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Guidelines for

Programmatic Management of
Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment in

July 2021
National TB Elimination Programme
Central TB Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Government of India, New Delhi 1
• Active case finding (ACF): It is defined programmatically as systematic
screening for TB disease through outreach activities outside health facility
• Adult: For programmatic purpose in India, adult is a person over 19 years of
• At-risk group: is any group of people in whom the prevalence or incidence of
TB is significantly higher than in the general population.
• Bacteriologically confirmed TB: is TB diagnosed in a biological specimen by
smear microscopy, culture or a WHO-endorsed rapid molecular test and
adopted by NTEP such as Xpert MTB/RIF®/TrueNat®.

• Child: For programmatic purpose in India, child is a person up to and including
18 years of age. [This include adolescents aged 10-18 years.]

• Contact: is any individual who was exposed to a person with active TB disease.

• Contact investigation: is a systematic process for identifying previously

undiagnosed people with TB disease and TB infection among the contacts of
an index TB patient and/or other comparable settings where transmission
occurs. [Contact investigation consists of identification, clinical evaluation
and/or testing and provision of appropriate anti-TB treatment (for people with
confirmed TB) or TB preventive treatment (for those without TB disease)].
• Close contact: is a person who is not in the household but shared an enclosed space,
such as at a social gathering, workplace or facility, for extended periods during the day
with the index TB patient during the three months before commencement of the
current TB treatment episode. This group will be included for all intervention as
applicable for house-hold contacts in this guidelines.
• High TB transmission setting: is a setting with a high frequency of individuals
with undetected or undiagnosed TB disease, or where infectious TB patients are present
and there is a high risk of TB transmission. [TB patients are most infectious when they
are untreated or inadequately treated. Transmission will be increased by aerosol-
generating procedures and by the presence of susceptible individuals. These settings
(health care workers, prisons, mines, slums, tribal, migrant laborer’s etc.) could be
mapped out as part of vulnerability mapping exercise done for and prioritized by
states for specific TPT interventions guided by differential TB epidemiology in the
respective state.]
• Household contact (HHC): is a person who shared the same enclosed living
space as the index TB patient for one or more nights or for frequent or
extended daytime periods during the three months before the start of current
TB treatment. [For simplicity, close contacts may be considered inclusive in this
term throughout the guidelines.]
• Index patient of TB: is the initially identified person of any age with new or
recurrent TB in a specific household or other comparable setting in which
others may have been exposed. [An index TB patient is the person on whom
a contact investigation is centered but is not necessarily the source.]
• Infant: is a child under one year (12 months) of age.

• Tuberculosis infection (TBI): is a state of persistent immune response to
stimulation by M. tuberculosis antigens with no evidence of clinically manifest
TB disease. [There is no gold standard test for direct identification of M.
tuberculosis infection in humans. Most infected people have no signs or
symptoms of TB but are at risk for developing TB disease. TB infection is also
known as “latent TB infection” (LTBI), although this term is being discarded
given that infection cannot always be considered latent.]
• People who use drugs (PWUD): are those who engage in the harmful or
hazardous use of psychoactive substances, which could impact negatively on
the user’s health, social life, resources and legal situation.

• Programmatic Management of TB preventive treatment (PMTPT): includes all
coordinated activities by public and private health caregivers and the
community aimed at scaling up TB preventive treatment to people who need it.
• Systematic screening for TB disease: is a systematic identification of people
with presumed TB disease, in a predetermined target population, using
tests, examinations or other procedures that can be applied rapidly. [Among
those screened positive, the diagnosis needs to be established by one or
several diagnostic tests and additional clinical assessments, which together
have high accuracy.]
• TB preventive treatment (TPT): Treatment offered to individuals who are
considered to be at risk of developing TB disease, in order to reduce that risk.
[Also referred to as treatment of TB infection.]
Thank you!!

Chapter 1:
Overview of TB

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:

 Burden of TB infection

 Cascade of care approach

Burden of TB
• India has the highest estimated burden of tuberculosis infection (TBI) globally,
o with nearly 35-40 crore Indian population having TBI, of which 26 lakh (18-36 lakh) are
estimated to develop tuberculosis (TB) disease annually
• 5–10% of those infected will develop TB disease over the course of their lives, usually
within the first 2 years after initial infection
• The risk for TB disease after infection depends on several factors-
o The most important being immunological status
o risk is increased >25 times among contacts of bacteriologically confirmed TB patients
compared to general populations,
o 16-21 times in case of HIV co-infection and
o 3-4 times in other immune-compromised status like diabetes, etc.
Review of literature
• 75% of people who develop TB disease after contact with a patient of active TB are
estimated to do so within one year of TB diagnosis of the index patient and 97%
within two years.
• Molecular fingerprinting studies further confirmed the probabilities of developing
disease within one, two and five years as 45%, 62% and 83% respectively.
• Risk of developing TB disease after TPT decreases by approximately 60% and the
reduction can be up to 90% among people living with HIV (PLHIV).
• Epidemiological modelling studies show that effective implementation of TPT alone
in South-East Asia (SEA) region would result in an annual TB incidence decline of
8.3%, independent of other background interventions.

Study published in July 2020 from
• Sample size: 1051 household contact Given the high overall risk of
• 71% household contacts of pulmonary TB (PTB) patients had incident TB disease among
recently exposed HHCs and the
baseline TBI (tuberculin skin test [TST] ≥ 5 mm or Quantiferon®-
lack of association between TBI
Gold-in-Tube [QGIT] ≥ 0.35 IU/ml). status and incident TB disease,
• Overall, 2% HHC developed incident TB disease (12 cases/1000 the study supports the new
person-years, 95%CI: 8–19) WHO recommendation to offer
o HIV infection (aIRR = 29.08, 95% CI: 2.38–355.77, p = 0.01) and TPT to all HHC of PTB patients
undernutrition (aIRR = 6.16, 95% CI: 1.89–20.03, p = 0.003) were residing in a high TB burden
independently associated with incident TB disease while country such as India. They do
o age, diabetes mellitus, smoking, alcohol, and baseline TBI, not suggest any benefit of TBI
regardless of TST (≥ 5 mm, ≥ 10 mm, ≥ 6 mm increase) or QGIT testing at baseline or during
(≥ 0.35 IU/ml, ≥ 0.7 IU/ml) cut-offs were not associated. follow-up to risk stratify
recently-exposed HHC for TPT
Source: Paradkar M, Padmapriyadarsini C, Jain D, Shivakumar SVBY, Thiruvengadam K, Gupte AN, et al. (2020) Tuberculosis preventive treatment should be considered for all
household contacts of pulmonary tuberculosis patients in India. PLoS ONE 15(7): e0236743.
National Strategic Plan (2017-25) :
• The NSP proposes a Detect-Treat-Prevent-Build approach
• Prevention of TB disease by treatment of TBI is a critical component of the National
Strategic Plan 2017-25 for Ending TB (NSP) in India by 2025.
• Scaling up TPT would be key to hasten the decline in rate of TB incidence from 2.5%
at present to 10% required annually.
• Rigorous, expansive and accountable “TB contact tracing and investigation” for
secondary TB patient detection and treatment coupled with active screening for TB
among HRGs and TPT is one of the key activities under the “Prevent” component of
the NSP.

Cascade of TB case finding and TPT
• The aim is to have significant Target Population
impact on an individual’s
health as well as to reduce TB Rule out active TB
burden and transmission.
• In the cascade of care No signs/
Presumptive TB
symptoms of TB
o Reach out to all target Active TB ruled Test for TB infection
TB confirmed (as per policy)
population who are at-risk out
of developing TB disease Start TB Evaluate for TPT
o Screened for TB disease and treatment
o Provide TPT after ruling out Start TPT
Systematic follow-
TB disease up
Systematic follow-
Losses and drop out at each stage of cascade
of care
• Globally, there are significant
losses in the cascade of care
prior to initiation of PMTPT, in
addition to patient non-
adherence following initiation
of treatment.
• Research studies from all over
the world show that among
those estimated to be eligible
for PMTPT, less than 20%
completed the entire cascade
of care

Point to remember
India has the highest burden of TB infection (TBI) globally.
5–10% of those infected will develop active TB disease over the course of their lives, usually
within the first 2 years after initial infection.
In India, 71% HHC of pulmonary TB patients had baseline TBI.
Risk of TBI increases 16-21 times in case of HIV co-infection with or without ART.
Eligibility for TPT relies on ruling out active TB and risk versus benefit assessment.
Prevention is one of the four strategic priorities of National Strategic Plan to end TB in India.
Strengthening cascade of care for TPT would require interventions along the entire cascade
of care to optimize impact of TPT on accelerating decline in its incidence nationwide.

Thank you!!

Chapter 2:
Target population
for TPT

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:

 Identifying at-risk population

 Target population for TPT

 Policy on TPT in India

Identifying at-risk population
• Some countries like Vietnam are contemplating community-wide screening at
frequent intervals and population level TPT provision
• However, a targeted approach is considered as an appropriate public health
response, currently. Reason-
o not all individuals infected with M. tuberculosis develop active TB disease
o no predictive tests to identify individuals who will progress to disease
• TPT is a continuum of care for routine programme activities including ACF.
o Active TB case finding (ACF) process also offers an opportunity to simultaneously rule
out active TB among HRG and identify the target population for TPT, wherein PMTPT
services can be integrated within existing ACF interventions.

Target population and strategy
Target population Strategy
a. Expanded eligible
 People living with HIV (+ ART)
group including o Adults and children >12 months
children >5 years, o Infants <12 months with HIV in contact with active TB TPT to all after ruling out
 HHC below 5 years of pulmonary* TB patients active TB disease
adolescents and adult
HHC of pulmonary*
 HHC 5 years and above of pulmonary* TB patients # TPT among TBI positive# after
TB patients notified
ruling out TB disease
in Nikshay from #
Chest X Ray (CXR) and TBI testing would be offered wherever available, but TPT must not be
public and private deferred in their absence
Target population Strategy
confirmed pulmonary
Individuals who are:
TB patients will be • on immunosuppressive therapy
prioritized for • having silicosis TPT after ruling out TB
enumeration of the • on anti-TNF treatment disease among TBI positive
• on dialysis
target population) • preparing for organ or hematologic transplantation
b. other risk groups
People living with HIV/AIDS
(adult, adolescent and child)
TPT reduces the overall risk for TB by 60-90% among PLHIV.

 Adults and children (>12 months) living with HIV should be screened for TB using a four-
symptom complex and TPT can be provided to those without symptoms or after ruling out
active TB in those with TB symptoms. TPT should be given to all these individuals
irrespective of the degree of immunosuppression, whether they are on antiretroviral
treatment (ART), previous TB treatment, and/or pregnancy in women.
 Infants aged < 12 months living with HIV who are in contact with a patient of pulmonary TB
and are investigated for TB should receive TPT with 6 months of isoniazid (6H) after active
TB is ruled out.

All household contacts of
pulmonary TB* patients
All HHC of pulmonary* TB patients notified in Nikshay from public and private sector,
regardless of their age or TBI status, are at substantially higher risk for progression to
active TB than the general population
• All HHC of pulmonary* TB patients, regardless of age should be given TPT after ruling out TB.
o In children HHC under 5 years of age  TPT after ruling out active TB, without TBI testing.
o In children HHC >5 years and adults  TBI testing and chest xray would be offered wherever
 All efforts need to be made to ensure that CXR & TBI testing is made available. However, TPT must not
be deferred in their absence.
 [This includes close contacts of pulmonary* TB patients at workplace and other settings, regardless of
their age].

Expansion to other risk group
Individuals with clinical risk factors who are on immunosuppressive therapy, having
silicosis, on anti-TNF treatment, on dialysis, preparing for organ or hematologic
transplantation should be tested and treated for TBI because of their increased risk for
progression to active TB disease.
• Systematic TBI testing and treatment is not recommended for people with diabetes mellitus,
malnutrition, smoking, harmful alcohol abuse unless they have other risk factors for TB, such
as HIV infection or history of contact with TB patient within their household.
• High TB transmission settings (health-care workers, prisons, mines, slums, tribal, migrant
laborer’s etc.) could be mapped out as part of a vulnerability mapping exercise done for ACF.
This can be prioritized for specific TPT interventions guided by differential TB epidemiology
by the state TPT committee (Annexure 1) if the risk of active TB among them is higher than
that of the general population in the respective states.
Point to remember… 1
Target population for TPT after ruling out active TB includes PLHIV, all HHC of
pulmonary* TB patients notified in Nikshay from public and private sector, individuals who
are on immunosuppressive therapy, having silicosis, on anti-TNF treatment, on dialysis and
preparing for organ or hematologic transplantation.
In adults and children (>12 months) living with HIV, TPT can be provided to those without
symptoms or after ruling out active TB in those with TB symptoms. TPT should be given to
all these individuals irrespective of the degree of immunosuppression, whether they are on
antiretroviral treatment (ART), previous TB treatment, and pregnancy in women.
Infants aged < 12 months living with HIV who are in contact with a patient of pulmonary TB
and are investigated for TB should receive TPT with 6 months of isoniazid (6H) after TB is
ruled out.
In children HHC under 5 years of age, TPT will be offered without testing for TBI.

Point to remember… 2
In children HHC >5 years and adults, chest X Ray and TBI testing would be offered
wherever available. All efforts need to be made to ensure that CXR & TBI testing is made
available. However, TPT must not be deferred in their absence.
In individuals who are on immunosuppressive therapy, having silicosis, on anti-TNF
treatment, on dialysis, preparing for organ or hematologic transplantation or other vulnerable
risk groups, treatment would always be preceded by testing.
High TB transmission settings (health-care workers, prisons, mines, slums, tribal, migrant
labourer’s etc.) could be mapped out as part of a vulnerability mapping exercise done for
ACF and prioritized by states for specific TPT interventions guided by differential TB
epidemiology by the state TPT expert groups if the extent of TB among them is higher than
that of the general population in the respective state.

Thank you!!

Chapter 3:
Diagnosis for TB

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:

 Introduction to lab diagnostics for TBI

 Tests for TBI

 Implementation considerations for testing services for TBI

• Excluding TB disease is a critical step before starting TPT
• Confirming TBI before starting TPT may increase the certainty that individuals
targeted for TPT would benefit from it.
• Tests also enhance confidence of providers as well as recipients to start TPT.
• However, there is no gold standard test to diagnose TBI or predict progression to TB
disease among those infected.
• Currently, available tests are indirect and measure the immune response following
TB exposure and hence require the person to mount an adequate immune response
to provide reliable results

Tests for TB infection
• Currently recommended and available tests for TBI-
Both tests measure immune sensitization
1. Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) and (type IV or delayed-type II hypersensitivity)
to mycobacterial protein antigens that
2. Interferon- Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) occurs following infection by M.tb
• TST detects  reaction to purified protein derivative (PPD) of mycobacterium
• IGRAs measure  amount of interferon-gamma released in vitro by white blood cells
when mixed with M. tuberculosis antigens or the number of T-lymphocytes
producing interferon-gamma.
• A diagnosis of TBI needs to be complemented by a negative test outcome for TB
disease, through clinical evaluation, chest radiography and examination of sputum or
another suitable specimen if symptomatic, as per NTEP diagnostic algorithm.
Technical recommendations
• Testing for TBI by TST or IGRA is not a requirement for initiating TPT in PLHIV or children aged <
5 years in HHC with pulmonary* TB patients.
• In children >5 years and adults HHC with pulmonary* TB patients, TST or IGRA testing would be
offered wherever available.
o All efforts need to be made to ensure that TST or IGRA testing is made available. However, TPT
must not be deferred in their absence.
• In other risk groups, TST or IGRA are to be performed for considering TPT after ruling out active
TB, especially if the prevalence of TB among these risk groups is low.
• A positive test result by either of the two methods available is not by itself a reliable indicator
that the person will progress to TB disease as the possibility of false positive results cannot be
ruled out.
• Conversely, a negative test result does not rule out TBI, given the possibility of a false-negative
test result among at-risk groups, such as young children or among those recently infected.
Implementation consideration
Tuberculin skin test (TST)
• Ensure availability and supply of tuberculin in cold chain, syringes, needles and consumables up to
the health and wellness centre (HWC) and primary health centre level (PHC).
• Train health personnel in intradermal injections as well as reading and interpretation
• Provide ongoing capacity building and supportive supervision to maintain skill levels.
• Develop mechanisms to ensure standardized application of test procedures, mentoring and
supervision and periodic standardized reliability testing for quality assurance.
• Establish mechanisms to call people who have been tested to return for the test reading within 48–
72 hours of tuberculin administration, or alternatively ensure test reading at the person’s residence.
• Update test request and results in the Prevent TB India app (later on TBI module of Nikshay
whenever available) to enable documentation and reporting of TST results.

