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Philosophy of Education


• Discuss the meaning of philosophy of education,
• explain the unlimited scope of philosophy of
• enumerate the various functions of philosophy of
education. State the various methods of Philosophical
• describe the relationship between philosophy of
teaching and teaching
Philosophy is a search for a general understanding of
values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than
observational means. It signifies a natural and necessary
urge in human beings to know themselves and the world in
which they live and move and have their being. Western
philosophy remained more or less true to the etymological
meaning of philosophy in being essentially an intellectual
quest for truth.
Philosophy is a comprehensive system of ideas about
human nature and the nature of the reality we live in. It is
a guide for living, because the issues it addresses are basic
and pervasive, determining the course we take in life and
how we treat other people.
Education, like philosophy is also closely related to human
life. Therefore, being an important life activity education
is also greatly influenced by philosophy. Various fields of
philosophy like the political philosophy, social philosophy
and economic philosophy have great influence on the
various aspects of education like educational procedures,
processes, policies, planning and its implementation, from
both the theoretical and practical aspects.

Meaning of Philosophy

The word philosophy literally means love of wisdom; It is

derived from two Greek words i.e. 'phileo' (love) and
'Sophia' (wisdom). This tells us something about the
nature of philosophy, but not much, because many
disciplines seek wisdom.

On the standard way of telling the story, humanity's first

systematic inquiries took place within a mythological or
religious framework: wisdom ultimately was to be derived
from sacred traditions and from individuals thought to
possess privileged access to a supernatural realm, whose
own access to wisdom, in turn, generally was not

The subject of philosophical inquiry is the reality itself. There are

different schools of philosophy depending on the answers they
seek to the question of reality. It is the search for understanding
of man, nature and the universe. There are different branches of
philosophy-Epistemology, Metaphysics, etc. There are different
fields of philosophy such as educational philosophy, social
philosophy, political philosophy, economic philosophy etc. There
are also different philosophical approaches such as idealism,
naturalism, pragmatism, materialism, and so on.
Meaning of Education
Etymologically, the word education is derived from
educare (Latin) "bring up", which is related to educere
"bring out", "bring forth what is within", "bring out
potential" and ducere, "to lead". Education in the largest
sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect
on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual.
In its technical sense, education is the process by which
society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge,
skills and values from one generation to another.
Meaning of Education
In ancient Greece, Socrates argued that education was
about drawing out what was already within the student.
(As many of you know, the word education comes from
the Latin e-ducere meaning "to lead out.") At the same
time, the Sophists, a group of itinerant teachers, promised
to give students the necessary knowledge and skills to gain
positions with the city-state. Thus we see that there are
different views and understandings of the meaning of the
term education.
Meaning of Education
In the modern times it has acquired two different shades of
meaning namely:

(1) an institutional instruction, given to students in school

colleges formally ;and

(2) a pedagogical science, studied by the student of

Meaning of Education
The essential elements in the educative process are a
creative mind, a well integrated self, socially useful
purposes and experience related to the interests of the
individual, needs and abilities of the individual as a of a
social group.
In the historical development of man, education has been
the right of a privileged few. It is only in recent centuries
that education has come to be recognized as a human
right. All have equal right to be educated as education has
become sine qua non of civilization.
All human societies, past and present, have had a
vested interest in education; and some wits have
claimed that teaching (at its best an educational
activity) is the second oldest profession. While not
all societies channel sufficient resources into
support for educational activities and institutions, all
at the very least acknowledge their centrality—and
for good reasons.
For one thing, it is obvious that children are born
illiterate and innumerate, and ignorant of the norms
and cultural achievements of the community or
society into which they have been thrust
but with the help of professional teachers and the
dedicated amateurs in their families and immediate
environs (and with the aid, too, of educational
resources made available through the media and
nowadays the internet), within a few years they can
read, write, calculate, and act (at least often) in
culturally-appropriate ways.
Equips individuals with the skills and substantive
knowledge that allows them to define and to pursue
their own goals, and also allows them to participate
in the life of their community as full-fledged,
autonomous citizens.
Philosophy of education is essentially a method of
approaching educational experience rather than a
body of conclusions. It is the specific method which
makes it philosophical. Philosophical method is
critical, comprehensive and synthetic.

