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England and
child labour
Is child labour authorized in England ?
Is child labour authorized in England ?
Yes it is, but there are some conditions…
 Under 13 :
Kids aren’t allowed to work excepted in advertising or shows
 From 13 :
Only easy tasks are allowed as delivering, dealing newspapers, or artistic or
sport activities
 Between 13 and 16 :
Possibility to do a part-work contract
 From 16 :
Possibility to have a full time work, not exceeding 40 hours per week
Is child labour authorized in England ?

 Under 13 :
Kids aren’t allowed to work excepted in advertising or shows
 From 13 :
Only easy tasks are allowed as delivering, dealing newspapers, or artistic or
sport activities
Regarding these works, there are many regulations managing
every cases of working cases and several sanctions exist to
punish employers who don’t respect the law about it.
Is child labour authorized in England ?

Between 13 and 16 :
Possibility to do a part-work contract
 From 16 :
Possibility to have a full time work

16 and 17 years old also have specific regulations to safeguard their

well-being and ensure they receive appropriate education.
To what extent kids are protected by law ?

The Brittish government is responsible in case of abuse. That’s why

there are some restrictions thought and legislated.
To what extent kids are protected by law ?
To what extent kids are protected by law ?
Child Labour Under 13 Years Old

• Age of Employment : The Children and Young Persons Act 1933, Section 1, stipulates
that no child under the age of 13 shall be employed.
• Types of Work : The Children and Young Persons Act 1933, Section 2, lists restrictions on
the types of work that children under 13 are prohibited from doing.
• Working Hours : The Employment Rights Act 1996, Section 8, specifies that a child
under compulsory school age (typically under 5) is not allowed to work, and child
employment regulations restrict working hours for children.
• Supervision : The Children and Young Persons Act 1933, Section 4, outlines requirements
for supervision and protection of children during work.
To what extent kids are protected by law ?
Child Labour Between 13 and 16 Years Old

• Age of Employment : The Children and Young Persons Act 1933, Section 2, permits
employment of children between 13 and 16 with certain restrictions.
• Working Hours : The Employment Rights Act 1996, Section 8, specifies working hours
and breaks for children of this age group.
• Types of Work : The Children and Young Persons Act 1933, Section 2, includes
regulations on the types of work that children between 13 and 16 may undertake.
• Education : The Education Act 1996 outlines the requirement for compulsory education
up to the age of 16, even if a child is employed. Employers must ensure that the child
receives adequate education.
To what extent kids are protected by law ?
Child Labour Between 16 and 17 Years Old

• Age of Employment : Children aged 16 or 17 are not subject to specific prohibitions on

employment in the Children and Young Persons Act 1933. However, they are still protected
by employment laws, including those regarding working hours and conditions.
• Working Hours : The Employment Rights Act 1996, Section 8, outlines regulations
regarding working hours and rest breaks for young workers aged 16 and 17.
• Health and Safety : The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other relevant legislation
require employers to provide a safe working environment for all employees, including those
aged 16 and 17.
• Education : The Education Act 1996 also applies to children aged 16 and 17, ensuring they
continue to receive an adequate education.
What are the sentences if regulations aren’t enforced ?
What are the sentences if regulations aren’t enforced ?
 Fines : Employers may be subject to fines imposed by government authorities. The
amount of the fine can vary based on the severity of the violation.

 Prosecution : In more serious cases or for repeated violations, employers may face
criminal prosecution. If convicted, this can result in fines and, in extreme cases,

 Compensation : Employers may be required to pay compensation to the affected

child or their family for any harm, distress, or financial losses suffered as a result of the

 Closure of Business : In some cases, if an employer consistently violates child

labor laws, the authorities may have the power to close down the business.
Statistics regarding child labour in the UK
Statistics regarding child labour in the UK
Statistics regarding child labour in the UK
Key statistics regarding child labour
and modern slavery in the UK

Modern slavery encompasses all forms of slavery, human trafficking,

and exploitation. It often remains hidden, making it challenging to
quantify the number of victims.

The number of child victims in the UK is difficult to measure precisely,

and reporting is often incomplete.
Key statistics regarding child labour
and modern slavery in the UK

• Data from the UK National Referral Mechanism (NRM) for the year ending
December 2021 shows a 9% increase in the number of potential child
victims referred compared to the previous year (from 5,028 to 5,468).
• More than 90% of those referred to the NRM received a positive
reasonable grounds decision (RGD), indicating they were reasonably likely
to be victims.
• Boys accounted for almost 79% of positive RGDs, with the proportion of
boys receiving positive RGDs rapidly increasing since March 2015.
Key statistics regarding child labour
and modern slavery in the UK

• Boys with positive RGDs were most likely to have been criminally
exploited (62%), while girls were most likely to have been sexually
exploited (42%).

• Over 82% of children with positive RGDs were aged 15 to 17 years.

• Changes in police recording practices and the COVID-19 pandemic have

impacted the number of child victims identified in recent years.
Key statistics regarding child labour
and modern slavery in the UK

• Between April 2016 and March 2021, the Crown Prosecution Service
completed 185 modern slavery-related prosecutions involving child
victims in England and Wales, with a 51% conviction rate (taux de
You can contact these organizations for guidance, to report suspicions, and
to get help or advice if you believe a child is at risk of exploitation or abuse.

• Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline:

• Phone: +44 8000 121700
• This hotline provides support, information, and assistance related to modern
slavery and exploitation. It's available 24/7.
• National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC):
• Phone: +44 8088 005000
• Email:
• NSPCC is a well-known child protection charity in the UK, and they offer support
and guidance if you have concerns about child exploitation.


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