Implementation consideration
Interferon-Gamma Release Assay (IGRA)
• Develop capacity of the laboratory system and technicians to conduct IGRA (phlebotomy,
processing of blood specimen, incubation and automated ELISA reading).
• Establish mechanisms to ensure rapid transportation of blood specimens from peripheral centres to
the IGRA testing laboratory (within 8–30 hours to allow incubation depending on type of IGRA test)
• Ensure functioning of laboratory equipment and establish a mechanism for regular maintenance
• Map out IGRA testing facilities available both in public and private sector in the state.
• Biggest potential for expansion of IGRA testing across India may be in collaboration with private lab
• This can be considered under the partnership options with funding through the national health
mission (NHM) using established mechanisms of annual project implementation planning (PIP).
• Update test request and results in the Prevent TB India app (later on TBI module of Nikshay
whenever available) to enable documentation and reporting of TST results.

Comparison between TST and IGRA
Specificity Low in BCG vaccinated High also in BCG vaccinated
Sensitivity High High
Ease of use Field friendly, complex test Require labs and infrastructure
Cost of test Low High
Manufacturing Complex old product Complex, multiple components*
Children Affected by young age Affected by young age
PLHIV Requires info on HIV status for correct Affected by HIV and low CD4 count

• States need to forecast requirements and procure requisite quantities of equipment and test kits with funding through the
NHM annual PIP process either directly under the programme or preferably through rate contract mechanism or
outsourced through the NTEP partnership options to purchase end to end services.
• This includes cost of specimen collection and tests leveraging their availability in the private laboratories across India.

Point to remember
The currently recommended and available tests for TBI are TST and IGRA. Either of these
tests can be used for assessing TBI.
Both TST & IGRA measure immune sensitization (type IV or delayed-type hypersensitivity)
to mycobacterial protein antigens.
States need to forecast the requirements and procure requisite quantities of equipment and
test kits with funding through NHM annual PIP process, either directly under the programme
or preferably through rate contract mechanism or outsourced through NTEP partnership
options for purchase of end to end services. This includes cost of specimen collection and
tests leveraging their availability in private laboratories across India.

Thank you!!

Chapter 4:
Enumerating target
population, ruling
out active TB disease
& initiating TPT

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:

 Enumerating target population and contact tracing

 Algorithm for TB screening to rule out active TB

 Assessing eligibility, contraindications and providing TPT

 Counselling of TPT eligible persons and their families

 Pre-treatment assessment and TPT initiation

Enumerating target population
• First and most critical step for universal access and success of PMTPT

• The complete list of PLHIV, HHC and other risk groups need to be available on a
weekly basis with the concerned health-care provider at health facility (HF)
(including health & wellness cenre [HWC] & private providers [PPs]), TB Units (TU),
integrated couselling and testing centres (ICTC) and anti-retroviral treatment (ART)
centres and those health facility providers caring for other risk groups.

Enumeration of PLHIV
• PLHIV detected and enrolled for ART can be enumerated at ICTC and ART centres
where screening and eligibility for TPT would be ascertained for this group of patients.
• The data for the enumeration and TPT coverage in PLHIV need to be updated on
Prevent TB India app (detailed later) by the respective staff at the ICTC and ART centers.
• The TB Unit team (STS / TBHV) is expected to regularly supervise and monitor.

• Further, the DTO / DNO (district TB officer/ district nodal officer) must regularly review
the uptake and analyze the data to guide corrective actions.

Enumeration of HHC and contact
• Index TB patients are the pulmonary* TB patients detected through passive, intensified or ACF
approaches and notified in Nikshay from the public and private sector.
• For enumerating the HHC of index pulmonary* TB patients-
o the first step is to enlist the index patients at every HWC and HF level.
o the index pulmonary* TB patients list must be downloaded from Nikshay for all notified pulmonary* TB
patients including patients notified from private sector
o upload the pulmonary* TB patients list on the Prevent TB India app where the index patients data gets
o information for all HHC is entered and monitored by the concerned HWC and HF staff using Nikshay HF
o however, this download and upload process would not be necessary once TBI module in Nikshay is
developed and fully functional.
• Contact tracing must be done during the initial home visit or virtual interaction through tele/video
calls by health workers
o do enumeration, counselling, screening and encouraging eligible HHC for TPT initiation at HWC or HF.
Enumeration of other risk groups
• To enumerate the target population for other risk groups-
o mapping of the institutions providing care to the specific risk groups considered eligible for TPT
within the states
o engaged systematically by every district and TB unit.

• The providers need to be trained in Guidelines for TPT and enumeration of the target
population as well as their counselling, screening, TPT initiation, follow up and information
management as well as monitoring of the TPT care cascade.

• All this should be done through the Prevent TB India app till TBI module in Nikshay is
available and fully functional.
Active case finding rounds
• ACF rounds are an add-on to complement the contact tracing.
• mapping of target populations must be an integral part of the vulnerability mapping for ACF
• Enumeration in Prevent TB India app
o Vulnerable groups considered for TPT in the state
o the HHC of pulmonary* TB patients detected during ACF rounds.

• As the index pulmonary* TB patients from ACF rounds are notified in Nikshay, their data
management would follow the same steps as above for entering the information of the
target population.
Algorithm for TB screening and TPT
HIV positive Household contact Other risk group 3

Any symptom1 of Symptomatic?2

current cough or fever or weight loss or
night sweats

NO YES <5 years 5 years +

Investigate for active TB

No active TB TST or IGRA

Preventive treatment
Positive or unavailable Negative

Normal or
Defer preventive Give preventive treatment5

Follow-up for active TB as necessary, even for patients who have completed preventive treatment

Footnotes of algorithm
1. If <10 years, any one of current cough or fever or history of contact with TB or reported weight loss or confirmed weight
loss >5% since last visit or growth curve flattening or weight for age <-2 Z-scores.
Asymptomatic infants <1 year with HIV are only treated for TBI if they are household contacts of TB. TST or IGRA may
identify PLHIV who will benefit most from preventive treatment. Chest radiography (CXR) may be used in PLHIV on ART,
before starting TPT.
2. Any one of cough or fever or night sweats or haemoptysis or weight loss or chest pain or shortness of breath or fatigue. In
children <5 years, they should also be free of anorexia, failure to thrive, not eating well, decreased activity or playfulness to
be considered asymptomatic.
3. Including silicosis, dialysis, anti-TNF agent treatment, preparation for transplantation or other vulnerable risk groups
where testing must precede before TPT.
4. Including acute or chronic hepatitis; peripheral neuropathy (if isoniazid is used); regular and heavy alcohol consumption.
Pregnancy or a previous history of TB are not contraindications.
5. Regimen chosen based on considerations of age, strain (drug susceptible or otherwise), risk of toxicity, availability and
6. CXR may have been carried out earlier as part of intensified case finding.
People living with HIV/AIDS
• PLHIV/CLHIV does not report any of the symptoms of current cough, fever, weight loss or night
sweats are unlikely to have active TB and should be offered preventive treatment, regardless of
ART status.
• CXR need to be done to exclude any abnormal radiological findings suggestive of TB (not
mandatory and lack of CXR should not be a barrier for giving TPT); all efforts must be taken by the
provider to get a CXR done including from the private sector.
• Adults and adolescents living with HIV do report any of the four symptoms  may have active
TB; evaluate for TB and other diseases and TPT after ruling out active TB
• Child (< 12 months) living with HIV have poor weight gain, fever or current cough or a history of
contact with a pulmonary* TB patient  evaluate for TB and other diseases. If the evaluation
shows no TB then children should be offered TPT, irrespective of age.
• TPT should be an integral part of the care package for PLHIV.
All household contacts of Pulmonary*
a. If they are symptomatic  investigate for TB and manage appropriately

b. If they are not having any signs/ symptoms of TB 

i. Age <5 years. Rule out active TB and provide TPT; and

ii. Age 5 years and more. Rule out active TB and provide TPT if TBI test (IGRA/TST) is
positive or not available and if chest X-ray is normal or not available.

• Screening for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women may be integrated into
various entry points for care (such as maternal and child health, immunization, well
baby clinics and nutrition clinics).
Expansion to other risk groups
• In this group, testing with IGRA/TST must precede TPT
a. All individuals should have active TB ruled out prior to considering TPT. A positive TBI test
does not diagnose active TB;
b. All other HRGs should have a negative symptom screening to rule out active TB followed by
appropriate diagnostic test for TBI and only receive TPT if TBI test is positive and CXR, if
available, is normal and
c. If symptomatic or with an abnormal CXR, the patient should be evaluated for active TB as per
existing guidelines and algorithms.
• Symptom screening among target population should be done at every visit to a health
facility or contact with health worker.
• Chest X-ray wherever available must be done at baseline and as and when indicated during
follow-up visits. 50
Contraindications of TPT
• Active TB disease (absolute) • Pregnancy or a
previous history of
• Acute or chronic hepatitis
TB are not
• Concurrent use of other hepatotoxic medications (such as contraindications for
nevirapine) TPT; and
• Regular and heavy alcohol consumption • Contact with drug
• Signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy like resistant TB (DR-TB)
persistent tingling, numbness and burning sensation in the cases have been
limbs dealt with in detail
• Allergy or known hypersensitivity to any drugs being later in the
considered for TPT
Counselling of eligible person and
Counselling for TPT initiation and completion would be critical in all target populations, tailored to the target
populations (PLHIV, HHC, other risk groups)

Need to share transparent • Counselling will be the prerogative of the health care workers
information with the
• The index TB patients and their family members would play an important
eligible person and family-
information on TBI, role in synergizing with the efforts of the health-care workers
• need for TPT, • community strengths need to be leveraged through the engagement of TB
• schedule of medication,
champions / survivors, community representatives, members of village
• Adherence support and
follow-up visits, health and sanitation (VHS) committees, peer groups of TB survivors and
• benefits from completing youth volunteers to synergize with the efforts of the health system
the course, • NTEP national call centre (NIKSHAY SAMPARK – Toll free number
• adverse events,
• actions on development of 1800116666) may be provided to index TB patients, those initiated on TPT
TB symptoms and family members to serve as a resource
Steps for effective counselling session
• Ensure confidentiality when seeking a person’s commitment for completing the course;
• Ensure that the person understands the role of TPT regimen options and the duration required
to complete for maximizing protection;
• Provide information materials in the local language and at the appropriate literacy level;
• Involve family members and caregivers in health education when possible. As children often
move between households and health facilities; it may be helpful to include additional family
members and caregivers in adherence support;
• Reinforce supportive educational messages at each contact during treatment;
• Give clear information regarding adverse drug reactions (“side-effects”) and triggers on when to
stop treatment and contact the health-care worker;
• Invite clarification questions and provide clear and simple answers; and
• Provide a telephone number of the HCW staff/TBHV and STS concerned 53
Components of counselling
• Explain about eligibility and key messages

• Agree on the best approach to support treatment adherence, including the most
suitable location for drug intake and treatment support

• Explain the disease process and rationale

• Review the importance of completing TPT

• Discuss possible side effects

• Discuss Management of common side effects and need for self-monitoring and report
Pre-treatment assessment
before TPT initiation… 1
• Baseline assessment to determine the eligibility of an individual for TPT should be
undertaken after ruling out active TB and decided for TPT.
• The doctor at the HF (including CHO) with support of their staff will assess every individual
for their eligibility and contraindication for TPT based on the algorithm and baseline
assessment and have the prerogative of initiating the TPT regimen that suits the eligible
individuals identified from the target population as well as their monitoring, management of
any adverse events, declaring treatment outcomes and long-term follow up.
• Personal history: Elicit information relevant for TPT initiation and continuation, such as
o allergy or known hypersensitivity to TB drugs (isoniazid, rifampicin, rifabutin or rifapentine).
o HIV status and ART regimen;
o pregnancy status or birth control method used; and
o assess presence of co-morbidities (such as malnutrition, diabetes, liver disease and record
medications being taken.

Pre-treatment assessment
before TPT initiation… 2
• History of medication: Elicit medication history to guide the choice of TPT regimen or
determine the need for modification of treatment of co-morbid conditions.
o Certain drug classes – ARVs, opioids, antimalarials – often affect TPT.
• Liver function test (LFT): There is insufficient evidence to support mandatory or routine LFT
at baseline.
o However, where feasible, baseline testing is strongly encouraged in individuals with risk factors –
such as history of liver disease, regular use of alcohol, chronic liver disease, HIV infection and
pregnancy or immediate postpartum period (within 3 months of delivery).
o In individuals having abnormal baseline LFT results (ALT/AST is ≥ 3 times upper limit of normal
[ULN] in the presence of symptoms or ≥ 5 times the ULN in the absence of symptoms), clinical
judgement is required to determine that benefit of TPT outweighs the risks of adverse events
related to the therapy.
• Social and financial situation. Assessment of support that would be required to overcome
the barriers for TPT completion.
Point to remember… 1
Enumeration and contact tracing of target population needs to be proactively undertaken by
the health-care providers at HWC, HF, ICTC/ART centres and the institutions providing care
to the specific risk groups considered eligible for TPT using the Prevent TB India app for
information management and monitoring of the TPT care cascade.
Index TB patients are the pulmonary* TB patients detected through passive, intensified or
ACF approaches and notified in Nikshay from the public and private sector.
Asymptomatic infants <1 year with HIV are only treated for TBI if they are HHC of TB. The
four symptoms used for screening of PLHIV consist of cough, fever, night sweat and weight
loss. PLHIV who do not report any of the symptoms of current cough, fever, weight loss or
night sweats are unlikely to have active TB and should be offered TPT, regardless of ART
Frequency of symptom screening for the person on TPT is at every visit to health facility or
contact with a health worker.
Test for TBI is not required among PLHIV and contacts < 5 years of age.
Point to remember… 2
TPT should be offered irrespective of availability of TBI tests (IGRA/TST) or CXR.
Contraindication to TPT includes, active TB disease, active hepatitis, peripheral neuropathy
and regular and heavy alcohol consumption.
Counselling for TPT includes Information on TBI, need for TPT, schedule of medication
collection, medication adherence support and follow-up visits, benefits from importance of
completing the course, adverse events, actions on development of TB symptoms or adverse
Pre-treatment assessment for TPT initiation includes personal, social, financial and
medication history as well as investigation as per the NTEP guidelines.
TPT initiation, monitoring, management of ADRs, declaring treatment outcomes and long-
term follow-up will be the responsibility of the doctor at HF (including CHO) with support of
their staff.
Thank you!!

Chapter 5:
TB preventive

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:

 Evidence on TPT

 TPT regimen with dosages

 Role of pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)

 Emergence of drug resistance following TPT

Evidences for 3HP… 1
• The 3HP regimen was also associated with a higher completion rate in all subgroups (adults
with HIV: RR 1.25, 95% CI 1.01; 1.55; adults without HIV: RR 1.19, 95% CI 1.16; 1.22; children
and adolescents: RR 1.09, 95% CI 1.03; 1.15) (
• No significant difference in the incidence of active TB between participants given a 3HP and
6H or 9H (RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.23; 2.30). The risk for hepatotoxicity was significantly lower with
3HP in adult PLHIV (RR 0.26, 95% CI 0.12; 0.55) and in those without HIV (RR 0.16, 95% CI
0.10; 0.27) (Martinson NA et al., Sterling TR et al.)
• Compared to 9H, it was observed that the 3HP has a better completion rate in a multicentre
randomized controlled study in Taiwan (Sterling TR et al. and Sun HY et al)
• Systematic review of adverse events of rifapentine and isoniazid compared to other
treatments for latent tuberculosis infection (23 RCTs & 55 non-randomised studies) shows
lower rate of AEs with 3HP (Peace C et al.)
Evidences for 3HP… 2
• No significant difference in TB incidence was found in an intention-to-treat analysis;
however, a per-protocol analysis showed a lower rate of TB infection or death in participants
given continuous isoniazid. In all the studies, 3HP was given under direct observation (WHO
consolidated guidelines on tuberculosis. Module 1: prevention – tuberculosis preventive treatment)

• In a study of 3HP in 112 pregnant women, the rates of spontaneous abortion and birth
defects were similar to those in the general population in the US (Moro RN et al)
• The clear advantages of these regimens are better adherence due to the shorter duration
and fewer adverse events. The use of shorter rifamycin-based regimens is associated with at
least 20% greater treatment completion rate (82% vs 61%). WHO recently assessed and
recommended several shorter rifamycin-based regimens as alternatives to six months of
isoniazid (Alsdurf H et al.)