1] Philosophy of education is the criticism of the

general theory of education.

2] It consist of critical evaluation and systematic

reflection upon general theories.

3] It is a synthesis of educational facts with educational

The scope of philosophy of education is confined to
the field of education. Thus, it is philosophy in the
field of education. The scope of philosophy of
education is concerned with the problems of
These problems mainly include -
• interpretation of human nature, the world and
the universe and their relation with man,
• interpretation of aims and ideals of education,
• the relationship of various components of the
system of education,
These problems mainly include -
• relationship of education and various areas of
national life [economic system, political order,
social progress, cultural reconstructions etc.],
• educational values,
• theory of knowledge and its relationship to
Aims and Ideals of Education Philosophy
Education critically evaluates the different aims
and ideals of education. These aims and ideals
have been prorogated by various philosophers
in different times. They are character building,
man making, harmonious human development,
preparation for adult life, -development of
a.Aims and Ideals of Education Philosophy
-utilization of leisure, training for civic life,
training for international living, achieving
social and national integration, -scientific and
technological development, education for all,
equalizing educational opportunities,
strengthening democratic political order and
human source development.
b] Interpretation of Human Nature:-
A philosophical picture of human nature is a
result of the synthesis of the facts borrowed
from all the human science with the values
discussed in different normative, sciences. The
philosophical picture, therefore, is more broad
as compared to the picture of man drawn by
biology, sociology, psychology, economics and
anthropology and other human science.
c)Educational Values:-
Value is typically a philosophical subject
since it is more abstract, integral and
universal. Philosophy-of education not only
critically evaluates the values but also
systematizes them in a hierarchy.
Educational values are' determined by
philosophical values.
c)Educational Values:-
-Educational values propagated by different
philosophers have been derived from their
own world, view and their outlook on the
purpose of human life. Therefore, a scrutiny
of the world views, outlook, beliefs is the
specific function of philosophy and it is
necessary for the philosophical treatment of
the values.
d] Theory of Knowledge:-
Education is related to knowledge. It is
determined by the source, limits, criteria and
means of knowledge. The discussion of all
these falls within the jurisdiction of
epistemology, one of the branches of
philosophy, therefore, an important area of
the functioning of philosophy of education is
related to theory of knowledge.
e] Relationship of education and various area of
national life and various components of the
system of education:-

One of the most important contributions of the philosophy

of education to the cause of education is the provision of
criteria for deciding the relationship of state and
education, economic system and education, curriculum,
school organization and management, discipline etc.
e] Relationship of education and various area of
national life and various components of the
system of education:-

These problems have led to the evaluation of different

philosophies of education. The criteria of judgment
everywhere are determined by philosophy, therefore,
philosophy of education provides the criteria for critical
evaluation and judgment in these fields.
Nature of Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of education is one of the areas of
applied philosophy. There are three branches
of philosophy namely 'metaphysics, axiology
and epistemology.
Nature of Philosophy of Education
Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that
investigates principles of reality transcending
those of any particular science. It is
concerned with explaining the fundamental
nature of being and the world. Metaphysics
is the study of the nature of things.
Nature of Philosophy of Education
-Metaphysicians ask what kinds of things
exist, and what they are like. They reason
about such things as whether or not people
have free will, in what sense abstract objects
can be said to exist, and how it is that brains
are able to generate minds.
Nature of Philosophy of Education
Axiology: the branch of philosophical
enquiry that explores:
1.Aesthetics: the study of basic
philosophical questions about art and beauty.
Sometimes philosophy of art is used to
describe only questions about art, with
"aesthetics" the more general term.
Nature of Philosophy of Education
Axiology: the branch of philosophical
enquiry that explores:
2.Ethics: the study of what makes actions
right or wrong, and of how theories of right
action can be applied to special moral
problems. Subdisciplines include meta-ethics,
value theory, theory of conduct, and applied
Nature of Philosophy of Education
Epistemology- is the branch of philosophy that
studies knowledge. It attempts to answer the
basic question: what distinguishes true
(adequate) knowledge from false (inadequate)
knowledge? Practically, this question translates
into issues of scientific methodology: how can one
develop theories or models that are better than
competing theories?
Nature of Philosophy of Education
It also forms one of the pillars of the new
sciences of cognition, which developed from the
information processing approach to psychology,
and from artificial intelligence, as an attempt to
develop computer programs that mimic a
human's capacity to use knowledge in an
intelligent way.
Human Behavior in

