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TMI -101: Tinkering Part

Obstacles Avoiding Robot
 Rajeev Kumawat(23117108) – MIED
 Samarth Dubbas(23117125) – MIED
 Deepak(23117044) – MIED
 Rajesh Choudhary(23117109) – MIED

Faculty Supervisor/Advisor: Prof. Neetesh Kumar

Understanding of the Problem

 We have to make a robot which avoids the obstacles in this path by

detecting it from a particular distance
 For this we have to assemble all the components in a proper circuit .
 We have to write a code for Arduino to give signals to motors and
other components.
 We have to assure about rotation of motors in clockwise and
anticlockwise direction which plays a important role in motion of
 Also we have to take care about power input in the circuit

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Methodology/Approach Adopted for Project

About components
 Ultrasonic sensor : It detects the objects in
front of it by emitting ultrasonic waves.
• VCC : +ve Terminal
• Gnd : -ve Terminal
• Trig : Used to trigger the ultrasonic sound
• Echo : Gives out signal

 Motor driver(l298n) : It takes the signals

from Arduino and operates the motors
according to signals.

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Methodology/Approach Adopted for Project

 Arduino Uno : It is programmable

microcontroller chip that gives output
signals according to feeded code.

 Servo motor : It is used to rotate

ultrasonic sensors that helps it to detect
objects in all directions .
• Red wire = +ve Terminal
• Brown wire = -ve Terminal
• Orange wire = signal terminal

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Methodology/Approach Adopted for Project

 Gear motors : They are atttached to tyres

and used to run Model. They have gears
inside which increases its torque and
reduce speed of rotation.

 Battery : We have to use about 9V

battery as source of power to circuit.

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Methodology/Approach Adopted for Project

 First we assemble all the components according to this circuit

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Methodology/Approach Adopted for Project

• Firstly when object comes in front of ultrasonic sensor it detects
object and send signal to Arduino , then Arduino sends it to motor
driver that stops motor for a while , Simultaneously Arduino sends
signal to servo motor that rotates the sensor then after Model
rotates and again detects for an object , the process continues until
no object is detected by ultrasonic sensor and it starts moving in that
Rotation Process :
There are four motors in model . Left two motors are
connected in parallel and Right motors also are connected in parallel. At
the time of rotation left two motors rotates clockwise and other two
rotates anticlockwise so that torque is produced so it rotates in
respective direction.
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Methodology/Approach Adopted for Project

• We have to make sure that code written is correct or it may
cause malfunctioning to the device.
• Motors must be connected in same order as given in circuit
diagram or motion of Model will vary.
• Connections must be proper or it will cause damage to sensors.
• We must take care of battery voltage or Arduino may damage.

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Summary of Current Progress
o We connected all the circuit properly .We are almost done but we are
facing problems regarding power and motor driver. We have only a
3.7v battery that is not enough to run the device, Also motor driver
isn’t working properly it doesn’t giving output to motors after many
attempts .We are trying to resolve this issue with our T.A as soon as
possible. Since all other parts like code and sensors are working
properly .When an object comes in front of sensors it detects it and
rotates the servo motor for direction.

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