Evidences for 6H
• A systematic review of randomized control trials (RCTs) involving PLHIV in 2009
showed that IPT reduces overall risk for TB by 33% (RR 0.67; 95% CI 0.51;0.87), and
the preventive efficacy reached 64% for people with a positive TST (RR 0.36; 95% CI
0.22;0.61) (Akolo C et al.)
• Review also demonstrated that the efficacy of the six-month regimen was not
significantly different from that of a 12-month daily isoniazid monotherapy (RR 0.58;
95% CI 0.3;1.12) (Akolo C et al.)
• A recent systematic review of RCTs showed a significantly greater reduction in TB
incidence among participants given the six-month regimen than in those given a
placebo (odds ratio 0.65; 95% CI 0.50;0.83) (Zenner D et al.)

TB Preventive Treatment
a. Expanded eligible Target population Target population
group including • People living with HIV (+ ART)
children >5 years, o Adults and children >12 months
• 6-months daily isoniazid (6H)
adolescents and adult o Infants <12 months with HIV in contact
with active TB • 3-month weekly Isoniazid and
HHC of pulmonary* Rifapentine (3HP) in persons
TB patients notified in • HHC below 5 years of pulmonary* TB older than 2 years
Nikshay from public patients
and private sector
(*bacteriologically • HHC 5 years and above of pulmonary* TB • 3-month weekly Isoniazid and
patients# Rifapentine (3HP)
confirmed pulmonary
TB patients will be • 6-months daily isoniazid (6H)
prioritized for • Children/adult on immunosuppressive • 3-month weekly Isoniazid
enumeration of the therapy, silicosis, anti-TNF treatment, and Rifapentine (3HP)
target population) dialysis, transplantation • 6-months daily isoniazid (6H)
b. other risk groups

Guidance to the States
• Until 3HP is widely available under the programme- all states must intensify the
monitoring to saturate the TPT coverage in PLHIV and children < 5 years household
contact with an index TB patient using 6H and move to 3HP whenever available.

• The states planning to roll-out TPT to the expanded risk groups in the immediate
future, while awaiting 3HP availability under NTEP, 6H may be considered for use in
the respective patient groups in consultation with NTEP.

• The choice of regimen will be guided by the availability of the drugs and tolerability
profile of the eligible people.
Dosage of 6H regimen
Regimen Dose by age and weight band

6 months of daily Age 10 years & older: 5 mg/kg/dayd

isoniazid Age <10 years: 10 mg/kg/day (range, 7–15 mg)
monotherapy (6H)

Maximum dose of H if given daily would be 300 mg/day

Dosage of 3HP regimen
Regimen Dose by age and weight band
Three months of Age 2-14 yearsc
weekly rifapentine Medicine, formulation 10–15 kg 16–23 kg 24–30 kg 31–34 kg >34 kg
plus isoniazid (12 Isoniazid, 100 mga 3 5 6 7 7
doses) (3HP) Rifapentine, 150 mg 2 3 4 5 5
Isoniazid + rifapentine 2 3 4 5 5
FDC (150 mg/150 mg)d
Age >14 yearsc
Medicine, formulation 30–35 kg 36–45 kg 46–55 kg 56–70 kg >70 kg
Isoniazid, 300 mg 3 3 3 3 3
Rifapentine, 150 mg 6 6 6 6 6
Isoniazid + rifapentine 3 3 3 3 3
FDC (300 mg/300 mg)b
300 mg formulation can be used to reduce the pill burden
Expected to become available in the near future
Dosage may differ among adults and children in overlapping weight-bands
Comparison of TPT options
6H 3HP
Medicines Isoniazid Isoniazid + rifapentine
Duration (months) 6 3
Interval Daily Weekly
Doses 182 12
Pill burden per dose 1 (182 pills) 9 pills with loose drugs (108 pills)
(total no. of pills for 3 pills of FDC (36 pills)
an average adult)
Pregnant women Safe for use Not known
Interaction with No restriction Contraindicated:
Use: TDF, EFV (600 mg), DTG, RAL (without dose
Toxicity Hepatotoxicity (more), peripheral neuropathy, Flu-like syndrome, hypersensitivity reactions, GI
rash, gastrointestinal (GI) upset upset, orange dis-coloration of body fluids, rash,
hepatotoxicity (less)
Absorption Best absorbed on an empty stomach; up to 50% Oral rifapentine bioavailability is 70% (not HP);
reduction in peak concentration with a fatty meal peak concentration increased if given with a meal
Post-treatment TPT for PLHIV
• all CLHIV/PLHIV who had successfully completed treatment for TB disease earlier
should receive a course of TPT after completing treatment of TB.
o 5-7 times higher risk of recurrence of TB among PLHIV and nearly 90% of these due to
o Ensure completion of the initial course of TB treatment and effective infection control
measures in clinical and community settings would reduce recurrence of TB.

Role of pyridoxine and its availability
Recommended • Peripheral neuropathy  secondary to a deficiency of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
group for pyridoxine o commonly during TB treatment and infrequently with standard doses of H for
prophylaxis when on
o recognized as symmetrical numbness and tingling of the extremities
Isoniazid based
o usually easily reversible upon withdrawal of H and giving high-dose pyridoxine
regimen: therapeutic dose (100–200mg/day).
• malnutrition, • Dose: 10 mg/day in children and 25 mg/day in adults. 50 mg/day in adult PLHIV.
• chronic alcohol • TPT should not be withheld if pyridoxine is not available. Alternatively, the multi-
dependence, vitamin/B-complex formulations with the requisite prophylactic dose of pyridoxin
• HIV infection, available within the general health system may be considered.
• renal failure • If pyridoxine/multi-vitamins/B-complex are in short supply, then restricted to those
• diabetes, at highest risk, like severely malnourished and people with problem alcohol use.
• Close monitoring for peripheral neuropathy during treatment would be important
• pregnant or
to start treatment early
Emergence of drug resistant following
• There is no evidence of significant association between development of
resistance to H or R with use of these drugs for TPT.

• TB disease must be ruled out before TPT is initiated,

• Regular follow-up to rule out development of active TB disease.

• Rapid molecular DST must be offered to all patients if TB disease is detected

before, during or any time post TPT.

Point to remember… 1
Preventive efficacy with shorter rifamycin-based TPT regimen, both in HIV-positive and
HIV-negative individuals are similar as monotherapy or in combination with isoniazid with
clear advantages of better adherence due to the shorter duration, fewer adverse events and at
least 20% greater treatment completion rate.
Isoniazid based regimen will continue to have a role when rifamycins cannot be used e.g. in
Treatment options recommended for TPT once active TB has been excluded under NTEP
include 6H and 3HP with weight band wise doses suggested with specific applicability to
various target populations.
All CLHIV/PLHIV who had successfully completed treatment for TB disease earlier should
receive a course of post-treatment TPT.
Point to remember… 2
The standard dose of pyridoxine when used prophylactically for prevention of neuropathy
among patients taking isoniazid is 10 mg/day in children and 25 mg/day in adults. In adult
PLHIV, the dose would be 50 mg/day.
TPT should not be withheld if pyridoxine is not available. Alternatively, multi-vitamins/B-
complex formulations with the requisite prophylactic dose of pyridoxin available within the
general health system may be considered.
There is no evidence of significant association between development of bacterial resistance
to TB drugs and use of isoniazid or rifamycin for TPT.

Thank you!!

Chapter 6:
Adverse events

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:

 Possible adverse events

 ADRs of Isoniazid & Rifamycins

 Managing adverse events

 Drug–drug interactions

Potential adverse event
• It is critical to identify any sign of drug toxicity early
• The health-care provider must weigh the risks and benefits of TPT for every individual
o obtaining a detailed and accurate medical history- inclusive of medicines being taken and known past
adverse drug reactions; keeping up-to-date information at every contact with person
o explain the rationale for TPT, importance of completing the course and re-emphasize the risk associated
with TB disease; be educated about likely adverse events
o urged to contact the health-care provider if they any events suggestive of drug toxicity in between visits
(such as loss of appetite, persistent fatigue or weakness, abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, dark-
coloured urine, pale stools, rash or itching, yellowing skin or eyes, tingling or numbness in hands/feet)
o be alerted in advance about the pink discoloration of secretions due to rifamycin based medicine
• Individuals receiving TPT should also be monitored regularly through scheduled visits and active drug
safety management and monitoring (aDSM) system existing under NTEP
• If a health worker cannot be consulted at the onset of such symptoms, the person on TPT should
immediately call the doctor (or CHO) or Nikshay Sampark to seek advice.
Possible adverse event
associated with TPT drugs
Drug Known adverse events Rare adverse events

 Asymptomatic elevation of serum liver enzyme

concentrations  Convulsions
 Hepatitis  Pellagra
Isoniazid  Peripheral neuropathy (paraesthesia, numbness and  Arthralgia
limb pain)  Anaemia
 Skin rash  Lupoid reactions
 Sleepiness and lethargy

 Gastrointestinal reactions (abdominal pain, nausea,  Hypotension/syncope

vomiting)  Decrease in white blood cell
Rifapentine  Hypersensitivity reactions (flu-like symptoms) and red blood cell count
 Hepatitis  Decreased appetite
 Discoloration of body fluids  Hyperbilirubinemia

Management of adverse events
• Individuals receiving TPT are otherwise healthy- The following questions may help in the assessment and in
adverse events during TPT must be minimized deciding actions for management of adverse events:
1. How severe is the adverse event (mild, moderate,
and promptly managed. severe)?
• If a severe adverse reaction is encountered- 2. How serious is the event (i.e. hospitalization or
TPT must be immediately discontinued, and prolongation of hospitalization; persistent significant
disability; congenital anomaly, a life-threatening
supportive medical care provided. experience or likely to lead to death)?
• Mild to moderate adverse reaction- 3. What is the immediate management (reassurance,
Conservative management and continuation symptomatic relief, hold/discontinue TPT, or requires a
medical intervention to avert severe outcomes)?
under observation 4. What is the underlying cause (drug related, other
• People experiencing adverse events may need factors)?
medical attention and doctor’s discretion 5. How will the adverse event affect future adherence
(tolerability, consideration of substitution with an
should be exercised for management. A
alternative regimen)?
complete history, including concomitant 6. What is the next step (continue or restart, substitute,
medication and supplements, must be taken. follow up and reassess)?
Management of various adverse event… 1
Adverse event Management
Drug-induced hepatitis • No need to change or interrupt the treatment unless anorexia, malaise, vomiting or
clinically evident jaundice
• transient, asymptomatic increase in serum liver transaminases (>3 times ULN) that
occur during the early weeks of treatment  need to stop the medicine

Clinical features of concern • suggest impending acute liver failure

include protracted vomiting, • immediate discontinuation of medication and
mental changes and signs of • referral to a health facility for further management

Itching with moderate/severe • The rash is severe or evidence of mucosal involvement, hypotension or severe illness 
rash corticosteroid treatment; Oral prednisolone (40–60 mg) - daily until response
• TPT should be withheld until the reaction has completely subsided.
• If the initial cutaneous reaction was severe  the full dose may be ramped up with
smaller initial challenge doses.
• Suspected medicine should not be given again, and considered an alternative regimen

Management of various adverse event… 2
Adverse event Management
Management of jaundice and • acute liver failure develop or elevation of serum transaminases (e.g. ALT/AST >5 times
other severe features ULN or >3 times ULN with symptoms)  all drugs must be stopped until jaundice or
hepatic symptoms have resolved, and liver enzymes have returned to baseline
• If liver enzymes cannot be measured  wait for two weeks after the jaundice has
disappeared before starting TPT; Other causes of hepatitis must be explored
• If reintroduction is concerned, once hepatitis has resolved  same drug regimen can
be reintroduced, either gradually or all at once (“re-challenge”)
• However, if hepatitis has been life-threatening and was unlikely to have been caused
by something else (such as alcohol, viral infection), it is probably safer to switch to an
alternative regimen
Skin reactions itching with no • Symptomatic treatment with antihistamines
rash or with a mild rash • TPT continued
Isoniazid-associated pellagra • Pellagra may result in severe illness or death if untreated
• Discontinue isoniazid and receive high-dose nicotinamide (a form of vitamin B3)
(300mg daily for 3-4 weeks ) treatment
• Good dietary source of vitamin B3 in consultation with dietician

Management of various adverse event… 3
Adverse event Management
Peripheral neuropathy • To prevent peripheral neuropathy  daily dose of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) or multi-
vitamins/B complex to people at risk (dose of 10 mg/day in children and 25 mg/day in
adults); In PLHIV, dose would be 50 mg/day.
• For established peripheral neuropathy  pyridoxine at larger dose (100-200 mg daily
Gastrointestinal reactions with • Mild symptoms  episode is usually self-limiting and reassurance may suffice
rifampicin (abdominal pain, • GI intolerance is severe  suspend rifampicin for three or four doses, use
nausea, vomiting) medications (such as metoclopramide to counteract vomiting)
o last resort give rifampicin with small amounts of food to allow continued use of
the medicine. Although concomitant ingestion of food reduces the absorption of
rifampicin slightly, this is preferable over the risk of complete discontinuation of
Lethargy Reassurance
Discoloration of body secretions Reassurance
(urine, tears, semen and sweat)
red or orange

Reintroduction of TPT drugs
while managing AE… 1
Stop and consider reintroduction
Adverse event Stop and do not reintroduce
with caution
Flu-like syndrome (attacks of If mild and not increasing, continue If moderate to severe symptoms,
fever, chills and malaise, treatment and observe closely consider alternative TPT options without
sometimes with headache, a rifamycin (such as 6H)
dizziness or bone pain)

Drug-associated fever only Consider reintroduction if fever If fever > 39oC after previous episode of
settles below 39oC, but stop drug-associated fever
permanently if fever recurs

Hepatitis (early symptoms Alanine aminotransferase ALT/AST >5 times (Upper limit of normal
weakness, fatigue, loss of (ALT)/aspartate aminotransferase in the absence of symptoms)
appetite, persistent nausea) (AST) < 5 times the upper limits of ALT/AST is ≥ 3 times (the upper limit of
normal and absence of symptoms normal in the presence of symptoms)

Reintroduction of TPT drugs
while managing AE… 2
Stop and consider reintroduction
Adverse event Stop and do not reintroduce
with caution
Cutaneous reactions Diffuse rash (no vesicles) If there are extensive bullous
Diffuse rash with limited vesicles lesions/ulceration of mucous
membranes/Stevens Johnson or toxic
epidermal necrolysis, contact a specialist
and use steroids
Other hypersensitivity Assess the clinical severity of the symptoms and if severe consider alternative
reactions (hypotension, acute TPT options without a rifamycin (6H)
bronchospasm, conjunctivitis,
Seizures Withhold isoniazid pending resolution Attributable to isoniazid
of seizures, evaluate possible causes
of seizures

Reintroduction of TPT drugs
while managing AE… 3
Stop and consider reintroduction
Adverse event Stop and do not reintroduce
with caution
Persistent nausea, frequent Administer antiemetic or anti If there is nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea
vomiting and/or persistent diarrhoeal medication which requires aggressive rehydration
episodes of unformed watery Consider reintroducing 3HP with
stools caution once the symptoms have

Psychosis Psychiatric evaluation, antipsychotic Attributable to isoniazid

therapy, pyridoxine
• Rifamycins are potent enzyme inducers and any side-effects should be assessed and managed
together with potential drug–drug interactions
• LFTs prior to initiating TPT are not routinely indicated. Baseline and follow-up LFTs are only needed
when there is a defined risk, such as pre-existing liver dysfunction, liver cirrhosis or other indications.

