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Global Warming ## Introduction - Definition of global warming.

- Brief
overview of the current state of global warming. ## Causes of Global
Warming 1. Greenhouse Gases: The role of carbon dioxide, methane, and
nitrous oxide. 2. Deforestation: How it contributes to global warming. 3.
Industrialization: The impact of factories, vehicles, and other sources of
pollution. ## Effects of Global Warming - Rising Temperatures: Impact
on weather patterns and sea levels. - Loss of Biodiversity: Threat to
various species and ecosystems. - Human Health: Increased risk of heat
strokes, respiratory problems, and other health issues. ## Mitigation
Strategies 1. Renewable Energy: The role of solar, wind, and
hydroelectric power. 2. Reforestation: Planting trees to absorb carbon
dioxide. 3. Sustainable Living: Reducing, reusing, and recycling. ##
Conclusion - The urgency of addressing global warming. - The role of
individuals, communities, and governments in combating global warming.

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