Human Behavior in

Organizational System and Human Behavior

 Define the organizational system and human behavior.

 Identify the four forces affecting organizational behavior.

 Understand the field of behavioral sciences and research.


 Explain various concepts related to administrative procedures

and human behavior.

 Comprehend the importance of social systems, mutual

interests, and ethics.

 Enumerate and describe the four basic approaches in the

dynamics of people and organizations
Organizational System is the integrated framework of elements
that portrays how behavior is guided towards achievement of
organizational goals

Organizational Behavior is the study and application of

knowledge about how people- as individuals and as groups act
and behave within the organizations. It provides useful set of
tools at many levels of analysis to help managers look at the
behavior of individuals within the environment.
The four goals of organizational behavior:

1. to describe

2. to understand,

3. to predict, and

4. to control behavior of people under various conditions.

The Four Forces Affecting Organizational
1. People. People make up the internal social system of the

2. Structure. The structure fundamentally defines the formal

relationships and use of human resources in an organization.
3. Technology. The use of technology has a tremendous
influence on working relationships.
4. Environment. All organizations operate within an internal and
external environment
Basic Concepts of Organizational System and Human
Individual Differences. A person is a distinct individual. He is
unique and different from others.
Perception. Perception is the act of faculty of apprehending by
means of the senses or the mind. It is a single unified awareness
derived from sensory processes while a stimulus is present.

A whole person. When a person joins in an organization, he is

hired not only because of his brains but, as a whole person
possessed with certain characteristics.
Basic Concepts of Organizational System and Human
Motivated Behavior. Motivated behavior may be as a result of a normal
behavior that has certain causes; and these may relate to an individual’s
Desire for involvement. Normally, every person wishes to feel good
himself. This personal human desire is reflected in his drive for self-
Value of Persons. People are the most difficult to control in any type of
organization; and therefore, they deserve to be treated with extra care
from other of production(land, capital and technology) because they have
feelings and emotions
Four Basic Approaches Interwoven in the Dynamics of
People and Organization

1. Human Resources Approach. The philosophy of the Human

Resources Approach is developmental. This is specifically
designed and concerned with the growth and development of
people to achieve higher level of competency, creativity, and
fulfillment, because people are considered the most potent
variable as a resource in any organization and society.
Four Basic Approaches Interwoven in the Dynamics of
People and Organization

2. Contingency Approach. There are number of traditional

managers that relied on principles to provide “one best way” of
Four Basic Approaches Interwoven in the Dynamics of
People and Organization
3. Results-oriented Approach. All organizations whether
political, social, economic or ecclesiastical, need to accomplish
desirable results. The role that organizational behavior plays in
creating organizational outcomes is composed of set of factors
and their relationships.
a. Knowledge x skills= ability
b. Attitude x situation=motivation
c. Ability x motivation
d. Potential performance x resources x opportunity =
organizational results
Four Basic Approaches Interwoven in the Dynamics of
People and Organization

4. Systems Approach. The systems approach is a type of

behavioral approach in which the manager takes a holistic
perspective of the whole subject
Discussions and sharing of thoughts on individual
differences, motivation, or perception in an
organizational context and provide real-life
examples or scenarios.
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