Common drug-drug interaction of H & R… 1
Isoniazid inhibits Rifamycins accelerate
Medication class Drugs metabolism and increases metabolism and
blood levels decrease blood levels

Antiarrhythmics Disopyramide/mexiletine/
quinidine/tocainide ↓

Antibiotics clarithromycin/dapsone/ ↓
Anticoagulants Warfarin ↑ ↓
↑ (Phenytoin,
Anticonvulsants Phenytoin carbamazepine, primidone, ↓
valproic acid)
↑Some SSRI (selective
Antidepressants Amitriptyline/ nortriptyline serotonin reuptake ↓
Antimalarials ↑Halofantrine ↓Quinine
Common drug-drug interaction of H & R… 2
Isoniazid inhibits Rifamycins accelerate
Medication class Drugs metabolism and increases metabolism and
blood levels decrease blood levels
Antipsychotics Haloperidol ↑ ↓
↑Ritonavir (ARV)
Antivirals ↓Nevirapine with
Fluconazole/ itraconazole/
Azole antifungals ketoconazole ↑ ↓
Barbiturates Phenobarbital ↓
Benzodiazepines Diazepam ↑Diazepam, triazolam ↓
Beta-blockers Propranolol ↓
Cardiac glycoside
preparations Digoxin ↓
Corticosteroids Prednisone ↓
Common drug-drug interaction of H & R… 3
Isoniazid inhibits Rifamycins accelerate
Medication class Drugs metabolism and increases metabolism and
blood levels decrease blood levels
Fibrates Clofibrate ↓
Oral hypoglycaemic
Sulfonylureas ↓
contraceptives/ Ethinyl oestradiol/ levonorgestrel ↓ (Rifapentine)
Immunosuppres­sants Cyclosporine/ tacrolimus ↓
Methylxanthines Theophylline ↑ ↓
Narcotic analgesics Methadone ↑Levomethyldate acetate ↓
(PDE-5) Inhibitors Sildenafil ↓
Thyroid preparations Levothyroxine ↓
Point to remember
Most adverse events associated with HP regimen are mild, self-resolving & without sequelae
Co-administration of commonly used ARVs with TPT regimens 6H and 3HP is safe, and
alternatives are available when low ARV exposure is suspected due to drug–drug interaction.
Caution is required when an individual receiving TPT is also on treatment for a co-morbidity.
Rifamycins are potent enzyme inducers and any side-effects should be assessed and managed
together with potential drug–drug interactions. Women on hormonal contraceptives should
use an additional barrier contraceptive to avoid pregnancy.
LFTs prior to initiating TPT are not routinely indicated. Baseline and follow-up LFTs are
only needed when there is a defined risk, such as pre-existing liver disease, regular use of
alcohol, HIV infection and pregnancy or immediate postpartum period (within 3 months of
delivery) or if a patients reports with signs and symptoms (e.g. yellowish discoloration) of
hepatic dysfunction while on TPT.
Thank you!!

Chapter 7:
Special situations

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:

 Women

 Liver disease

 Renal failure

 People living with HIV

 Babies born to mothers with TB disease

 People who use drugs

Women and TPT
• Pregnancy should not disqualify women living with or without HIV who are eligible for receiving TPT.
However, pregnant women living with HIV are at higher risk for TB during pregnancy and postpartum
period and can have worse prognosis for both mother and child.
• TPT can be started during antenatal and postnatal periods taking due care.
• Isoniazid and Rifampicin, are considered safe for use in pregnancy.
o There is no evidence to show an association of TPT (6H) with adverse pregnancy outcomes like foetal/
neonatal death, prematurity, low birth weight or any congenital anomaly. Statistically, no significant risks for
maternal hepatotoxicity, grade 3 or 4 events or deaths were reported. Therefore, routine LFT can be done as
per advice of the treating physician.
o Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) supplementation should be given routinely to all pregnant and breastfeeding women
on TPT.
• There is limited data on the efficacy and safety of rifapentine in pregnancy and therefore 1HP and 3HP
should not be used in pregnancy until more safety data is available. 94
Contraception and TPT
• Rifampicin and Rifapentine interact with oral and hormonal contraceptive  risk of
decreased contraceptive efficacy.
• Women receiving oral contraceptives while on rifampicin or rifapentine  use an alternative
(such as depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) every eighth week or higher dose
oestrogen (50μ)) in consultation with a clinician; or use another form of contraception, a
barrier contraceptive or intra-uterine device.
• In women having hormonal contraceptive implants, the interval for replacing the implants
may need to be shortened from 12 weeks to eight weeks.

Liver disease and TPT
• Isoniazid and rifampicin/rifapentine are associated with liver damage.
• baseline liver transaminase values >3 times UNL  initiation of TPT with caution
• End-stage liver disease  defer TPT
• 6H is well-tolerated among individuals with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C
virus (HCV) infections.
• Acute hepatitis (including acute viral hepatitis)  defer TPT until the acute hepatitis has
• Rifamycins including rifapentine, are not recommended for use together with many of the
direct-acting ARV drugs used to treat HCV, since rifamycins can decrease the concentration
of HCV drugs to subtherapeutic levels.
• People with HCV infection should consult with their health-care providers and start
rifamycin-based TPT either before or after completing treatment for HCV.
Renal Failure & TPT
• Isoniazid and rifampicin/rifapentine are eliminated by biliary excretion.

• Thus, TPT can be given in standard dosages to individuals with renal failure.

• Persons with severe renal failure should receive isoniazid with pyridoxine (vitamin B6) to
prevent peripheral neuropathy.

People living with HIV and TPT
• Challenge in TPT with rifamycin-based regimen among PLHIV  drug–drug
o Rifampicin and rifapentine can be co-administered with efavirenz without dose
o PLHIV receiving raltegravir and rifampicin, a higher dosage of raltegravir (800 mg twice
daily) should be used.
o Rifampicin or rifapentine TPT regimens should not be co-administered with protease
inhibitors (atazanavir/ ritonavir, lopinavir /ritonavir) or nevirapine.
Babies born to mothers with
TB disease and TPT
• If a newborn is not well  refer him/her to a specialist/pediatrician.
o It is critical that the mother receives effective TB treatment so that she is no longer infectious.
o Also, ensure that infection control measures are in place in the facility, especially if the baby is in an
inpatient facility for care when preterm or small at birth.
• If the newborn is well (absence of any signs or symptoms presumptive of TB) TPT must be provided.
• Experts in India recommend that the Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination should not be
delayed even if TPT is administered.
• It is advised to administer pyridoxine at 5–10 mg/day.
• If the infant is HIV-exposed (mother is HIV infected) and on nevirapine  start 6H
• TPT with 4R and 3HP cannot be given along with nevirapine prophylaxis since rifamycins decrease
nevirapine levels and may result in increased mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
• If the mother is taking anti-TB drugs, she can safely continue to breastfeed with appropriate practice
like using a mask and cough etiquette.
• Mother and baby should stay together and the baby may be breastfed while on TPT. Infant
breastfeeding from a mother on either TB treatment or TPT should receive pyridoxine for the
duration of the mother’s treatment.
TPT among people who use drugs
• People who use drugs (PWUD) have a higher prevalence of TBI and incidence of TB disease.
• People taking 3HP or 4R with OST should be closely monitored for signs of opiate withdrawal
and other adverse events.
o Rifapentine has not been systematically studied among people who use drugs. However,
rifampicin is known to reduce exposure to opioid substitution therapies (OST) such as
methadone and buprenorphine. In some people, this results in opiate withdrawal.
o Increasing the dose of methadone or buprenorphine when taking rifamycins can lessen the risk
of withdrawal.
• 6H is safe to use among PWUD careful monitoring for liver toxicity is important.
• Drug use should never be taken as a blanket rationale for denying someone TPT.
• It is the responsibility of health-care providers to proactively manage drug–drug interactions
for PWUD safely.

Point to remember
 Pregnancy should not disqualify women living with or without HIV who are eligible for receiving TPT.
 Isoniazid and Rifampicin, are considered safe for use in pregnancy.
 There is limited data on the efficacy and safety of rifapentine in pregnancy and therefore 1HP and 3HP
should not be used in pregnancy until more safety data is available.
 Rifampicin and rifapentine interact with oral and hormonal contraceptive medications with a potential risk
of decreased contraceptive efficacy.
 Isoniazid and rifampicin/rifapentine are associated with liver damage.
 Rifampicin or rifapentine TPT regimens should not be co-administered with protease inhibitors or
 The Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination should not be delayed even if TPT is administered.
 Rifamycins can decrease the concentration of HCV drugs to subtherapeutic levels.
 People taking Rifamycin based regimen with OST should be closely monitored for signs of opiate
withdrawal and other adverse events. 101
Thank you!!

Chapter 8:
treatment in
DR-TB contacts

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:

 Rationale and evidence

 Integrated algorithm for screening and ruling out active TB among household
contacts of DR-TB patients

 Policy on TPT for DR-TB contacts in India

 Treatment, drug dosages, adherence and follow-up

 Managing ADRs and referring to DR-TB centres

• Mathematical modelling suggests 3 in every 1000 Systematic review & meta-analysis
people globally carry MDR-TB infection and • Reduced risk of TB incidence with
treatment for MDR-LTBI, suggesting
• Prevalence of MDR-TB in those with TBI is more than
effectiveness in prevention of progression
double among those younger than 15 years. to MDR-TB, and confirmed cost-
• HHC of patients with MDR/RR-TB or H mono/poly DR- effectiveness.
• Estimated MDR-TB incidence reduction
TB are at higher risk of TB infection than contacts
was 90% from 5 studies
exposed to DS-TB. However, risk of progression to TB
• High treatment discontinuation rates due
disease does not differ among contacts in both groups.
to adverse effects in persons taking
• Concern of higher resistance when treating with daily pyrazinamide-containing regimens.
4R in contacts of H resistant R sensitive DR-TB is not • Cost-effectiveness was greatest using a
supported by any scientific evidence till the time fluoroquinolone/ethambutol combination
WHO recommendation and studies
• WHO recommends TPT among contacts exposed to MDR-TB
with FQ sensitive or H resistant with R sensitive DR-TB Studies in pipeline
patients following… • 6Lfx vs placebo
o Consideration of intensity of exposure; TB • In infants & <5 years
o Confirming the source patient and her/his DR-TB pattern CHAMP of age exposed to
o Ascertaining TB infection using IGRA or TST
• 6Lfx among contacts exposed to patients with known MDR- • 24 week of Lfx vs
TB with FQ sensitive placebo
V-QUIN • In all ages with
• 6H among contact of H susceptible in confirmed RR-TB index evidence of infection
• 4R among contacts with known Hr-TB with R sensitive
• 26 week of Dlm vs H
• Clinical follow up for 2 years regardless of treatment PHOENIX • In all ages
• Any emergent signs and symptoms suggestive of TB should
be actively investigated and regimen started as needed.
Integrated algorithm for screening and ruling
out active TB among household contact of DR-
Contact of MDR/RR-TB with FQ sensitive / H resistant with R sensitive
bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary DR-TB patient
Counsel & screen contact


Yes No TB No

Investigate for TB <5 years 5 years +


CXR Positive/
Treat DS-TB Treat DR-TB TPT contraindicated? Normal or Negative
Yes No

Defer TPT Initiate TPT

* Whenever available
Follow-up for active TB as necessary, even for patients who have completed preventive treatment
1. If <10 years, any one of current cough or fever or history of contact with TB or reported weight loss or
confirmed weight loss >5% since last visit or growth curve flattening or weight for age <-2 Z-scores.
Asymptomatic infants <1 year with HIV are only treated for LTBI if they are household contacts of TB. TST
or IGRA may identify PLHIV who will benefit most from preventive treatment. Chest radiography (CXR) may
be used in PLHIV on ART, before starting TPT.
2. Any one of cough or fever or night sweats or haemoptysis or weight loss or chest pain or shortness of
breath or fatigue. In children <5 years, they should also be free of anorexia, failure to thrive, not eating
well, decreased activity or playfulness to be considered asymptomatic.
3. Including silicosis, dialysis, anti-TNF agent treatment, preparation for transplantation or other vulnerable
risk groups where testing must precede before TPT.
4. Including acute or chronic hepatitis; peripheral neuropathy (if isoniazid is used); regular and heavy alcohol
consumption. Pregnancy or a previous history of TB are not contraindications.
5. Regimen chosen based on considerations of age, strain (drug susceptible or otherwise), risk of toxicity,
availability and preferences.
6. CXR may have been carried out earlier on as part of intensified case finding.
Salient features of integrated algorithm
 Once a DR-TB patient is identified, all HHCs are counselled, screened and evaluated to rule out active
 NAAT will be used upfront among contacts with symptoms or abnormal chest X-ray to diagnose TB;
 If the result is MTB detected with no resistance, the treatment for DS-TB is initiated;
 If the result is MTB detected with H and/or R resistance, manage as per DR-TB guidelines;
 If the result is MTB not detected, in HHC <5 years, assess for TPT and check for any contraindications;
 If the result is MTB not detected, in HHC >5 years of age with TBI test positive or unavailable and
chest X-ray is normal or unavailable check for any contraindications;
 If contraindications to TPT drugs exists, defer TPT and if no contraindication exists, offer TPT regimen
as appropriated based on DST pattern of the index patient; and
 Follow-up for active TB as necessary, even for patients who have completed preventive treatment
irrespective of TPT offer. 109
Policy recommendation of
TPT in DR-TB contacts in India
• Preventive treatment among HHC of MDR-TB index patients (in whom FQ
resistance has been ruled out) and among HHC of H resistant index patients (in
whom R resistance has been ruled out), the target population, using 6Lfx and 4R
respectively to be introduced in a phased manner for all age groups to gain
programmatic experience to guide future expansion while awaiting results of
ongoing studies.

• This recommendation may be considered for children given their special needs
pan-India. 110
TPT regimen and dosages for
of DR-TB index patients
Dose by age and weight band
Six months of daily levofloxacin Age > 14 years, by body weight: < 45 kg, 750 mg/day; ≥ 45 kg, 1g/day
(6Lfx) for contacts of R resistant Age < 15 years (range approx. 15–20 mg/kg/day), by body weight:
FQ sensitive patients#
5–9 kg: 150 mg/day
10–15 kg: 200–300mg/day
16–23 kg: 300–400mg/day
24–34 kg: 500–750mg/day
Four months of rifampicin daily Age 10 years & older: 10 mg/kg/day@
(4R) for contacts of H resistant R Age <10 years: 15 mg/kg/day (range, 10–20 mg)
sensitive patients*
# Lfx 100 mg dispersible tablets available for children. Children receiving 6Lfx should be watched for joint abnormalities.
* In children from 0-14 years, 4R should only be used after ruling out active TB in limited geographies/populations for
evidence generation to guide future scale up for country wide implementation.
@ Maximum dose of R would be 600 mg/day.
Note: 6H can be considered as the TPT regimen option for contacts of index patients with RR-TB with FQ and H sensitive,
after ruling out active TB in them.

Follow-up monitoring
Individuals on TPT will be monitored by the Doctor for clinical and laboratory
parameters as below:
• Screening with 4S symptoms (cough, fever, night sweats and weight loss)
• Any side effects
• If any of the sign/ symptoms of TB emerge, the person may be referred to the
DR-TB centre for further evaluation for active TB/DR-TB disease
• In the above case the person may be subjected to NAAT & LPA for diagnosis of
TB & DR-TB and appropriately managed if found to have developed active
TB/DR-TB disease.
TPT adherence plan
• Adherence to the TPT course and treatment completion are important determinants of clinical
benefit, both at individual and population levels. Irregular or inadequate treatment reduces the
protective efficacy of TPT regimen.
• Poor adherence or early cessation of TPT can potentially increase the risk of the individual developing
TB including drug-resistant TB (although not supported by existing evidence from research settings).
• Develop a personal adherence plan with the support of the family member, caregiver or health worker
as per treatment regimen being provided.
• Treatment support and adherence monitoring will be similar to that of the index patient. Give first
preference to the family member to be the treatment provider in consultation with the person. Use of
digital platforms (tele/video calls, 99DOTS/MERM), counting empty blisters, refill monitoring etc, to
strengthen adherence monitoring.
Criteria for completion of TPT
among DR-TB Contact
• It is known that the efficacy of TPT is greatest if at least 80% of the doses are taken
within the duration of the regimen.
• The total number of doses taken is also a key determinant of the extent of TB
• The criteria for completion of TPT among DR-TB contracts is given below:
Total duration Expected no. 80% of Extended time for treatment
in months of doses recommended completion (days)
doses (days) (treatment duration +33%
additional time)

6Lfx (daily) 6 180 144 239

4R (daily) 4 120 96 160
Managing adverse events- Levofloxacin
• Nausea, diarrhoea, headache, dizziness, light-headedness, or trouble sleeping may occur; if worsen, consult
the doctor.
• If any serious side effects- unusual bruising/bleeding, signs of kidney problems (such as change in the amount
of urine), signs of liver problems (such as nausea/vomiting that doesn't stop, loss of appetite,
stomach/abdominal pain, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine); consult the treating physician immediately
• Very serious side effects- chest pain, severe dizziness, fainting, fast/irregular heartbeat, signs of a tear/break in
the main blood vessel called the aorta (sudden/severe pain in the stomach/chest/back, cough, shortness of
• May rarely cause a severe intestinal condition (clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea) due to a type of
resistant bacteria. This condition may occur during treatment or weeks to months after treatment has stopped.
• The doctor must be intimated right away if the patient develops diarrhoea that doesn't stop, abdominal or
stomach pain/cramping, blood/mucus in the stool. Do not use anti-diarrhoea or opioid medications in case of
any of these symptoms because these products may make them worse.
• May result in oral thrush or a new yeast infection- consult the doctor if white patches are noticed in the
mouth, or there is a change in vaginal discharge or any other new symptoms.

