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Pharos University in Alexandria

Faculty of Engineering.
Petrochemical Department

Eng.Thermodynamics I
(Code: PE200)
Prepared by:
Dr. Ehssan Nassef
Pre-requisite:Eng.Physics 2: (BE 122)

Lecture: E113.
Tuesday – from 8:30.. to 10:30 A.m
Tut: E122, Wednesday 8:30-10:20
Instructor: Dr.Ehssan Nassef
Room: E 128
Office hours: Sunday from 12:30 to 2:30
Monday from 12:30 to 2:30
Thursday: 10:30-12:30
Course Aim:
At the end of this course the students will be well known of the following:
• 1-An introduction to Eng Thermo dynamics.
• 2- The first law of thermodynamics on steady flow devices.
• 3-The properties of the pure substances.
• 4- Closed and open system in engineering thermodynamics.
• 5- Apply the first law of thermodynamics on both closed and open thermal
engineering systems.
• 6-Interactions between heat and work done as both will act as a boundary
phenomena affects the total energy of the thermal engineering systems.
• 7- Apply the first law of thermodynamics on open flow devices (pumps, diffusers,

Intended Learning outcomes:

Intended learning outcomes(ILO,S)
A- Knowledge and understanding:

a1Define thermodynamics and energy.

a-2 Identify forms of energy.
a-3 Define closed and open system.
a-4 Extensive and intensive properties.
a-5 Identify heat. and work.
a-6 First law of thermodynamics.
a-7 First law of thermodynamics for closed system.
a-8 Define enthalpy and specific heat.
a- 9 First law of thermodynamics for flow process .
a-10 Identify phase and pure substance.
a-11 Thermodynamic state and state functions.
a-12 Gibbs phase rule.
a-13 Ideal gas equation of state.

b- Intellectual skills
• b1Classify open and closed systems.
• b-2 Recognize the physical meaning of pressure and temperature.
• b- 3 Classify properties.
• b-4 Determine the interactions between heat and work done as
both will act as boundary .
• b-5 Apply the first law of thermodynamics.
• b-6 Apply the phase rule.
• b-7 Select the correct formula for a given gas.
• b -8 Select equation of state.
• b- 9 Determine thermodynamics parameters for different
engineering parameters.

C- Professional and practical skills
C-1 Classify thermodynamic system.
c-2 Apply the first law of thermodynamics.
c-3 Determine relation s for ideal gases in terms
specific heats and temperature.
Classify different gas relations and limitations
to its use.
c-5 Apply the first law of thermodynamics.
c-6 Distinguish between enthalpy and entropy.
d- General and transferable skills
. d1- Enhance problem solving skills.
d2- Enhance computer skills.
Week Date Lectures
Introduction and objective of the course.
1 1/10/2013 Course calendar and assessment methods.

The scope of the thermodynamics.

2 8/10/2013 Measurments of amount ,force,heat,….etc

‫عيد االضحي المبارك‬

3 15/10/2013
The first law of thermodynamics and other
4 22/10/2013 basic concepts
5 29/10/2013 Energy balance for closed system.
6 5/11/2013 ‫راس السنه الهجريه‬
Constant –V and Constant – P-Processes
7 12/11/2013 Quiz (1)

8 19/11/2013 Mass and energy balance for open systems.

9 26/11/2013
Midterm Exam
Volumetric properties of pure substances
10 3/12/2013
Sensible heat effects, Latent heat of pure
11 10/12/2013 substance.
Heat Capacity.
12 17/12/2013
Statement of the second law of
13 24/12/2013

The ideal gas behavior

14 31/12/2013
Discussion of case study
15 7/1/2013 ‫عيد الميالد المجيد‬
16/17 14-21/1/2013 Final lab and written Exams
Teaching and learning methods
- Lectures.
- Tutorials
- Laboratory Experiments.
- -Presentation.

Student assessment :
A- Procedures used
• Assessment (1) Case study.
• Assessment (2) Mid tem exam.
• Assessment (3) Work sheets.
• Assessment (4) three quizzes
• Assessment (5) Final written Exam
B- Schedule

Assessment 1 , during the semester

Assessment 2 Midterm Week 9

Assessment 3,4 weeks 7,11,13
Assessment 5 week 16

C- Weighting of Assessment
 four quizzes 10%
 Case Study 5%
Midterm Exam 20%
Work sheets+ Attendance +drop quizzes 15%

Final Written Exam 50%

List of references
• 1- Course notes
1-Introduction to chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics six edition ,by J.M Smith and H.C Van
• 2- Required books (text books)
• 2. Thermodynamics:An Engineering Approach 5th
edition by Yunus A. Çengel and Michael A. Boles ,2007
• 3- Periodicals, Web sites, … etc

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