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Cybersecurity ## Introduction - Definition of cybersecurity.

- Importance of
cybersecurity in the digital age. ## Types of Cyber Threats 1. Malware: Viruses,
worms, and Trojans. 2. Phishing: Deceptive attempts to gather sensitive
information. 3. Denial-of-Service Attacks: Overloading a network to cause
disruption. ## Impact of Cyber Threats - Financial Loss: Impact on businesses
and individuals. - Data Breach: Loss of sensitive and personal data. - Disruption of
Services: Impact on online services and infrastructure. ## Cybersecurity
Measures 1. Firewalls: Blocking unauthorized access. 2. Antivirus Software:
Detecting and removing malware. 3. User Education: Importance of strong
passwords, recognizing phishing attempts, etc. ## Conclusion - The ongoing
challenge of cybersecurity. - The role of individuals, businesses, and governments
in maintaining cybersecurity.

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