Managing adverse events- Rifampicin
Drug Known adverse events Rare adverse events

 Osteomalacia
 Gastrointestinal reactions (abdominal pain,
nausea, vomiting)  Pseudomembranous colitis
 Pseudoadrenal crisis
Rifampicin  Hepatitis  Acute renal failure
 Generalized cutaneous reactions  Shock
 Thrombocytopenic purpura  Haemolytic anaemia
 Discoloration of body fluids  Flu-like syndrome

• Patients with moderate and severe ADRs may be referred to the linked DR-TBC with all
necessary documents/ records; and
• These cases may be referred to the DDR-TB/ NDR-TBC as appropriate for further
Point to remember
 Preventive treatment among HHC of MDR-TB with FQ sensitive or H resistant R
sensitive bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary index patients using 6Lfx or
4R respectively to be introduced in a phased manner for all age groups to gain
programmatic experience to guide future expansion while awaiting results of
ongoing studies.
 The person on TPT with 6 Lfx/4R may be referred to the DR-TB centre in case
s/he develops any of the signs/ symptoms of TB for further evaluation and

Thank you!!

Chapter 9:
Monitoring &

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:

 Monitoring and support during TPT

 Monitoring TPT adherence

 Management of missed doses

 Follow up assessment and investigations

 Treatment outcomes of TPT regimen

Monitoring during TPT
• Individuals receiving TPT should be monitored at every contact with the health-care providers.
• Every dose of the treatment must be preferably taken under direct supervision, particularly the 3HP regimen
that has weekly doses.
• Frontline health-care workers (including community health volunteers) need to be trained to monitor and
identify adverse effects due to TPT.
• However, the decision to modify/stop TPT drugs due to adverse events or to restart (e.g. after an interruption
by the person on treatment) must be taken by the treating doctor.
• Monitoring may be aligned with mechanisms under differentiated service delivery (DSD) model for PLHIV
where implemented, or schedule for collection of other medication (such as ARV).
• As a principle, the schedule for follow-up visit should consider the individual’s convenience.
• An informed decision to not take treatment by a person offered TPT, or to stop it after having started it, be
respected; people should not feel forced to take treatment.
Support during TPT
• reinforce the person’s understanding of symptoms of TB, reasons for TPT, and importance of completing
• check for presence of signs or symptoms of TB disease; and if diagnosed with TB disease, TPT should be
stopped and curative TB treatment started;
• measure weight, if possible, and adjust dosage accordingly. Important especially in young children;
• check for adverse drug reactions and manage any toxicity identified or refer to the treating doctor;
• persons on TPT should contact the health care worker/provider if they notice adverse events;
• elicit reasons for any missed dose and extend support;
• continue the management of co-morbid conditions and consult with the treating doctor if necessary;
• ask about pregnancy, breastfeeding and contraceptive use; and
• make a record of the visit, drug intake and findings using information from individual case files or forms
prescribed by the national programme.
Monitoring TPT adherence
• Poor adherence or early cessation of TPT can potentially increase the risk of the
individual developing TB disease including drug-resistant TB.
• Efficacy of TPT is greatest if at least 80% of the doses are taken within 133% of the
duration of the regimen. Total number of doses taken is a key determinant of the
extent of TB prevention.
• Success of the TPT strategy is based on adherence to the treatment.
• There should be strict monitoring for adverse events and appropriate management.
• As expected, shorter regimens are associated with better adherence and higher
treatment completion.
Effective patient centered strategies to
promote adherence
• Effective counselling of the TPT eligible individuals and their family members.
• Develop a personal adherence plan with the support of family member, caregiver or health
worker as per treatment regimen.
• Give first preference to family member for being treatment provider in consultation with
• Use of digital platforms (tele/video calls, 99DOTS/MERM), counting empty blisters, refill
monitoring etc. at the level of treatment supporter to strengthen adherence monitoring.
• Engage the TB survivors/champions at the community level to create a peer support group
for social support and continuous motivation of TPT eligible persons and their family to
adhere and complete treatment as well as report any adverse events in time for resolution
Suggested action for improving TPT
• Address the reason for interruption;

• Counsel the person on TPT and caregiver on the importance of adherence to treatment; and

• Review and agree with the person on TPT and caregiver about the best way to improve

Management of missed doses- 6H, 6Lfx or 4R
TPT Duration of
Management steps
regimen interruption

 Resume TPT immediately upon return and add the number of days of missed doses to the total
treatment duration.
Less than 2  Do not change the scheduled date of the next follow-up visit but the last follow-up visit will be
weeks postponed by the number of extra-days to compensate for missed doses (e.g. If a child on 6H
missed 3 days of treatment, continue TPT for a total duration of 6 months + 3 days from the date
of start)
6H, 6Lfx,
4R  If treatment interruption occurred after more than 80% of doses expected in the regimen were
taken, continue and complete the remaining treatment doses in the course.
If less than 80% of doses expected in the regimen were taken, and the treatment course can
More than 2 
still be completed within the expected time for completion, i.e. treatment duration + 33%
additional time, , continue and complete the remaining treatment doses in the course.
 If less than 80% of doses expected in the regimen were taken, and the treatment course
cannot be completed within expected time for completion, consider restarting full TPT course.

Management of missed doses- 3HP
TPT Duration of
Management steps
regimen interruption

 If the missed dose is remembered within 2 days of scheduled day, the person can take the
dose immediately and continue to take remaining doses following the same schedule to
Weekly complete the course.
schedule of  If the missed dose is remembered after 2 days, the person can take the missed dose
up to 3 doses immediately and change the schedule for weekly intake to the day the missed dose was taken
missed until treatment completion. This will avoid two weekly doses being taken less than 4 days apart.
3HP  If between 1–3 weekly doses are missed, treatment is continued until all 12 doses are taken,
thus prolonging the treatment duration to a maximum of 16 weeks.

More than 3 If 4 or more weekly doses are missed, consider restarting the full TPT course.

weekly doses
of 3HP  If adherence to a weekly routine is not possible, consider discontinuing 3HP and offering an
missed alternative (daily) regimen.

Follow-up assessment- maintaining regular
contact with persons on TPT and their family
• The health worker of HF and TBHV/STS concerned are responsible to maintain regular
contact and review the persons on TPT and their family along with the index TB patient on at
least monthly basis
• Contact can be made either at HF or during home visits or tele/video call and assess:
I. Assess adherence of every dose of TPT using digital tools or counting empty blister or refill
monitoring if treatment supporter is a family member;
II. Check for any signs and symptoms of TB emerging while on TPT;
III. Check for any adverse events of TPT drugs and arrange for its prompt management;
IV. Arrange for clinical assessment by the doctor at HF (including CHO) on a monthly basis;
V. Conduct biochemical assessments (LFT etc.), as indicated; and
VI. Undertake periodic counselling. 128
Follow up assessment- clinical
• All patients receiving TPT should be evaluated at least monthly or at every contact by the
doctor of HF (including CHO):
o Assess adherence and provide necessary support. Discuss with person if any interruption
o Signs and symptoms of TB disease (“breakthrough” or missed diagnosis at start of TPT);
o Adverse reactions (type, onset and duration, severity);
o Other co-morbid diseases during TPT, such as COVID-19, malaria etc;
o Check for any medication (including traditional cures) that may interact with TPT; and
o Conduct relevant physical examination.

• Patients receiving TPT who experience possible adverse reactions should be advised to stop
medication and consult their health-care provider immediately.
Follow-up investigations
• Urine Pregnancy Test among women in reproductive age:
o As and when clinically indicated; and
o Discontinue 3HP if pregnancy is detected and consider alternative TPT regimen (e.g. 6H).
• Liver function test:
o as clinically indicated and repeated among individuals who had pre-existing liver conditions or
regular and harmful alcohol use with raised enzyme levels at baseline or previous visit; and
o Routine LFTs are not indicated when TPT with 6H is given in pregnancy unless there are other risk
factors for liver toxicity.
• Monitoring breakdown to active TB/DR-TB disease:
o The monitoring for breakdown to active TB/DR-TB disease during TPT or post-TPT completion for
long-term follow up at 6, 12, 18 & 24 months need to be done by the doctor/staff of HF.
Treatment outcome – treatment completion
A number of endpoints are proposed that could be used to trigger a review of persons on TPT and in some instances,
changes to treatment.
TB preventive treatment completion
Treatment completion: A person
Total Expected 80% of Extended time for
duration number recommended treatment
initiated on TPT who completed at least:
in months of doses doses (days) completion (days) • 80% of recommended dose (144/180)
(treatment consumed within 133% of planned TPT
duration +33% duration (239 days) for 6H or 6Lfx or
additional time)
• 90% of recommended dose (11/12)
consumed within 133% of planned TPT
6H (daily) 6 180 144 239
duration (120 days) for 3HP or
3HP (weekly) 3 12 11* 120
6Lfx (daily) 6 180 144 239
• 80% of recommended dose (96/120)
4R (daily) 4 120 96 160 consumed within 133% of planned TPT
* 90% of recommended number of doses duration (160 days) for 4R
Treatment outcomes- other definitions
• Treatment failed: A person initiated on TPT who developed active TB disease any time while
on TPT course.
• Died: A person initiated on TPT who died for any reason while on TPT course.
• Lost to follow-up: TPT interrupted by person for eight consecutive weeks (2 months) or
more for 6H or 6Lfx, four consecutive weeks (1 month) or more for 3HP or 4R.
• TPT discontinuation due to toxicity: A person whose TPT is permanently discontinued by
the doctor due to adverse events or drug–drug interactions.
• Not evaluated: Such as records lost, transfer to another health facility without record of TPT
Point to remember… 1
 To achieve high treatment completion rates and the desired epidemiological impact of TPT,
monitoring treatment adherence including management of missed doses and ADR
 Poor adherence or early cessation of TPT can potentially increase the risk of the individual
developing TB disease, including drug-resistant TB.
 Efficacy of TPT is greatest if at least 80% of the doses are taken within 133% of the duration.
 Use of digital platforms (tele/video calls, 99DOTS/MERM), counting empty blisters, refill
monitoring etc. at the level of treatment supporter will strengthen adherence monitoring.
 Engage the TB survivors/champions at the community level.
 If less than 80% doses expected in the regimen (6H, 6Lfx or 4R) were taken, and the
treatment course cannot be completed within the extended time for completion, consider
restarting the full TPT course. If 4 or more weekly doses of 3HP are missed, consider
restarting the full TPT course.
Point to remember… 2
 The health worker of HF and TBHV/STS concerned are responsible to maintain regular
contact and review the persons on TPT and their family along with the index TB patient on
monthly basis, either at HF or during home visits or tele/video call.
 All patients receiving TPT should be evaluated at least monthly or at every contact by the
doctor of HF (including CHO) with the person on TPT.
 LFTs may be done at periodic intervals as clinically indicated among individuals who had
pre-existing liver conditions or regular and harmful alcohol use with raised enzyme levels at
baseline or previous visit.
 The monitoring for breakdown to active TB/DR-TB disease during TPT or post-TPT
completion for long-term follow up at 6, 12, 18 & 24 months need to be done by the
doctor/staff of HF.

Thank you!!

Chapter 10:
Procurement &
Supply chain

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:

 Procurement

 Supply chain/inventory management

 Reconstitution

• The drugs for various regimen for TPT will be centrally procured and supplied
through the NTEP in the same manner as other anti-TB drugs.

• Procurement/outsourcing of laboratory tests and kits for TBI detection, silica gel
desiccant, 99DOTS/MERM materials, poster printings etc. need to be undertaken by
the states.

Overview of drug distribution flow
• All drugs used in various TPT regimens…
o be supplied through a centralized procurement system at the Central TB Division, MoHFW, GoI &
o will be stored at Government Medical Store Depot (GMSD)/ Central Medical Services Society
(CMSS) stores.
• TPT full courses will be supplied to the states from the respective GMSD/ CMSS.
• An advance intimation of all drug supplies will be communicated to the states for state drug
stores (SDS) to make available requisite space in the drug store.
• The SDS will be supplied only in loose drug form. On receipt of drugs, the SDS shall
acknowledge the receipt through the Nikshay Aushadhi.
• The SDS shall supply full courses of TPT per person with a buffer stock of 3 months to all the
districts on a quarterly basis; the districts will supply further with a buffer stock of 2 months
to all TUs on monthly basis; and TUs will supply further with a buffer stock of 1 month to all
HF on a monthly basis.
Drug distribution flow… cont.
• An entire course of TPT drugs per eligible individual will remain under the custody of the
trained treatment supporter till the individual completes the TPT course for the respective

• For maintaining inventory of TPT drug courses and for its accountability, once a full patient
course of TPT drugs is issued to the trained treatment supporter of TPT eligible person, this
will be taken as issue/consumption for recording and reporting under Nikshay and Nikshay-

Stocking norms for full TPT courses
at various stocking points
Level Stock for Reserve stock in Drug requirements
utilization months of full
TPT courses
Treatment One full TPT course 0 month Full TPT course under utilization
supporter per beneficiary

HF drug 0 month 2 month Reserve stock in HF at end of the month

store (2 x total TPT beneficiaries on Full TPT course for HF)

TU drug 0 month 2 months (Quarterly consumption/ 3) x 5 – (existing stock in TU

store including HF drug stores at end of the quarter)

DTC drug 0 month 3 months (Quarterly consumption/ 3) x 8 – (existing stock in DTC drug
store store including TU & HF drug stores at end of the quarter)

SDS 0 month 3 months (Quarterly consumption/ 3) x 11 – (existing stock in SDS

including stocks at all districts at end of the quarter)

• In the event of loss to follow-up or death or discontinuation of TPT for any
reason, the leftover tablets will be returned back to the DDS.

• These drugs would be taken back in stock and used under the supervision as
per batch no. and expiry. The batch number and expiry need to be labelled

• These loose drugs will then be repacked as full treatment courses at DDS and
resent to TUs and HF for further usage.
Point to remember
 The drugs for various regimen for TPT will be centrally procured and supplied
through the NTEP.

Thank you!!

Chapter 11:

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:

 Health and Wellness Centres (HWC) and Sub-centres (SC) for TPT service delivery
under guidance of HF, TU and District TB officers.

 Integration of TPT services at community and facility levels

 Key strategies and checklist to assess preparedness for TPT scale-up under NTEP

Health & Wellness Centre and sub-centers for
TPT service delivery under guidance of HF, TU
& DTOs… 1
• Universal Health Coverage envisaged through HWCs/Sub-centers would be leveraged for
organizing effective implementation of this activity and these would be the focal point for TPT
service delivery to the target population in their respective catchment areas.
• Community health officers (CHO) in HWCs would be the key responsible officers for organizing
contact tracing/investigation and provision of TPT.
• All staff at HWCs/ Sub-centre will be primarily responsible for TPT service delivery along the entire
TPT care cascade that includes the following activities:
o mapping out facilities managing HRGs and the households/workplaces of all index TB/DR-TB patients
where target population can be traced; enumerating and mapping out target population;
o contact tracing and investigation of target population at the level of households/workplaces/ICTC-ART
centres/ facilities caring for all HRGs/ mapped vulnerable groups;
o screening target population to rule out active-TB and ascertain eligibility for TPT;
o organizing investigations (whenever available) and facilitating TPT or TB treatment through CHO or doctor;
o monitoring TPT adherence and observing for side effects. In case of any adverse reactions identify by the
health care workers (including community volunteers) and referred to the doctor; and declaring TPT
outcomes and long term follow-up.
Health & Wellness Centre and sub-centers for
TPT service delivery under guidance of HF, TU
& DTOs… 2
• Training to HF staff would be organized and facilitated by state/district/block health authorities.
• In Sub-centres which are not HWC, multi-purpose worker (MPW)/2nd auxiliary nurse midwife
(ANM)/ASHA would be given responsibility and trained.
• TPT treatment supporter should be identified and trained by the CHO / HF doctor and team at a
point closest to beneficiary homes and where the index TB patient is receiving treatment.
• Regular home visits or tele/video contact should be undertaken by the health-care workers with the
TPT beneficiaries to ensure adherence, adverse event identification/ management, repeated
counselling as necessary and follow-up for all TPT beneficiaries.
• The responsibility to rule out active TB disease and evaluation of the individual for TPT eligibility lies
on the doctor at the concerned HF (including CHO and PP) as per guidelines.
• Management for adverse events and decision to stop or change or restart the TPT regimen will be
taken only by the treating doctor/CHO.

