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Understanding Functions

in Python
In this presentation, we will dive into the world of functions in Python, exploring
their advantages, disadvantages, and real-life examples.
The Power of Functions
1 Reusable 2 Modular

Functions allow you to write By breaking down your code

code once and reuse it into smaller functions, you
multiple times, saving time can achieve better
and effort. organization and readability.

3 Efficient

Functions enable you to optimize your code and make it more efficient
by eliminating repetitive tasks.
Disadvantages of Functions
1 Abstraction 2 Overuse

Functions can sometimes hide Using too many functions can

the underlying complexity of lead to a convoluted program
code, making it harder to structure, making
understand. maintenance and debugging

3 Function Overloading

Python does not support function overloading, which can limit the
flexibility of your code.
User-Defined Functions
Step 1: Define Step 2: Implement Step 3: Call
Start by defining your Call the function by its
function with a meaningful Write the code block inside name and provide the
name and specify its the function, defining the necessary arguments if any,
parameters, if any. logic and operations to be to execute the code.
Real-Life Example: ATM Function

Withdraw Cash Check Balance Print Receipt

The function to withdraw The function to check the After each transaction, the
cash from an Automated account balance involves ATM function generates a
Teller Machine (ATM) uses accessing the user's account receipt with transaction
input, conditional statements, details using secure details.
and calculations. authentication.
A Fun Activity: Function Naming
Let's get creative! In the chat, come up with funny and unique names for a function that calculates the
number of cookies you can eat based on your height and weight. Share your ideas!
In Conclusion
Functions in Python are a powerful tool for code organization and reusability.
Embrace them in your programming journey!

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