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By Ananya
Types of entrepreneurs

Types of business

Competencies and
characteristics of ethical

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Types Of Entrepreneurs
Based on the amount of inventiveness, entrepreneurs are classified as
(i) Innovative entrepreneurs
(ii) Adaptive or imitative entrepreneurs
(iii) Fabian entrepreneurs
(iv) Drone entrepreneurs

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Innovative Entrepreneurs
 They quickly introduce new products, processes of production and
 They generally aggressive and enthusiastic in practicing and
experimenting new and attractive possibilities.
 Prefers to explore new technology , new market etc.
 Grew with the development of different countries.

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Adaptive/Imitative entrepreneurs
 They follow the successful innovative entrepreneurs
 They just imitate the technology and practice as innovative

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Fabian Entrepreneurs
 They are very cautions and careful while adapting or practicing any
 They depend upon past practices, custom, traditions and religion.

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Drone Entrepreneurs
 They never prefers to go for any change in production, technology,
and market.
 They are underperformers because they stick to their existing norms
and oppose change.
 These entrepreneurs will not modify their methods, even if that means
losing customers.

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Based On Business
Business Entrepreneur
These type of entrepreneur develop ideas for new products or service and establish an
enterprise to convert the idea into reality .

Trading Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur who undertake trading activities are called trading entrepreneur.
 They promote their products and try to get a big share in the market.

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Industrial Entrepreneur
They convert resources into finished products and contribute to the economics
development of the nation.

Corporate Entrepreneur
Those who through their innovative ideas and skills are able to organize, manage, and
control a corporate undertaking effectively and efficiently .

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Agricultural Entrepreneur
They involved in marketing of crops, fertilisers, and other agricultural products are
known as agricultural entrepreneurs.
 They employe morden techniques of agriculture and irrigation.

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Based On Technology
Technical entrepreneurs
those who have knowledge to develop new and improved quality of goods and
services are known as technical entrepreneurs
 these entrepreneurs concentrated more on production then on marketing

Non-technical entrepreneurs
They are not concerned with technical aspect of their business .
 they focus more on marketing and distribution strategies

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Based On Motivation
Spontaneous entrepreneur
 they are highly motivated entrepreneurs
 they undertake entrepreneurial activities for their personal satisfaction
 they work for their ambitious status and ego
 they are pure entrepreneurs by nature

Induced entrepreneurs
They become entrepreneurs by of government support provided in terms of
financial assistance incentives concessions and other facilities

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motivated entrepreneur
These entrepreneurs have confidence on their abilities they have the desire to make
use of their expertise and competencies carry on the project undertaken by them

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Other Categories Of Entrepreneurs
First generation entrepreneur
They are generally innovators having background of entrepreneurship
 they start business by using their own innovation skills and expertise

Second generation/ inherited entrepreneur

The entrepreneurs who inherited the family business through succession and pass it
from one generation to another

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third generation entrepreneurs
they are the entrepreneurs who have inherited business from their grandparents.

Professional entrepreneurs

professional entrepreneurs make it their profession to set up business enterprise

 once the businesses established they sell it and develop alternative projects

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Other Categories Of Entrepreneurs
Thank you

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