Health & Wellness Centre and sub-centers for
TPT service delivery under guidance of HF, TU
& DTOs… 3
• The CHO/ HF doctor is also responsible to lead the overall micro-planning and organization of TPT
services in all HCWs/SCs of the HF catchment area to ascertain specific roles and responsibilities of
health providers including community volunteers in coordination with HF staff. This is especially in
target populations in the community where there is need to provide adherence support, manage
therapy interruptions and identify, document and manage adverse drug events.
• The block MO TU and DTO will be responsible to establish TPT service delivery for
high-risk/vulnerable groups at key service delivery sites such as ART/DR-TB centres, all TB treatment
centres (public and private) maternal and child health services centres, community health centres,
private providers and facilities serving other HRGs etc. They will also review and strengthen the drug
and logistics supply chain mechanism for an uninterrupted service delivery as well as strengthen
digital recording and monitoring system.

Integration of TPT services at community &
field level- roles of various health staff… 1
1. Community volunteers (TB survivors/ champions, ASHA & AWW)
 Awareness generation, peer education on TBI and TPT
 Encourage families of TB patients to avail TPT services for protection of family/vulnerable
 Mobilization of target populations (contacts/vulnerable/high-risk groups) for TPT
 ACF for TB among contacts/vulnerable groups mapped & referral for ruling out/diagnosis of
TB or for screening for TBI eligibility to PHC/HWCs/Sub-centre in rural area and
UPHC/health posts/dispensaries in urban areas
 Treatment support & adherence monitoring of individuals undergoing TPT including entry
of daily doses taken in the Prevent TB India app/Nikshay TPT module
 Early identification of adverse events and making the referrals to the doctor
 Facilitating and ensuring follow-up examinations, as needed
Integration of TPT services at community &
field level- roles of various health staff… 2
2. HWCs/ Sub-centre/ Urban health posts/ Dispensaries (CHO, ANMs, MPWs &
other field staff)
 Ensure ALL contacts of notified TB/DR TB patients are enlisted by HCW/SC staff
 Symptom screening of all target population (including all HHC and other vulnerable groups)
in area for symptoms of TB
 Counsel and refer those with symptoms of TB for TB diagnosis to TB Detection Centre under
intimation to HF doctor
 Counsel and refer those not having symptoms of TB to HF doctor for assessment for TBI
 Gather and record medical history of the individual; assess use of alcohol/drug use etc. and
share the same with HF doctor
 Identify and train treatment supporters for each individual on TPT in consultation with the
individual respecting their personal preferences
Integration of TPT services at community &
field level- roles of various health staff… 3
2. HWCs/ Sub-centre/ Urban health posts/ Dispensaries (CHO, ANMs, MPWs &
other field staff)
 Regularly undertake home visit or tele/video calls to monitor all individuals on TPT for
adherence, signs/symptoms of TB, adverse drug reactions and immediately refer them to
HF doctor, if required
 Identify treatment interruptions at the earliest (Dashboards of Prevent TB India
app/Nikshay TPT module may be checked every week along with pill counting) and take
necessary action to ensure that treatment is continued
 Facilitate and ensure that required follow-up examinations like UPT or LFT are carried out
 Review data updating in Prevent TB India app/Nikshay TPT module wherever available and
quality of data regularly and provide feedback to TPT treatment supporters and for retrieval
of TPT interrupters
Integration of TPT services at community &
field level- roles of various health staff… 4
3. PHC/UPHC/Private clinic (MO, staff nurse, LT, pharmacist, DEO)
 Ensure ALL contacts of notified TB/DR TB patients are enlisted by HCW/SC staff, invited for
evaluation, investigated for TB and eligibility for TPT, started TPT if eligible
 Assess all eligible individuals for TPT following the Algorithm for TB screening & TPT
 Conduct TBI tests (wherever available) either in the in-house lab/hub & spoke
 Once eligible for TPT, conduct relevant pre-TPT assessment and investigations available
either in-house or out-scoured
 Start individuals eligible on TPT and educate them on the treatment schedule, need for
adherence, follow-up schedule and need to contact doctor/health-care provider in case the
TB symptoms/adverse events/adverse drug reactions develop
Integration of TPT services at community &
field level- roles of various health staff… 5
3. PHC/UPHC/Private clinic (MO, staff nurse, LT, pharmacist, DEO)
 Identify & train TPT treatment supporters (health workers/ private providers/ community/
family/ self) with the help of HCW/ SC team in rural areas and ANM & ASHAs in urban areas
 Issue full TPT box of drugs to the treatment supporter for all individuals on TPT
 Monitor individuals on TPT with help of CHO/MPW, advice for management of side-effects,
stop TPT and refer for higher facility in case of serious adverse events (tele/video call
facilities shall be used for consultation with higher facilities, to the extent possible)
 Report AEs observed and development of TB symptoms to the HF doctor
 Conduct follow-up examinations as prescribed
 Ensure that all required information is updated on the Prevent TB India app/ Nikshay
 Review data updating in prevent TB India app/Nikshay TPT module wherever available and
quality of data regularly and provide feedback to HCWs/SCs
Integration of TPT services at community &
field level- roles of various health staff… 6
3. PHC/UPHC/Private clinic (MO, staff nurse, LT, pharmacist, DEO)
 Identify & train TPT treatment supporters (health workers/ private providers/ community/
family/ self) with the help of HCW/ SC team in rural areas and ANM & ASHAs in urban areas
 Issue full TPT box of drugs to the treatment supporter for all individuals on TPT
 Monitor individuals on TPT with help of CHO/MPW, advice for management of side-effects,
stop TPT and refer for higher facility in case of serious adverse events (tele/video call
facilities shall be used for consultation with higher facilities, to the extent possible)
 Report AEs observed and development of TB symptoms to the HF doctor
 Conduct follow-up examinations as prescribed
 Ensure that all required information is updated on the Prevent TB India app/ Nikshay
 Review data updating in prevent TB India app/Nikshay TPT module wherever available and
quality of data regularly and provide feedback to HCWs/SCs
Integration of TPT services at community &
field level- roles of various health staff… 7
4. TB Unit (MO, LT, X-ray tech., staff nurse, pharmacist, counsellor (if
available), STS, STLS, TBHV)
 Estimation of number of individuals requiring TPT in the TU area
 Capacity building of PHC staff, Sub-centre staff, ASHAs, AWWs and community volunteers
on TBI, screening for TBI, TPT care cascade monitoring, etc.
 Facilitation of access to necessary diagnostic facilities such as X-rays and lab investigations,
including TBI testing (in-house or outsourced from private labs/facilities).
 Ensuring indenting, TPT box constitution/reconstitution, DAT & supply of adequate drugs
 Assessment of potentially eligible individuals directly accessing services from TU for TBI and
initiation on TPT, if found eligible
 Adherence support and clinical monitoring of these individuals to be done through the
concerned PHC/Sub-centre
Integration of TPT services at community &
field level- roles of various health staff… 8
4. TB Unit (MO, LT, X-ray tech., staff nurse, pharmacist, counsellor (if
available), STS, STLS, TBHV)
 Supportive supervision and handholding to field level facilities and frontline workers
 Clinical management of adverse drug reactions referred to the TU as possible and referral
to higher facilities if required (tele-medicine facilities to be used for consultation with
higher facilities, to the extent possible)
 Ensure all required data is updated on the Prevent TB mobile application/ Nikshay
 Supervise and monitor coverage of screening, initiation and completion of TPT
 Review data updation in the prevent TB India app/Nikshay along with quality of data
regularly and provide feedback to HCWs/ SCs/ PHCs/ UPHCs
 Address programme management and implementation gaps identified during real-time
monitoring and flagging issues specific to districts/states to respective DTO/STO for
Integration of TPT services at community &
field level- roles of various health staff… 9
5. ART centre/ Link ART centre (MO, pharmacist, (institutional) staff nurse,
counsellor, care coordinator, LT)
 Symptom screening of all PLHIV registered for ART during initial visit and monthly visits for
active TB and contra-indications
 Counselling and Initiation of all PLHIV not having active TB on TPT
 Ensuring appropriate choice of TPT/ dose adjustment of ARV considering drug-drug
interactions e.g. double dosing of DTG if 3RH is used, or use of 6H if Nevirapine based ARV
 Ensuring adherence support for PLHIV on TPT
 Monitoring of ADR or development of symptoms of TB and its management
 If symptoms of TB develop, stop TPT and investigate for bacteriological confirmation
 Ensure that all required information is updated on the Prevent TB India app/Nikshay
 Review data updation in the Prevent TB India app/Nikshay; ensure quality of data regularly;
and provide feedback to ART centre staff.
Integration of TPT services at community &
field level- roles of various health staff… 10
6. Tertiary care/Medical colleges/Corporate hospitals/District
hospitals/Dialysis/Cancer facility (doctors, staff nurses, LT, X-ray and dialysis
 Screen all patients on immunosuppressive therapy, silicosis patients, anti-TNF medicines,
patients undergoing dialysis at regular intervals for symptoms of TB
 Educate and refer patients not having symptoms of TB for TBI testing/ assessment of their
eligibility for TPT
 Monitor and support adherence to TPT
 Clinically monitor all patients on TPT for symptoms of TB, adverse drug reactions and
ensure immediate management by doctors
 If symptoms of TB develop, stop TPT and investigate for bacteriological confirmation
 Ensure that all required information is updated on the Prevent TB India app/Nikshay
 Review data updation in the Prevent TB India app/Nikshay
Integration of TPT services at community &
field level- roles of various health staff… 11
7. State/District TB cell (STO, DTO, State/District Programme Coordinator, etc)
 Include the TPT implementation plan and budget in the annual PIP process for funding
 Estimate the number of individuals requiring TPT in the district under guidance of CTD
 Ensure establishment of mechanism for TBI screening & management at all HFs (including
HWCs & private clinics), TUs, ART centres, tertiary hospitals, medical colleges, corporate
hospitals, district, sub-district hospitals, dialysis facilities etc
 Undertake capacity building of staff at levels listed above in national guidelines for TPT in
India and the Prevent TB India app/Nikshay TPT module
 Facilitate access to necessary diagnostic facilities such as X-ray and lab investigations
including TBI testing

Integration of TPT services at community &
field level- roles of various health staff… 12
7. State/District TB cell (STO, DTO, State/District Programme Coordinator, etc)
 Ensure indenting & supply/outsourcing of IGRA/C-tb, drugs for TPT and other logistics in
adequate quantity through the PIP system
 Review data updation in Prevent TB India app/Nikshay TPT module where available; ensure
quality of data regularly; and provide feedback to PHCs/UPHCs.
 Carry out supportive supervision and monitoring of TPT care cascade and PMTPT activities
in the district, including contact screening, TPT start and TPT completion data
 Set-up mechanism for ADR management, including referral facilities
 Ensure availability of necessary IEC activities on TBI and TPT for facilities as well as for

Key strategies for TPT scale-up
under NTEP… 1
a) Building capacity of health-care workers at HWCs, Sub-centers and HFs (including private
clinics) in the PMTPT guidelines for India.
b) Ensuring adequate human resources to provide TPT services at all of the above facilities as
well as supervisory staff at the block, district and state level.
c) Implementing systematicaly active, intensified and passive case finding to detect and
notify all index TB patients in the community.
d) Mapping out facilities managing HRGs and households/workplaces of all index TB patients
where the target population can be traced.
e) Establishing diagnostic systems to rule out active TB and to detect TBI among contacts of
index TB patients and high-risk/vulnerable groups.
f) Providing TPT using newer and shorter regimens to eligible individuals who have been

Key strategies for TPT scale-up
under NTEP… 1
g) Strengthening treatment support systems for monitoring adherence and adverse events
and ensuring high TPT completion rates in every centre.
h) Strengthening the monitoring system and establishing a robust surveillance system.
i) Designing effective communication strategies for TPT and initiating IEC campaign with
community engagement to increase awareness among general population about TPT
intervention to accelerate ending TB in India.
j) Following-up up to 2 years post TPT on a six-monthly basis to monitor individuals who
completed TPT for breakdown to active-TB.

Every state, district and block level officer must clearly understand the requirements to
organize TPT services in their respective catchment areas and prepare the health workforce
and health system to be capable of effectively implementing the TPT services as an integral
part of the universal health coverage (UHC) function of the health system.
Checklist to assess preparedness for
implementation of TPT services… 1
Thematic area Current Next steps &
Status timeline
Advocacy for TPT
Inclusion of TPT plan in PIP
Expansion plan at State/ district level with timelines to complete expansion
Human resources in place at HCW/SC, HF, Block, District and State as per
existing NHM (Ayushman Bharat) and NTEP norms
Training plan in place with timeline to complete training of all health
workforce of HCW/SC, HF, Block, District and State
Availability of necessary diagnostics (IGRA/TPT) and Chest X-ray for HRGs
and HHC whenever available
Mapping of TPT centres (HWCs, SCs, HFs including private providers) and
updating directory of treatment supporters
Checklist to assess preparedness for
implementation of TPT services… 2
Thematic area Current Next steps &
Status timeline
Identification of adherence mechanisms (trained TPT supporters/
99DOTS/MERM/refill monitoring)
TPT drug stocking and supply chain management for various regimen
Upgradation of storage space at SDS/DDS/TUDS/HF/HWCs to store TPT
drug quantities
ADR management plan (from HF to DR-TB centres)
Communication strategy, IEC and Community engagement plan
Logistics/ trainings for recording & reporting (printing, digital platform
readiness with peripheral devices and internet for use by HCW/SC staff etc)
Any other preparedness
Point to remember
NTEP will expand TPT services in a phased manner to cover the entire country by 2022.
Medical officer of the HF (including HWC) will be responsible for TPT implementation.
Community health officers (CHO) in HWC/SC level would be leveraged for contact
investigation and TB preventive treatment organization and monitoring.
Contact tracing will be done by ANM/ ASHA/ HCWs including community volunteers.
ART centre and tertiary care institutes would be responsible for TPT services for PLHIV and
other HRGs respectively.
STO and DTO would be responsible for planning, capacity building, health system
preparedness, human resources adequacy, procurement and supply chain management for
TBI test (in-house/outsourced) and drugs for TPT, periodic supervision, digital data
management, monitoring and course correction.
Thank you!!

Chapter 12:
Recording &

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:
• Information management in PMTPT
• TPT information workflow in Nikshay
• Operational aspects for using Prevent TB India app/Nikshay TPT module

Objectives for information system for PMTPT
• Understanding in flow of information

• Variables to be recorded and entered in the information system

• Real-time access of the individual persons’ details at all levels for appropriate services

• Tools for digital recording and reporting of TPT

• Real-time reports to monitor implementation of TPT care cascade using real-time


TPT Information and related services
integrated into a continuum of care

Building TPT module in the existing
Nikshay person’s lifecycle approach
• An individual notified for TB gets registered for the first episode of treatment-
o the subsequent episodes of treatment are linked to the same Nikshay id for that individual.
• The information management for TPT will be built into the existing Nikshay person’s lifecycle
approach and the same will be strategically positioned as the entry point-
o information of individuals enumerated as the target population into the TPT care cascade of
screening, testing, eligibility assessment, TPT initiation, adherence monitoring, follow-up till
treatment completion.
• In the event of breakdown to active TB disease any time after TPT initiation or during long-
term follow-up-
o the next episode for TB treatment will be linked to the same Nikshay id for that individual to
ensure continuum of care in Nikshay.

WHO Prevent TB mobile application
customized for India as an interim solution
• TPT module is under development in Nikshay.
• As an interim arrangement, the WHO prevent TB mobile application with monitoring dashboards
customized for India is hosted on Nikshay and currently available on Google play store.
o This would be information management and monitoring of PMTPT in India till Nikshay TPT module is
o Designed to help frontline health-care workers to screen and register target populations (PLHIV, HHC of
pulmonary* TB, other risk groups), refer for testing and initiate on appropriate TPT.
• The data as is recorded, is visualized on a dashboard in real-time to enable day-to-day performance
monitoring of health-care workers, while also monitoring key indicators for the PMTPT.
• Prevent TB india app piloted in two districts in Chhattisgarh and rolled out in Kerala state, as per the
guidelines and requirements of the programme.
o All beneficiary data will be captured through a mobile-based application.
o Detailed description of application along with screenshots is in subsequent slides
Sign in page on Prevent TB India app
• The user can sign in with the Nikshay credentials.

• This will enable using the App by ASHA/ANM in the field level as
well by assigning appropriate credentials to them via Nikshay.

• Link to the App on play store:

Disclaimer and terms of use page
on Prevent TB India app
• After successful sign in, the user will see a
‘Disclaimer & Terms of use’ screen-
o which will have a logo, programme
description & disclaimer.
o On Clicking ‘I Agree’ the user will be
directed to the home screen where s/he
can access the different modules of the
• After the user logs in, there is an option to
select the language (English) and proceed.

