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General Information:
1.This evaluation is going to be in pairs. For online courses the
students’ camera should be turned on for the complete duration
of the interview and shouldn’t have access to any vocabulary or
extra help from any resource. Each interview should take no more
than 10 minutes.
a)If a student is left without a pair, they can become part of a team
to be assessed.
b)The teacher will be a moderator. Student A will read a prompt to
student B and vice versa. Students will also have to ask follow-up
questions that proves active listening for each answer.
1. Students must provide a clear opinion in FAVOR or AGAINST a prompt, use 1 or 2
reasons with examples to fully respond.
2. Student A will read a randomly selected prompt from unit 2 to student B. Student B
has 20 seconds to prepare his answer. Student B can take notes and glance at them
but not read from them while speaking. Student B must speak between 60-80
3. While student B speaks, student A actively listens to his classmate to ask him a follow
up question that must be answered immediately by student B- Student A may take
notes to formulate the question.
4. The role-play changes and now student B chooses a question for unit 2 and asks his
partner. Same structure is followed from stages 1-3.
5. The teacher repeats the same sequence for unit 3.

It doesn’t matter what you do Someone who studies ethics It is never correct to risk your
in order to achieve success in
can be considered to be a good
person. UNIT 2
own life in order to save the
life of another person.

Antibiotics should be allowed Experimental vaccines should

to be sold in pharmacies
without medical prescription.
Recreational marijuana use
should never be allowed. UNIT 3
be administered to critical
B2- 2 SPEAKING EVALUATION RUBRIC 2023 *Adapted from the Cambridge speaking rubric for B2

Content and
B2 Grammar & Vocabulary Comprehensibility Interaction
Discourse Management
●Control a wide range of complex and simple grammatical 3+ minutes in total (B2.2) Talks fluently Responds effectively and coherently to participants and
Expectations forms with occasional errors that do not affect meaning (B2.2) Gives opinion and reason with examples Easily understood with appropriate pronunciation and /or moderator
for this task ●Uses vocabulary appropriate to the task and level. Relevant fully developed contributions intonation for the level

Shows an outstanding control of a range of complex •Contributions are relevant, well developed, and there is Is intelligible. •Responds and asks questions appropriately with little or
grammatical forms. clear organization of ideas. Pronunciation is clear and easy to understand. no hesitation to communicate with the other speaker.
Attempts to use grammar presented over the semester. •Produces extended stretches of language with very little Intonation is appropriate to the level. •Maintains and develops the interaction and negotiates
Uses a wide range of appropriate or key vocabulary to give and hesitation. meaning whenever it’s necessary.
7 points exchange views on the topic. •Seems comfortable and able to continue past the time
(Excellent) Occasional minor errors are accepted when trying to use more allotted.
complex grammar or vocabulary. •Uses a wide range of appropriate cohesive devices
(linkers, conjunctions), and discourse markers (transition

•Shows a good degree of control of simple grammatical Stays on the topic for the full time. Is intelligible. •Responds and asks questions appropriately with very little
forms, and attempts to use complex grammatical forms. Produces extended stretches of language little hesitation. Pronunciation is mostly clear and easy to understand. support from the teacher/classmate to communicate.
6 points •Uses appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on Comfortable enough to complete the task. Intonation is mostly appropriate to the level. •Maintains and develops the interaction and negotiates
(Good) the topic Uses a range of appropriate cohesive devices, and Sentence and word stress is mostly accurate. meaning with very little support whenever it’s necessary.
•Occasional minor errors are accepted when trying to use discourse markers.
complex grammar or vocabulary.

•Uses simple grammatical forms and avoids the use of more Contributions are sufficiently developed, and there is •Is intelligible, but 1-2 words/phrases are very difficult to •Responds and asks questions appropriately despite some
complex grammatical forms. some repetition. understand or incomprehensible. hesitation and some support from the teacher/classmate
5 points •Uses appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on Produces sufficient language despite some hesitation. •Pronunciation is generally clear and understandable. to communicate.
(Pass) the topic, however it may become repetitive. Attempts to use some cohesive devices, and discourse •Intonation is generally appropriate to the level. •Maintains and develops the interaction and negotiates
•Minor errors that hinder comprehension when using grammar markers. •Sentence and word stress are generally accurate. meaning with some prompting or support whenever it’s
or vocabulary. necessary.

•Uses simple grammatical forms, but still makes significant •Produces responses which are extended beyond short •Ideas are understandable, but 3-4 words/phrases are •Responds and asks some questions with hesitation.
mistakes which hinders understanding. phrases, despite hesitation. incomprehensible. •Minimum interaction and is not able to negotiate
•Uses basic vocabulary that serves the purpose of the task, •Contributions are not very relevant or lacking of •The teacher has to listen carefully and make a guess at meaning.
however, some isolated Spanish words are used. information. the meaning at times. •Requires prompting or support to complete the task.
3 points •Errors that hinder comprehension when using grammar or •Uses basic cohesive devices and discourse markers or •Intonation is barely appropriate to the level.
(Fail) vocabulary. some may be repeated several times. •Sentence and word stress are generally inaccurate.
•No attempt to use more complex grammar, nor variety of

•Struggles to use simple grammatical forms. •Produces short phrases or isolated ideas with lost of •Most Ideas are incomprehensible. •Barely responds or asks some questions with great
•Struggles with basic vocabulary. hesitation which hinders comprehension •The teacher has to listen carefully and make a guess at hesitation.
•Uses a lot of Spanglish to communicate. •Contributions are not relevant, lacking in development, the meaning most of the time. •Minimum interaction and is not able to negotiate
1 point •Asks constantly to the teacher for the meaning or how some and have repetition. •Intonation is inappropriate to the level. meaning.
(Inadequate) words are said in English. •There’s minimal or no use of cohesive devices and •Sentence and word stress are inaccurate. •Requires constant prompting or external support to
•No attempt to use more complex grammar, or variety of discourse markers. complete the task.

Doesn’t produce enough grammar & vocabulary to assess. Doesn’t produce enough to assess discourse management Doesn’t produce enough to assess comprehensibility Doesn’t produce enough to assess interaction
0 points

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