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• Revelation have instructed • Jesus Christ peace be upon him is
the followers to eat and not reported to have followed the dietary of
to eat certain food through Moses peace be upon him. But in
Prophets. Gospel of Mark alleges that Jesus
• Al-Quran tell the people declared all foods clean
why some foods are Haram
– because they are impure,
unclean, contaminated,
dirty, filthy, bad and
• Some foods are halal –
because they are tayyib
(pure) and clean.
Moses (PBUH) declares criteria
on which animals would be
permitted or prohibited. In the
Book of Leviticus Chapter 11
and Deuteronomy 14 come the
commandments that have ruled
eating habits of Jewish,
Christian and Muslim peoples.

The list of permitted animals are as below :

10.Mountain sheep
11.Water animals with fins and scales
The evidences about prohibited animals in Christian Scriptures are as follows :
1.“ Of their flesh (Swine flesh) you should not eat and their carcasses you should not touch; they are
unclean to you” – Leviticus 11 : 8
2.“Water animal with fins and scales are abomination to you “ - Leviticus 11 : 9 – 12
3.“ The eagle, the vulture, the osprey, the kite, the falcon, the raven, the ostrich, the night-hawk, the sea
gull, the hawk, the owl, the cormorant, the ibis, the water hen, the pelican, the carrion vulture, the stork,
the heron, the hoopoe and the bat.” – Leviticus 11 : 13 – 19.
The ancient and medieval
Hindu texts do not
explicitly prohibit eating
meat, but they do strongly
recommend ahimsa—
non-violence against all
life forms including
• The diet of Hindus • The Upanishads and Sutra
usually does not texts invoke the concept of
include eggs, fish or virtuous self-restraint in
meat. However, if matters of food, while the
included, Hindus Samhitas discuss what and
often favor jhatka when certain foods are
(quick death) style suitable. A few Hindu texts
preparation of meat such as Hathayoga
since Hindus believe Pradipika combine both.
that this method
minimizes trauma and
• According to Vedas, any
suffering to the
animal that a human can
kill with bare hands can be
safe for consumption and
• The Upanishads and can be considered healthy.
Sutra texts of This consists mostly of
Hinduism discuss small animals like birds,
moderate diet and chicken, eggs, fish, rabbit,
proper nutrition, as deer, goats, sheeps , shell
well as Aharatattva fish etc.
• Brahmins were known as people who were
brilliant and compassionate.

• Brahmins were the "high caste"' persons

who ate foods to promote the purity of the
body, mind and spirit.

• Brahmins fasting days would follow the

lunar calendar and they would avoid foods
that stimulate their senses, such as garlic or
onions. Staying on a complete vegetarian
diet helped in fasting and refraining from
certain foods.
• Brahmins believe
that killing an
innocent animal for
the purpose of
filling up your
stomach develops
bad karma. (states
Jayaram V in
"Hinduism and

• According to
Brahmins, food can
be divided into
three categories and
they believe you act
as you eat:
Sattvic Food: (grains Rajastic Food: (hot Tamsic Food: (meat,
and vegetables) :If you and spicy): "If we eat fish, eggs): The
eat sattvic food( pure heat rajastic food Brahmins also believed
food) , you will become (hot and spicy) we that if you eat animal or
a sattvic being. become rajastic unhealthy foods, you
(ambitious, become egoistic, will
However, some Brahmins may eat
certain types of meat, but mainly
temperamental, and develop animalistic and
stick to roots or plant foods; fruits, intoxicants). a lazy nature
vegetables and rice.

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