Home page and left menu
on Prevent TB India app
• The Home page will have the app name
on the top and 7 modules –
o Register, My Clients, Search, Alerts,
Referral cases, Tutorials and Settings.

• On the left menu the user can see the app

logo, user ID & other navigation buttons.

Registration on Prevent TB India app
• allow the user to register an index patient by
capturing their basic personal details.
• Once the registration is completed and if the
index case is not presently on TB medication
then “refer to investigation” stage appears
where the index case can be referred to TB/TBI
testing based on the symptoms.
• If the Index patient is already on medication,
then the flow stops there and there is an option
to associate contacts with the index patient at
this stage.
• Registration includes registering ‘Other risk
groups’ as per the TPT algorithm as well, which
can be referred for TBI testing and started on
TPT given other criteria are met.
My clients – index patients and associate
contact on Prevent TB India app
• Associate a contact to the index patient.
• After clicking on the “Associate” button the
contact registration form will open-
o where contact details can be recorded and
the contact will be registered in the system
o assigned a Unique Identification Code (UIC).
• In this section, treatment initiation stage
can be started.
o The user needs to go to the cases section,
where the respective TB / TBI patients can
be seen, to whom the treatment initiation
and treatment outcome can be assigned

Referral for investigation
on Prevent TB India app
• When an index/contact is registered-
o there is a question that is asked ‘Presently on anti-TB medication’
o if the client has said ‘No’ then on submitting the form the user is
directed to ‘Refer to investigation’ stage.

• Based on symptoms, the contact can either be referred for TB

test or TBI test to a specific facility

Referral for testing for active TB and TB
infection on Prevent TB India app
• Assign testing services to
the client, who has been
screened in the ‘Refer to
investigation’ stage.
• Based on the presence or
absence of symptoms,
the client is assigned to
either active TB or TB
infection testing.
• The date, method and
result of the test can be
entered and then the
case moves to the “My
clients” section, where
the treatment initiation
stage can be completed
Treatment initiation and outcomes on
Prevent TB India app
• Under the “My clients” section, the
cases can be assigned the treatment
initiation and the treatment outcome
(for TPT persons only).

• These will appear under cases,

where the treatment initiation can
be started by clicking on add service

Prevent TB mobile application
customized for India as an interim solution
• A web-based dashboard for
desktops/ laptops for visualizing
data collected through mobile app.
• The dashboard can be used by
programme staff for real-time
monitoring of the TPT care cascade.
• All key staff would be trained in
mobile app and dashboard
• The data entered in the Prevent TB
India app would ultimately be
migrated to Nikshay TPT module
with dashboards following which the
Prevent TB India app would be
phased out with necessary
workflow –


Decision point
Enrollment / Screening
•The first swim lane in the diagram illustrates the workflow of enrollment and screening
• At the first point of contact of the person, the process of enrolment begins.
o The person would be authenticated through primary details like gender, phone number (going
forward Aadhar number- upcoming feature) and validated through deduplication module.
o On confirming the person as unique in Nikshay, further demographic details would be required to
be entered, following which the process of screening begins.
o On entering symptom screening details, a decision point is reached.
• If the person has symptoms suggestive of TB then offer TB tests as per the algorithm and
o If the TB tests are positive, the person becomes a diagnosed TB patient and exits the TPT
workflow to enter the TB information workflow.
o If the person does not have symptoms suggestive of TB, then the second activity (swim lane)
begins i.e. Assessment for TPT eligibility criteria.
Assessment for TPT eligibility criteria
 If the person does not have symptoms suggestive of TB from the above screening activity then pursuing the
workflow in the second activity, a decision point is reached.
 Assessment for TPT eligibility criteria would be conducted and if the person is eligible for receiving TPT and if
TPT can be started (one more decision point) then the process of TPT would be initiated.
 If however, the TPT cannot be started inspite of the person being eligible as per TPT eligibility criteria, then an
outcome would be assigned and the person would no longer remain in the TPT data management workflow.
 Pursuing the persons for whom TPT has been initiated, the next process is assessment of treatment outcome
across the following:
o For persons started on TPT and assessed for Regimen Change would re-enter the process of TPT initiation.
o For persons started on TPT and assessed as Died would end up with an outcome.
o For persons started on TPT and assessed as Treatment Completed would enter the next activity-Assessment for
TBI follow-up criteria. However, if the patient is assessed as not belonging to any of these categories (Lost to
follow-up/Not evaluated) would end up having an outcome assigned.
 If the person after assessment for TPT eligibility criteria is found ineligible for treatment then the person
enters the next activity (swim lane) - Assessment for TBI tests.
Assessment for TBI tests
• In this activity the person is assessed for eligibility of TBI tests.
o If the person is found eligible for TBI tests and if the TBI tests are available, then the process of
tests would be conducted.
o If the tests are positive for TBI, the person would be redirected for assessment of feasibility of
initiating TPT and that workflow would be pursued further as above.
o However, if the TBI tests are not feasible to be conducted then an outcome would be assigned.
• In events where the person is not eligible for TBI tests or if the TBI tests are negative or not
available then the person would enter the next activity-Assessment for TBI follow-up criteria
to monitor clinical progress of such persons, reassess for TBI or TB disease on a later date as
long as the TB transmission and breakdown risk prevails.

Assessment for TBI follow-up criteria
• In this activity (swim lane) the person would be assessed for TBI follow-up criteria and if
eligible for follow-up the person would re-enter the screening activity.

• If the person is found ineligible for follow-up then an outcome would be assigned.

Operational aspects for using
Prevent TB India app / Nikshay TPT module… 1
Activity/ Point of contact of Person
responsible for
Workflow Process/Decision the person with the responsible for
ensuring data
Swim lane health system data entry
Entering patient demographic details Field
and screening details in Nikshay, MPWs/ General HWC/PHC/
Enrolment/ authentication of the person as unique HWC/PHC/CHC health staff/ CHC/DTO
Screening in the system and making a decision if TBHV
the person enters LTBI workflow or TB
workflow. The decision regarding the District/ Taluk
type of test to be conducted which is hospital
part of Diagnosis Workflow Swim lane Medical college/ General health
is practically done simultaneously. N/DDR-TBC STS/MO/DTO
staff/TBHV/ SA
Accordingly, Test Request should also
be generated in Nikshay ART centre

Operational aspects for using
Prevent TB India app / Nikshay TPT module… 2
Activity/ Point of contact of Person
responsible for
Workflow Process/Decision the person with the responsible for
ensuring data
Swim lane health system data entry


Enrollment /
Screening Pvt. health facility coordinator/ Partner/MO-

Taking a decision regarding treatment- PHC/CHC/

Treatment- STS/MO-DTC/
start of treatment, type of treatment, District/Taluk TBHV/General
Workflow MO-ART-
etc… and updating the details of Hospital/Medical health staff/SA
Swim lane centre/DTO
treatment College

Operational aspects for using
Prevent TB India app / Nikshay TPT module… 3
Activity/ Point of contact of Person
responsible for
Workflow Process/Decision the person with the responsible for
ensuring data
Swim lane health system data entry

Decision regarding type of test to be

conducted is taken in the first step
along with enrolment/screening. And
Diagnosis/ accordingly, once the person reaches a
Tests Workflow diagnostic facility the test request IGRA/C-TB LAB LT/DEO
Swim lane should ideally be already generated.
Entering test details and updating test
results is what is contemplated as data
entry points in this stage.

Operational aspects for using
Prevent TB India app / Nikshay TPT module… 4
Activity/ Point of contact of Person
responsible for
Workflow Process/Decision the person with the responsible for
ensuring data
Swim lane health system data entry

Follow-up- District/Taluk STS/MO-DTC/
Taking a decision regarding follow-up, TBHV/General
Workflow hospital/Medical MO-ART-
updating follow-up details health staff/SA
Swim lane college/ centre/DTO

Point to remember
The WHO prevent TB mobile application with monitoring dashboards customized for India
is hosted on Nikshay and currently available on Google play store. This would be used for
information management and monitoring of PM TPT implementation in India as an interim
The dashboard can be used by programme staff for real-time progress monitoring of the TPT
care cascade.
The information management for PMTPT will be built upon this system as a Nikshay TPT
module in the near future.
The data entered in the Prevent TB India app would ultimately be migrated to Nikshay TPT
module when it is ready for the field implementation following which the Prevent TB India
app would be phased out with necessary directions from NTEP.

Thank you!!

Chapter 13:
Private sector

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:
• Private sector engagement

• Current scenario for TPT in the private sector

• Implementing TPT in contacts of private sector patients

• Opportunities for TB preventive treatment through the private sector

Private sector engagement
• TB services to all TB patients irrespective of patient seeks care from public or private sector.
• All diagnostics, drugs, treatment support, incentives and enablers and public health action
linked provisions that are available to patients in the private sector as well.
• Rigorous efforts have been made by the States and Districts to ‘engage’ private health
providers such as establishing Patient Provider Support Agency (PPSAs)-
o Making private health providers aware of the services available under NTEP
o Increasing their participation and role in the management of TB patients
• This has translated to a significant rise in TB notification from the private sector and provides
good opportunity to extend part of public health action to all TB patients notified from the
private sector, including contact tracing and TPT for their contacts.
Current scenario of TPT in the private sector
a. Contact tracing and providing TPT is part of the public health action under the mandatory TB Notification
Gazette for all TB patients notified from public as well as private sector.
b. This will be extended to the expanded target populations for TPT now, enabling a policy for universal
coverage and monitoring of contact tracing, focusing coverage and completion rates to cover contacts of
pulmonary* TB patients notified from the private sector as well.
c. Data on contact tracing for children < 5 and ≥ 5 years to rule out/confirm active TB will also be captured in
Prevent TB India app/NIKSHAY, while TPT coverage and completion is monitored for PLHIV and children < 5 yrs
for index TB patients notified from public as well as private sector.
d. The current PPSA for private sector engagement through the JEET Project (joint effort for elimination of TB)
and domestic resources are focused on implementing the notification gazette including facilitation of public
health actions for private sector patients including contact tracing and TPT currently with 6H or 3HP
whichever is available.
e. The World Bank Project has private sector engagement as a major thrust area in the nine high priority states
with private sector that would lead to further penetration with services for TB patients and their families
seeking care in the private sector not only for TB but also for TPT.
Implementing TPT in the contact of
patient seeking care in private sector… 1
• Patient seeking care in private sector may come into the purview of the local public health
authority either through notification in Nikshay, or referrals made by private practitioners
o In both these cases, the local public health authorities must ensure that complete details
of the patients are entered into Nikshay and home visit of the patients conducted by the
health staff (STS, TBHV, ASHA) or through PPSA staff, as may be the case in that specific
• All PLHIV, contacts of pulmonary* TB patients, other risk groups must be screened for TB;
diagnostic tests may be carried out through public sector services or outsourced through
PPSA/other partnership options to a private facility of choice.

Implementing TPT in the contact of
patient seeking care in private sector… 2
• People in the target population who are themselves detected with any form of TB will need
to be linked for TB treatment which can be from the public or private sector facilities.
• All people in the target population found to be eligible for TPT should be offered TPT from
the facility of their choice (public or private).
• All attempts must be made to offer free TPT services to private persons either directly from
the public sector health facilities or through purchasing of services from the private sector.
• The ultimate aim is to provide good quality TB services at minimal out-of-pocket expenditure
for the private TB patients/TPT persons.
Staff responsibilities
• Responsibility of providing TPT rests with the local public health facility-
o either from their own public sector services through established linkages with private facility, or
o from purchased services from private service providers as per the Partnership Guidelines (2019).
o decision to extend public health action from public sector or through purchased services would depend
on the local context of accessibility of services and also patient/ provider willingness.
• Partnership linkages should be established between the private health facility (from where the
patient seeks care) and the facility providing the public health action (public or private) by-
o PPSA, if present, or
o STS, TBHV, District PPM Coordinator or whichever staff that has been given the responsibility
• The actual contact tracing through home visits would need context specific and local action plan.
• Models to reach out to private sector patients which are locally available, within NTEP (TBHV) or
through the general health system (ASHAs, ANMs, CHOs), may be leveraged through proper
intersectoral and inter-departmental linkages.
Opportunities for TPT through
partnership options
• A range of TB related services can be ‘purchased’ for private sector patients. (can also be
purchased for public sector patients, if specifically needed in any particular geography).
• Contact tracing and chemoprophylaxis (TPT) as a separate activity has been included in the
“Public Health Action” option under the Guidance Document on Partnerships 2019.
o TPT as part of the range of public health action, can also be included as an activity for PPSAs, or
can be bundled with any other service such as ‘diagnostics’.
o States and Districts may assess the focused need for TPT in other and expanded risk group in
their respective geographies.
o Likewise, additional channels for specimen management, X-rays, drug supply will have to be
established for TPT in the private sector.
o States may assess their needs and purchase whole package of services as a bundle, or individual
activities in the range of services needed for TPT.
Partnership options and TPT services
Partnership option & TPT services
1. Patient provider support agency (PPSA)

i. Private provider engagement

ii. Linkages for specimen transportation and diagnostics
iii. Patient management (public health action, counselling, adherence support) logistics of anti-TB drugs for TPT
The PPSA is an example of a “service bundle” that covers a whole range of activities for end-to-end management of private

2. Public health action

i. Counselling and adherence management

ii. Contact tracing and chemoprophylaxis (TPT)
iii. HIV counselling, testing and treatment linkage
iv. Drug susceptibility testing (DST) and linkage for DR-TB services
v. Blood sugar testing and linkages for diabetic care
vi. Linkages for Nikshay Poshan Yojana

Partnership options and TPT services
Partnership option & TPT services
3. Specimen management
i. Collection of sputum samples, blood specimen for TBI tests
ii. Collection of respiratory (excluding sputum) and EP specimen
iii. Transportation of specimen
4. Diagnostics
i. X-ray centres
ii. Smear microscopy (ZN/FM)/molecular diagnostics
iii. Culture (standalone) / Line Probe Assay / Culture and Drug Susceptibility Testing
iv. Pre-treatment and follow-up investigation
v. TBI test (TBI)

5. Treatment services
i. TB management centre
ii. DR-TB treatment centre (outdoor)
iii. DR-TB treatment centre (indoor)
iv. Specialist consultation for DR-TB patients

Partnership options and TPT services
Partnership option & TPT services
6. Drug Access and Delivery Services
i. Drug supply chain management
ii. Improving access to anti-TB drugs for TB patients notified by the private sector
7. Active TB case finding and TB prevention
i. Active TB case finding
ii. TB prevention package for vulnerability mapping, TBI testing and TPT
8. Advocacy, Communication and Community Empowerment
i. Advocacy
ii. Communication
iii. Community empowerment
9. Innovations

• Refer the further details in Guidance Document on Partnerships 2019.

• States/Districts must ensure to budget TPT as a separate activity since the overall engagement
needed for reaching out to contacts of all private TB patients, would be much larger.
Point to remember
A patient notified in the private sector must receive all services as a patient in the public sector
does. As part of public health action, contact tracing of private sector patients must be
conducted, and TPT should be initiated for eligible contacts after ruling out active TB.
Linkages must be well established between the private sector health facility and the local public
health authorities at the TU/District level to ensure smooth flow of information and services for
the benefit of the patient.
Services that cannot directly be provided by the public sector, if any, should be purchased from
Private Sector Service Providers, to ensure minimal out-of-pocket expenditure.
Access to Nikshay ID, recording & reporting formats, IEC materials, drugs and incentives for
private providers must be ensured.
Responsibility of establishing linkages with the private sector should be clearly established by
the local public health authorities- a coordinated effort of all State/ District PPM coordinators,
DR-TB coordinators, STS, TB-HV, and staff from PPSA (if present) is needed. 205
Thank you!!

