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Exploring measures

We are going to….
● convert between time intervals expressed as
decimal and in mixed units.
Calculating times can be tricky because units of time do not usually come
in 10s and 100s.
Look at each of these numbers.
What does each number have to do with time?

Why do the different units in time make it more tricky to calculate with time?
Work example 2
Convert 3.7 hours into hours and minutes.

3.7 hours =
3 whole hours + 0.7 of an hour

Either There are 60 minutes in 1 hour so there are

0.7 x 60 = 42 0.7 x 60 minutes in 0.7 of an hour.
7 x 6 = 42 0.1 (one tenth) of an hour equals 6 minutes,
so 0.7 (seven tenths) of an hour
3.7 hours = 3 hours and 42 minutes equals 7 x 6 minutes.
Exercise 7.2
1. Copy and complete the table to show times in hours and in minutes.
Hours Hours and minutes Hours Hours and minutes
0.1 hours 0 hours and 6 minutes 0.8 hours
0.2 hours 0 hours and _ minutes 0.9 hours
0.3 hours 1 hour
0.4 hours 1.1 hours
0.5 hours 2.2 hours
0.6 hours 3.8 hours
0.7 hours 4.9 hours

2. 4 children are allowed to share a games console for 5 hours. They decide to divide the 5 hours
equally between them.
a. How much time does each child get on the games console in hours?
b. Tom says that each child can have 1 hour and 25 minutes on the console. Tom is wrong.
Explain why Tom is wrong and work out how many hours and minutes each child can have
on the console.
3. Ten athletes competed in a marathon run.
These are their times:
Copy the table below.
List the runners in table from the fastest to
Convert each of their times into hours,
minutes and seconds and complete the
table with the converted time.
Runner Hours Minutes Seconds

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