• IASC Gender Handbook – CCCM chapter
• Needs Analysis Framework (NAF) – CCCM section
• Study/Best practice: IDP collective centres
• Best practice: camp coordination and camp
• Terms of References (ToR) for CCCM Cluster Lead
• With WASH cluster: Mapping of roles and
responsibilities of CCCM & WASH at field level
 Available on:
Camp Coordination & Camp Management
Camp Coordination & Camp Management
Study – IDP Collective Centres
• Objectives: explain the phenomenon, assess the
applicability of CCCM concepts to collective centres and
propose ‘best practice’.
• Key concepts and definitions
• Different kinds of collective centres
• Causes and consequences
• Case studies – main findings
• Elements of ‘best practice’
 ‘Guidance Note’ of best practices on camp management
in collective centres
Camp Coordination & Camp Management
2. CCCM – Building Response Capacity
• CCCM Validation Workshop,
Islamabad, Nov ’06: field personnel
& global cluster partners
• CCCM training for field personnel:
• Panama City, Jan ‘07
• Cairo, Feb ‘07
• Amman (Iraq operation), Mar ‘07
• Uganda – Lira and Gulu, May ‘07
• Camp Coordination & Leadership
Development Workshop, Cyprus,
June ‘07
Camp Coordination & Camp Management
CCCM Responses in the Field
• Liberia
• Uganda
• Pakistan
• Philippines
• Mozambique
• Ethiopia
• Madagascar
• Darfur
• Timor Leste
• Chad
• Somalia
• DRC (up-coming)
Camp Coordination & Camp Management
3. CCCM – Operational Support
• Deployment of CCCM experts:
• Somalia, Darfur, Philippines, Madagascar.
• Deployment of Information Management experts:
• Somalia, Myanmar, Uganda, Ethiopia
• CartONG responsible for camp database & mapping of
• Deployment of IDP profiling expert:
• Chad, Ivory Coast, Somalia
• Support given to camp closure assessments in parts of
Northern Uganda.
Camp Coordination & Camp Management
CCCM focus in 2007-08
• Develop joint needs assessment, monitoring and evaluation,
standards and indicators for the cluster.
• Update 2005 capacity mapping exercise.
• Mainstream cross-cutting issues (HIV/AIDS, environment,
gender etc) in CCCM activities.
• Develop and disseminate 'best practice' on CCCM.
• Strengthen CCCM training at national, regional and global
• Strengthen information management on protection/welfare
situation and humanitarian services in camps.
• Pilot protection incident software in camp environment.
• Develop generic IT tool based on Uganda project.

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