Chapter 14:
monitoring &

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:
• Supportive supervision

• Monitoring cascade of care for TPT

• Monitoring indicators

• Evaluation

Supportive supervision
• Process of helping health-care providers and supervisors to improve their performance on a
continuous basis to be able to provide high quality care along the TPT care cascade to the
target population.
• Carried out in a polite and non-authoritarian way
• Focus on using supervisory visits as an opportunity to improve knowledge and skills of
health staff.
• Includes quality checks for data recording and reporting, including inspection and validation
of a person’s case files and data collection tools for validity and completeness of recording.
• Frequency of supportive supervision depends on resources and needs, but closer monitoring
may be needed.
• Supportive supervision encourages open communication and team building approaches to
facilitate real time hand holding and problem-solving.
Objectives of supportive supervision
Supportive supervision focuses on monitoring performance towards goals, using data
for decision-making and depends upon regular follow-up with staff to ensure that
assigned tasks are being implemented correctly.
• Build capacity of health staff to implement TPT related activities as recommended
• Ensure that the data recorded and reported is accurate and valid
• Incorporate a system of analysis and review aimed at improving quality of implementation
• Increase involvement and commitment of staff at different levels
• Ensure that field staff responds to Nikshay tasks, lists activities and updates missing
information promptly & provides actionable and timely feedback
• Evaluate impact of training on performance of health staff & assess retraining needs
• Assess stocks and replenishment of supplies
Checklist for supervision of TPT care cascade
Supervision would be the responsibility of all cadres of supervisors from states, district,
TB unit, PHC and HWC levels for their respective catchment area for the entire TPT
care cascade and the related programme management system.
Supervisory checklist for TPT case cascade Notes
Advocacy material for TPT ⃝ Available ⃝ Not available
Communication strategy for TPT ⃝ Available ⃝ Not available
TPT implementation as per PIP ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
Status on HR as per work load ⃝ Adequate ⃝ Inadequate
Training status of
• NTEP staff ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
• Doctors (public & private) ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
• PPSA staff ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
• CHOs ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
• Paramedical staff ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
• Treatment providers ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
• TB survivor / champions ⃝ Yes ⃝ No

Checklist for supervision of TPT care cascade
Supervisory checklist for TPT case cascade Notes
Contact tracing through line listing ⃝ Done ⃝ Not done
Directory of Treatment supporters ⃝ Available ⃝ Not available
Specimen transport system for sputum and blood in place ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
Status on TBI tests ⃝ Available/ Linkages
⃝ Not available/ Linkages not

Option of partnership options for diagnostics ⃝ Available ⃝ Not available

Adherence mechanisms ⃝ Treatment supporter
⃝ Tele/video calls

Is the drug stocking and supply chain management adequate ⃝ Yes ⃝ No

Checklist for supervision of TPT care cascade
Supervisory checklist for TPT case cascade Notes
Number of months of stock available as per consumption and Months of stock
stocking norm
6H ; 3HP ; 6Lfx ; 4R

Is there a stock-out or low stocks for any TPT regimen courses ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
aDSM system in place ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
Community engagement done ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
Logistics/ trainings for recording & reporting (printing, digital ⃝ Available ⃝ Not available
platform readiness with peripheral devices, internet etc)
Recommended actions:

Name of the facility visited:

Signature of supervisor Designation of supervisor Date of visit

Care cascade for TPT
• Programmatic implementation and scale-up of TPT requires strengthening of each element
in the cascade of care starting from identification of the target population to provision and
continuation of TPT.
• It is important to ensure that all individuals who are most at risk of developing TB are
systematically identified, and once TB disease is excluded, offered TPT to improve both their
individual health as well as community level decline of TB disease.
• Steps of TPT care cascade

Target Evaluated for Eligible for Completed

Started TPT
population eligibility TPT TPT
Details in next slide

Steps of TPT care cascade
 Identification of target population at risk will determine the overall denominator.
 Total number evaluated for TB disease will determine the number evaluated for TB disease out of
the denominator of target population at risk.
o Ideally everybody should be evaluated to rule out active TB disease.
 Total number tested for TB infection will determine the number tested out of the number evaluated
and ruled out of active TB disease.
 Total number eligible for TPT will determine the number eligible for TPT out of those tested for TB
infection and found positive after ruling out active TB or screened and ruled out of active TB as per
the eligible population.
 Total number initiated on TPT will determine the number initiated on TPT out of those tested
positive for TB infection (includes children > 5yr, adults HHC and other risk groups) or screened and
ruled out of active TB (includes children <5yrs & eligible PLHIV after ruling out TB).
 Total number completed TPT will determine the number who have completed the full course of TPT
out of all who have started TPT as per eligible population and TPT regimen.
Cascade of care for those with
test & treat policy after ruling out TB
Steps of care cascade Programmatic benchmarks
1. Total at-risk population Includes all at-risk as per populations identified
2. Total no. screened for active TB disease 100%
3. Total no. tested for TB infection (excluding >90% to be tested
those with active TB)
4. Total no. eligible for TPT (excluding those Includes children > 5yr and adults
with TBI test negative)
5. Total started on TPT >90% among eligible
6. Total completed TPT >90% to complete TPT
7. Total post TPT follow-up for 6m, 12m, 18m
>90% of who completed TPT
and 24m
Cascade of care for those with
screen and treat policy after ruling out TB
Steps of care cascade Programmatic benchmarks
1. Total at-risk population Includes all at-risk as per populations identified
2. Total no. evaluated for TB 100%
3. Total no. identified as TB disease ~10% as TB
>90%, includes children <5yrs & eligible PLHIV
4. Total no. eligible for TPT
after ruling out TB
5. Total started on TPT >90% among eligible
6. Total completed TPT 100% to complete TPT
7. Total post TPT follow-up for 6m, 12m, 18m
>90% of who completed TPT
and 24m
Tools for monitoring
• Nikshay is being used to capture data elements that are needed for PMTPT care and
monitoring to generate indicators automatically.
• The programme has adapted the WHO prevent TB India app, customized the same as per
country requirements and hosted on Nikshay as an interim solution till the Nikshay TPT
module is developed and fully functional.
• The entries will be done in the app by the health workers or the treatment supporters and
the same will generate the line list of those beneficiaries enrolled for TPT.
• This will eventually be transitioned to the TPT module in Nikshay which will follow a life
cycle approach for long-term follow-up of persons who complete TPT.
• Monitoring from output of Prevent TB India app
o Line list for TPT
o Dashboard for TPT
Line list for TPT
• Line list of TPT
enrolled will be
generated as an
output of the
Prevent TB India app.
• It will have the
details of all the
beneficiaries who
have been enrolled
for TPT in the
respective HF.

Dashboard for TPT
• Includes TPT cascade, screening
overview, testing & evaluation
overview, cascade analysis split by
State and district level, prevalence
of symptoms, age-wise distribution,
regimen distribution, reason for
non-initiation, outcomes.
• Used for the monitoring of the
activities at national, state, district,
TU and HF level
• Accessed by various levels of
supervisors using their respective
Nikshay login ids using a link
provided in the Nikshay reports
section on TPT Reports.
TPT care cascade analysis view on
dashboard in Prevent TB India app/desktop

TPT Treatment outcome & reason for discontinuation
on dashboard in Prevent TB India app/desktop

Monitoring indicator… 1
Indicator Definition Numerator Denominator
Contact Number of contacts of Total number of contacts of Total number of contacts
investigation pulmonary* TB patients pulmonary* TB patients who pulmonary* TB patients
coverage evaluated for TB disease and completed evaluation for TB during the specific period
TB infection out of the target disease and TB infection
population, expressed as a during the specific period
percentage for total and for
each age group (Children <5
yrs, Children 5-18 yrs &
Adults >18yrs)

Monitoring indicator… 2
Indicator Definition Numerator Denominator
TPT coverage Number of individuals Total number of individuals Total number of individuals
initiated on TPT out of those eligible for TPT who initiated eligible for TPT during the
eligible (if tested – TPT treatment during the specific period
positive or if only screened – specific period
ruled out of active TB),
expressed as a percentage
for total and for each of the
risk groups (newly enrolled
or all PLHIV, children <5 yrs,
children 5-18 yrs & adults
>18yrs, other risk groups)

Monitoring indicator… 3
Indicator Definition Numerator Denominator
TPT completion Number of individuals Total number of individuals Total number of individuals
completing TPT out of those who completed a course of who were initiated on a
initiating treatment, TPT of those initiated on TPT course of TPT during the
expressed as a percentage during the specific period specific period
for total and for each of the
risk groups (newly enrolled
or all PLHIV, children <5 yrs,
children 5-18 yrs & adults
>18yrs, other risk groups)

TPT may be considered completed when an individual takes 80% or more of the
prescribed number of doses of treatment within 133% of the scheduled duration of
the respective TPT regimen and remains well or asymptomatic during the entire
period. 225
Monitoring indicator… 4
Indicator Definition Numerator Denominator

Breakdown rate Proportion of beneficiaries Total number of Total number of

to TB among all on TPT, diagnosed as TB beneficiaries on TPT beneficiaries who were
TPT during the TPT course or diagnosed as TB during the initiated on TPT during the
beneficiaries during long term follow up TPT course or during long specific period
at 6, 12, 18 & 24 months term follow up at 6, 12, 18 &
post-TPT completion 24 months post-TPT

• Evaluation is a necessary requirement to enable continuous quality improvement.
• Evaluation of the services under PM TPT and the performance of TPT care cascade will be
integrated in the existing mechanisms of central and state internal evaluation protocols with
inclusion of the supervisory checklist and monitoring indicators in the existing evaluation
• PMTPT will thus be integral part of the NTEP central and state internal evaluation
mechanism and would be carried out at the stipulated frequencies as per the NTEP

Point to remember… 1
The TPT monitoring dashboard can be accessed by various level of supervisors using their
respective Nikshay login ids using a link provided in Nikshay Reports section on TPT
PMTPT will thus be integral part of the NTEP central and state internal evaluation
mechanism and would be carried out at the stipulated frequencies as per the NTEP
Programmatic implementation and scale-up of TPT requires strengthening of each element in
the cascade of care starting from identification of the target population to provision and
completion of TPT including monitoring breakdown to active TB during or post-TPT
Point to remember… 2
Supervision would be the responsibility of all cadres of supervisors from states, district, TB
unit, PHC and HWC levels for their respective catchment area for the entire TPT care
cascade and the related programme management system.
Standard checklist to assess TPT implementation across the cascade of care starting from
identification of the target population for TPT initiation and completion.
It is important to ensure that all individuals who are most at risk of developing TB are
systematically identified, and once TB disease is excluded, offered TPT to improve both their
individual health as well as community level decline of TB disease.
Line list of TPT beneficiaries enrolled will be generated as an output of Prevent TB India
Thank you!!

Chapter 15:

Learning objectives
In this chapter we will learn about:
• Community engagement
• Informing community
• Consulting community
• Collaborating with community
• Empowering community
• Role of community based organizations
Community engagement
• Community engagement is central to all public health interventions and is viewed as
involving those affected in understanding the risks they face and involving them in response
actions that are acceptable.
• Engaging with the community is essential to TPT in India as-
o lack of knowledge among community members about the recognized benefits of TPT and
o actions are required from individuals, families and communities for the effective implementation
of the same.
• Informed and empowered communities can play a very important role in ascertaining that
individuals and communities make informed choices regarding TPT and adhere to the same.
• Thus, views, experiences and involvement of affected populations help in making policies
and programmatic designs focus on human rights aspects of TPT and uphold privacy, dignity
and autonomy of the individuals undergoing the TPT.
Strategies for engaging community in
TPT implementation and scaling-up
The community collectives such as TB survivor/PLHIV networks can also mobilize the
community members for TPT and bring issues to the notice of the health system
directly or through various platforms such as community meetings, TB forum etc.

1. Inform
2. Consult
3. Collaborate
4. Empower

Inform community
Inform about benefits of TPT to individuals, families, and community with emphasizing
how TPT acts as prevention and break the transmission chain of TB in the community.
• Intervention can include:
o Awareness & social mobilization drives/campaigns at community levels using multiple channels
such as mass and mid media, inter-personal communication tools, etc.
o Sensitization and involvement of community leaders, opinion leaders, celebrities, schools etc.
o Dissemination of user-friendly IEC materials on TPT which are easy to understand and help in
making appropriate health-care decisions by individuals/families/community members (act on
 Such materials should cover information on prevention, myths and facts, nutrition, health-care facilities,
co-morbidities, etc. Materials specific to TPT for those undergoing TPT shall also be developed in
consultation with the communities.
Consult community
Consult the community for planning, implementation and monitoring the TPT intervention and
• Community’s opinion can be gathered through
community meetings, patient provider
meetings, involving community representatives
in planning & monitoring meetings etc.
• Such consultations will be done for developing
tools and contents for communication on TPT,
developing local plans for TPT implementation
& scale-up, demand generation, gathering
community feedback on TPT services etc.
Collaborate with community
Collaborate with the community through formal Civil Society Organizations (CSO)
including NGOs, CBO, FBOs, etc. and informal groups for implementing TPT.
Partnerships with CSOs at • Areas of interventions could be, but not limited to, as follows:
o Awareness generation, behaviour change communication & social mobilization.
national, state, district/
o Capacity building of health-care facilities and frontline health workers in TPT.
sub-district/ town/ village o Case finding through screening & referral and/or testing for TBI among contacts of TB
levels will be explored for patients & other target populations.
various interventions, o Facilitating access to diagnostic services (e.g. sputum or blood specimen collection and
transport, provisions for X-ray).
based on the need
o Supporting TPT initiation & adherence through health education, counselling, follow-up
assessment and potential support, etc.
of individual o Developing TPT adherence support in community through identification and training of
community treatment supporters, facilitation of treatment support groups, training of
organizations (The gap families/caregivers, implementation of Peer-support models, etc.
analysis tools given in NTEP
o Facilitate treatment completion & follow-up investigations.
Partnership Guidance 2019 shall
be used for needs assessment).
o Facilitating community surveillance of TBI, TPT, ADRs, development of Active TB etc.
Empower the affected community
Empower the affected community as a partner in TPT response through capacity
building and involvement of TB survivors, their contacts & others who are eligible for
TPT and networks of TB survivors in various facets of the response across levels.
• Role of TB champion will cover the following areas:
o Encouraging contacts of TB patients and other eligible individuals for TBI screening and TPT.
o Providing peer counselling with psycho- social support, addressing of self- stigmatization etc.
o Ensuring supportive monitoring of those on TPT and providing of treatment education, suggestions on
nutrition, healthy lifestyles and positive living, psychosocial support, addressing specific issues etc.
o Preventing TPT treatment interruptions and promoting completion of TPT.
o Monitoring and early identification of ADR and/or development of TB symptoms.
o Addressing stigma of TB in the community.
o Acting as a link between the community and health-care system and facilitating care seeking and feedback
on health service delivery.
Role of community based
organizations (CBOs) and civil society… 1
• Key stakeholders in the efforts for ending TB including TPT
• While the TPT is primarily a responsibility of health services, it is acknowledged that the role
of CSOs and communities is to facilitate demand generation and appropriate health seeking
behaviour of target populations using a flexible user-centric model to meet users’ needs and
provide services to vulnerable and stigmatized members of society, whether as a faith group
in the community, or as an organization.
• Integrating contact investigations into the roles and responsibilities of existing health and
community workforce
• Ascertaining availability and capacity of community health workers and other networks
(such as TB survivors, TB champions) that can contribute to TPT service delivery and
support to individuals
• Training and capacity building of health-care workers, community workers and other
• Building demand creation of TPT among vulnerable groups and community at large
Role of community based
organizations (CBOs) and civil society… 2
• Ensuring community sensitization of TB survivors, PLHIV networks and others
• Identifying community volunteers as treatment supporters
• Undertaking training and on-the-job capacity building for health-care workers, community
health workers and other service providers in systematic TB symptom screening
• Conducting regular supportive oversight at national, state, district, TB unit and community
levels for TB screening activities, especially those carried out by community health workers
to ensure good quality screening and adherence to national algorithms
• Ascertaining the role and responsibilities of health providers, community health workers and
key stakeholders (such as Nutritional Rehabilitation Centres, ART Centres, MCH service
delivery point etc.) in evaluation of eligibility, start and completion of TPT.

Point to remember… 1
Engaging with the community is essential to TPT in India as there is clear lack of knowledge
among community members about the recognized benefits of TPT and actions are required
from individuals, families and communities for the effective implementation of the same.
Broad strategies for engaging community in TPT implementation and scaling up include
Inform, Consult, Collaborate and Empower.
Inform community about benefits of TPT to individuals, families, and community with
emphasizing how TPT acts as prevention and how it can break the transmission chain of TB
in the community.
Consult the community for planning, implementing, and monitoring the TPT intervention
and scale-up.

Point to remember… 2
Collaborate with the community through formal CSOs including NGOs, CBO, FBOs, etc.
and informal groups for implementing TPT.
Empower affected community as a partner in TPT response through capacity building and
involvement of TB survivors, their contacts & others who are eligible for TPT and networks
of TB survivors in various facets of the response at each level.
The role of CSOs and communities is to facilitate demand generation and appropriate health
seeking behaviour of target populations using a flexible user-centric model to meet users’
needs and provide services to vulnerable and stigmatized members of society, whether as a
faith group in the community, or as an organization.

Thank you!!


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