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Sinhgad College Of

Department Of Management Studies

Subject : Cyber Security

Topic Of Presentation :

TCP/IP Protocol Stacks Submitted By : :-

Teacher Guide :
shreyash niraj
Dr. Irfan Siddiqui
Roll No:- 14
Table Of Contents

Introduction To TCP/IP
01 TCP/IP 02 What is
TCP ? What
is IP ?

TCP/IP Types
03 Concepts 04 You can describe the topic
of the section here
Introduction To TCP/IP

TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. TCP/IP is

a set of standardized rules that allow computers to communicate on a network
su c h as the internet.

The Internet protocol suite, commonly known as TCP/IP, is a framework for

organizing the set of communication protocols used in the Internet and similar
computer networks according to functional criteria. The foundational protocols in
the suite are the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), the User Datagram
Protocol (UDP), and the Internet Protocol (IP). In the development of this
networking model, early versions of it were known as the Department of Defense
(DoD) model because the research and development were funded by the United
States Department of Defense through DARPA.
Transmission Control Protocol is a transport protocol providing a reliable, full-
duplex byte stream. Most TCP/IP applications use the TCP transport protocol.

Internet Protocol provides the packet delivery services for TCP, UDP, and
ICMP. The IP layer protocol is unreliable (called a best-effort protocol). There is
no guarantee that IP packets arrive, or that they arrive only once and are error-
free. S u c h reliability is built into the TCP protocol, but not into the U D P protocol.
If you need reliable transport between two U D P applications, you must ensure
that reliability is built into the U D P applications.
TCP/IP Concepts

The TCP/IP protocol stack consists of

four layers, each layer consisting of one
or more protocols. A protocol is a set of
rules or standards that two entities
must follow so as to allow each other to
receive and interpret messages sent to
them. The entities could, for example,
be two application programs in an
application protocol, or the entities
might be two TCP protocol layers in two
different IP hosts (the TCP protocol).
The Four Layers of the TCP/IP
The Four Layers of the TCP/IP Concept
TCP/IP is a data link protocol that is used on the internet. Its model is split into four
distinct layers. Used together, they can also be referred to as a suite of protocols.
Data Link Layer
The data link layer (also called the link layer, network interface layer, or physical
layer) is what handles the physical parts of sending and receiving data using the
Ethernet cable, wireless network, network interface card, device driver in the
computer, and so on.
Internet Layer
The internet layer (also called the network layer) controls the movement of packets
around the network.
The Four Layers of the TCP/IP Model
Transport Layer
The transport layer is what provides a reliable data connection between two devices. It
divides the data in packets, acknowledges the packets that it has received from the
other device, and makes sure that the other device acknowledges the packets it

Application Layer
The application layer is the group of applications that require network
communication. This is what the user typically interacts with, su c h as email and
messaging. Because the lower layers handle the details of communication, the
applications don’t need to concern themselves with this.
How do TCP and IP differ?
● TCP and IP are two separate computer network protocols.

● IP is the part that obtains the address to which data is sent. TCP is responsible for
data delivery once that IP address has been found.
● It's possible to separate them, but there isn’t really a point in making a difference
between TCP and IP. Because they're so often used together, “TCP/IP” and the
“TCP/IP model” are now recognized terminology.
● Think of it this way: The IP address is like the phone number assigned to your
smartphone. TCP is all the technology that makes the phone ring, and that enables
you to talk to someone on another phone. They are different from one another, but
they are also meaningless without one another.
Thank You

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