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BY: Yahia Ahmed

history of money
People used to barter before the world began using
money. The world's oldest known coin minting site
was located in China, which began striking spade
coins sometime around 640 BCE. Since then, the
world adopted banknotes and moved into digital
forms of payment, including virtual currencies.
What is Money?
A medium of exchange that is centralized, generally accepted,
recognized, and facilitates transactions of goods and services
Evolution of
•In the Beginning: Barter
•1000 B.C. : Metal Money and Coins
•806: Paper Currency
• 1816: The Gold.
•1930: End of the Gold
• 500 B.C.: Modern Coinage
•118 B.C.: Leather Money (China)
•The Future: Electronic Money
•The Present
Functions of Money and
why they are important
money has taken many forms through the ages, but money
consistently has three functions: store of value, unit of account, and
medium of exchange.
Different Ways to Spend
• Spend on Experiences Rather Than Things.
• Buy Material Goods That Help Improve
• Buy Gifts for Others (present).
• Donate To Charity e.g emirates red crescent.

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