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Methods of Teaching

 Department of the school or a class

puts up their work for showing it to
the people outside the school -
 The pieces of work done by the
students for an exhibition - Exhibits.
 Includes preparation, display and
explanation - by students - invites
parents and others to see them and
interact with students.
 Is a planned display of models, charts, specimens,
posters etc., to present the public view for
instruction and to put in a competition, advertising
or entertainment". Gilbert
 Exhibition - Prominent part of the college


• Conducted in • Usually involve • Designed to
educational a large range of meet the needs
institutions to products from of one business
educate the several or product or
learners. different country.
• Generally, industries on • Only people
these are display to the involved in the
organized by general public. field are invited
the students. to attend.
Requisites for Exhibition

 Central theme with a few subthemes.

 Exhibits - Clean and labeled properly.
 Concepts - Contrast in color and size.
 Exhibits - Well placed.
 Well- lighted
Requisites for exhibition

 Both motion and sound should be

 Exhibits with operative mechanism.
 Lot of demonstrations.
 To relate various subject areas
Steps involve in organising Exhibition
• Assess the purpose of
1. • Assess the level of knowledge
ASSESSME of the persons for whom
NT exhibition is displayed.
•Plan - purpose for which the exhibit is to be used.
• The plan - "lay out“- rough outline with details.
• The layout provides a way of evaluating clarity
of the message, attractiveness, completeness etc.,
• Exhibits should be pleasing, attractive, colorful
and capable of communicating the intended
2. Planning message.
• A variety of specialized devices may be
• Consult local leaders and get their co operation.
• Distribute relevant literature.
• The exhibits must have the power to attract.
Steps involve in organising Exhibition
• The exhibition should have a central theme with a few sub theme to focus
attention to a particular topic - clearly labeled.
• The exhibits should be placed that most visitors can see them.
• Since exhibition is meant to be mainly seen, the place and the exhibits should
be well lighted. (sound system could also be arranged).

3. REQUSITES • The exhibition must have some exhibits with operative mechanisms such as
switches or levers to be operated by the visitors to observe some happenings.
• The exhibition must include a lot of demonstration as this will involve both
students & the visitors alike.

• Exhibits - well prepared - message is understood by

the visitors, in a short time taken by them to walk by
the exhibits.
• Make it simple.
4. • Limit one idea per section.
• Make it timely & durable if possible.
PREPARATIO • Make attractive.

NS • Label legibly and briefly.

• The exhibit should be well lighted.
Steps involve in organising Exhibition

5. • The exhibition should be within the reach of the


SELECTI • The area of exhibition room should be sufficient

to display the exhibits.

ON OF • There should be sufficient place for the viewers

of the exhibition to move about.


6. • Keep the exhibition (exhibits) at a

height not less than 2 feet and not more
than 6 feet from the floor.
Steps involve in organising Exhibition

• Evaluate effectiveness
7. of exhibition by
analyzing attendance
EVALUATI enquires and requests.
ON • Exhibits must be free
from prejudices.

 Inspire the students to learn by doing

things themselves - sense of involvement
 Gives a sense of accomplishment/sucess
& achievement.
 Develop social skills - Communication
Cooperation and Coordination.

 Foster the healthier school community

 Diffuse and disseminate interesting new
work among students.
 Connects information with pleasure.
 Foster creativity among students.
Points should be kept in mind

 Exhibits should be prepared by the

students : Low-cost materials.
 Over come fund problems – raising
 Displaying relevant A.V. Aids.

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