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Difference between WINDOWS & UNIX operating system based upon following criteria: 1.File system 2.Memory management 3.Device management

UNIX: overview
It is a machine independent operating system. Ken Thompson developed it in 1969 Unix OS was written by programmer to programmer. It use C language to instead of the previously used assembly language Time-sharing, multi-user, multitasking are basic designed in the system(Multiple users can have multiple tasks running at same time)

Window NT: overview

Microsoft released it in 1993. It was a full 32-bit OS Its design goals include extensibility, portability, reliability, compatibility, performance and international support.


File System

UNIX file is a Hierarchical file structure. All the files are organized into a multileveled hierarchy called a directory tree The file system supports two main objects: file and directory The directory contains a root directory with many subdirectories File is stored as an array of fixed-size data blocks with perhaps a fragment The block sizes are set during a file system creation

UNIX File System Interface

IN Unix system, a file is represented by an Inode (Index Node) An Inode is a record that stores most of the information about a file on the disk, such as its size and location. Each file has an own indoe, all inodes have the same size The inode contains pointer that points to file block. In Unix, the first 12 pointers of inode point to blocks directly, so small files can be accessed efficiently. Example for READ file

UNIX File System Implementation

UNIX mapping of a file descriptor to an Inode

Window NT File System

The fundament entity in NTFS is a volume. A volume is created by the NT disk administrator utility, and is based on a logical disk partition. The volume may occupy a portion of a disk, may occupy an entire disk, or may span across several disks. In NTFS, all information about the volume are stored in a regular file. NTFS does not deal with individual sectors of a disk, but instead uses clusters as the unit of disk allocation. A cluster is a number of disk sectors that is a power of 2. The cluster size is configured when an

A file in NTFS is a structured object consisting of attributes. Each attribute of a file is an independent byte stream that can be created, deleted, read, and written. Every file in NTFS is described by one or more records in an array stored in a special file called the master file table (MFT). The size of a record is determined when the file system is created.

UNIX Memory Management

UNIX system uses swapping to handle memory contention among processes. Processes are swapped out until enough memory is available. The process is either in the memory or on the disk. Decisions regarding which processes to swap in or out are made by the scheduler process. The scheduler wakes up at least once every 4 seconds to check for processes to be swapped in or out A process is more likely to be swapped out if it is idle, has been in main memory a long time or it is large

A process is more likely to be swapped in if it has been swapped out a long time, or is small Berkeley introduced paging to UNIX. Paging is added in order to handle a large programs . The basic idea is : some programs dont need entirety bring into memory to run. Such as text, data. We can bring them to memory by dynamic. When we need them, we can bring in. Paging can eliminate the external fragmentation of memory. Page-

The virtual-memory portion of the NT executive is the virtual-memory manager(VM) The VM manager in NT uses a pagebased management scheme with a page size of 4KB. Pages of data that are assigned to a process but are not in physical memory are stored in the paging file on disk The VM manager uses 32 bit addresses, so each process has a 4 GB virtual address space. The upper 2GB is identical for all processes, and is used by NT in kernel mode. The low 2 GB is distinct for every process, and is

Windows NT Memory Management

The NT VM manager uses a two-step process to allocate memory. The first step reserves a portion of the processs address space. The second step commits the allocation by assigning space in the NT paging file. The VM manager allows a privileged process to lock selected pages in physical memory thus ensuring that the pages will not be swapped out to the paging file

Summary Of FILE SYSTEM Difference

Summary of Memory Management

Device management in UNIX usually linked Device driver in UNIX are

into object code of kernel. This mean when a new device is used which was not included in original construction of O.S the UNIX kernel has to relinked with the new device driver object code. E.g. /dev/pty (pseudo terminal)

In windows device driver are implemented as dynamic link libraries(DLLs). This provides a numbers of benefits: DLLs contain shareable code which means that only one copy of the code needs to be loaded into memory. This is convenient since most application requires to use the standard drivers such as keyboards and displays.

Device management in windows

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