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University of Thi-Qar/College of

Eng. Dep. of Petroleum and Gas


:Report about

S T R E S S - S T R A IN
Supervisor: Mr. Ahmed Jalal


The strength of the rocks depends on the type of stresses that the rocks
are exposed to, and the rocks and their resistance reach the highest limit
during the compressive load, but in the event that the rocks are subjected
to shear stresses, the resistance of the rocks during these stresses
depends mainly on the strength of cohesion and adhesion that exists
between the particles of the material As for the tensile strength, if it is
located in the direction of the levels of stratification of the rock formations,
then here the bearing strength of the rocks is as low as possible, and it is
likely to collapse easily, unlike its case if the stresses and forces are in a
direction perpendicular to the levels of stratification, where the resistance
of the rocks is very large and bears all stressors.
What is the property of elasticity in
?terrestrial rocks

The property of elasticity is defined as the ability of a material or rock

to fall back or return to its original shape and size after removing the
stress it is subjected to. The force applied to rocks is called stress,
.and the deformation of the material is called strain

The relationship between effort and stress can be represented by the

curve, as the stress is directly proportional to the effort within the
,limits of elasticity, which is governed here by the hook law

Ultimate S tr eng t h : Relative limit: B r eaking point o r breaking

It is the maxim um stress that the defined as the stress at which : poin t

material can withstand. the stress- strain curve begins It is the point at which the material
to deviate. breaks after it reaches the
maxim um possible strain and the
: yield poin t stress value is slightly less than
When the material exceeds this the maxim um stress.
point through the curve it will not : Elastic limit
be possible to restore the Elastic limi t is defined as the : Shea r mod u l us
original shape and size. Af t er this stress applied to a material It is defined as the ratio of the
point, the increase in agitation without permanent damage. shear stress to the shear strain at
will be at a faster rate with any any point on the material.
increase in stress until the point The shear mod u l us is also
after it is reached. known as the t orsion mod u l us .
S t r e s s - S t r a in
It is a curve showing the relationship between stress and
strain exhibited by diffe r en t materials. Each material
has its own curve, and this curve is fo u nd by pe r fo r ming
a tensile test o r pressur e test fo r a sample of the
material and recording the amount of defo r mat ion in it
fo r certain periods of time.

The stress-strain curve shows yield area,

ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and These curves reveal many properties of materials
.fracture area (including data to determine the mod u l us of
elasticity, E).
Diffe r en t temperatures, strains and materials vary widely,
diffe r en t tensile tests, diffe r en t othe r, diffe r en t , tempe rature
and velocity of shedding load . Elements common to diffe r en t
g ro u p s of materials, and on this basis materials can be divided
:in to two main types

Ductile Materials and Brittle

D u c t ile Ma t e r ial s
Ductile materials, including steel, and many other alloys, have Af t er this region the angulation begins, as
the advantage of reaching a yield zone at no r mal temperatures. the cross-sectional area becomes smaller
Low carbon steels usually show a linear stress-strain relationship than the original. The ratio of the tensile
u p to a clear yield area. The linear part of the curve is the strength to the true cross-sectional area in
elastic region, and the slope represents the mod u l us of elasticity the narrowest part of the neck is called
o r Yo ung ' s mod u l us (Young mod u l us is: compressive stress to true stress. The ratio of the tensile strength
longitudinal strain). Af t er the yield point, the curve gradually to the original c r o ss - sectional area is called
begins to descend due to the crystal structure (crystalline the geometric stress. If the stress- strain
defects) escaping f r om crystal cohesion. As the defo r mat ion diagram is drawn according to the real
continues, the stress increases with the increase in strain until it stress and the real strain, the stress will
reaches the maxim um tensile stress (UTS). Up to this point the continue to rise until it reaches the stage of
area decreases homogeneously and r andoml y due to Poisson's fail ur e. Eventually the neck area becomes
contractions. The real break point lies on the same vertical line unstable and the specimen breaks.
as the theoretical break point.
Ductile Materials

When the sample is subjected to a gradual increase in

tensile strength, it reaches the maximum tensile stress,
and then the necking and elongation appear quickly
until it breaks. If it is subjected to a gradual increase in
length, it is possible to observe the progression of the
necking and elongation, and to measure the tensile
strength in the sample. In order to record precise
behaviors of materials between the region of maxim um
tensile stress and the region of f r actur e, a gradual
longitudinal tensile fo r ce is applied to the sample.

1: Ultimate strength
2: Yield strength (yield point)
3: Rupture
4: Strain hardening region
5: Necking region
A: Apparent stress (F/A0)
B: Actual stress (F/A)
.Brittle Materials

Fragile materials include cast i r on , glass and stone. It is

characterized by reaching the fr actur e area without any
noticeable change in its elongation. Brittle materials such as
concrete and carbon fibe r do not have a yield point, so the
region of maxim um stress is the same as the region of
fr actur e stress. Fragile materials such as glass do not show
any stress in the plastic area but fail within the elastic area.
One advantage of the fail ur e of the brittle material is that it
can be assembled to recycle the material into the same
shape as no pitting will occ ur as in ductile materials. The
stress-strain curve fo r this material will usually be linear.

Beer, F, Johnston, R, Dewolf, J, & Mazurek, D. (2009). Mechanics of materials.

New York: McGraw-Hill companies. P 51.
A Textbook of Machine Design by R.S.KHURMI AND J.K.GUPTA - P.98 Beer, F,
Johnston, R, Dewolf, J, & Mazurek, D. (2009). Mechanics of materials. New York:
McGraw-Hill companies. P 58.
Beer, F, Johnston, R, Dewolf, J, & Mazurek, D. (2009). Mechanics of materials.
New York: McGraw-Hill companies. P 59.

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