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Colonial Beginnings

Main Historical Facts

Discovery of America Invention of Press First British Settlement

(1492) (1607)

Explorations and

«Literary» works (i.e.
Cartas de relación, by
Hernán Cortés)
Diario de a bordo, first
European work
concerning the
American continent.
Map by Juan de la Cosa, 1500.
Jamestown, first
permanent British
settlement, 1607.
When does Nort-American Literature
1770s 16th and 17th Centuries (or
centuries millenniums) ago

«The Birth of the First explorations and First literary

Nations» (1776) settlements manifestations

American natives
(«First Nations»)

In which language
were they written?
Literature before 1620
Reports by explorers
 First example: Briefe and True Report of the New-Found Land of Virginia (1588).

-Fantastic elements included.

 John Smith (1580-1631):

- He was the best candidate for being the «father» of American Literature.

-he took part in the foundation of Jamestown.


-True Relation of Virginia (1608, about the foundation of Jamestown).

-Description of New England (1616, government’s propapganda in order to encourage

future settlers to go to América. Very important work among the Puritans).

-General Historie of Virginia, New England and the Summer Isles (1624,
where the «tale» of Pocahontas is contained).
Then, what happens in 1620?

Journey of the Mayflower.

Arrival of the Puritans to
America and foundation of
the Plymouth Colony.
Puritan Literature
1) Who were the Puritans?

2) Why did they leave England?

3) Which was their «goal» at the New World?

4) Which kind of literature did they produce?

5) Most outstanding examples:

-Of Plymouth Plantation, by William Bradford.

-The History of New England, by John Winthrop.


-Magnalia Christi Americana, by Cotton Mather.

-Poems by Anne Bradstreet.

Beginning of the North-South differences
in literature
North: South:
 Puritan literary tradition.  Tradition more liberal.
 Differentiated literature focused on  Literature focused on the
the self. environment surrounding the
 Society concerned with culture comunnity.
(Harvard, first college of America).  Preference for European models in
 Conservative culture. People lived literature (books trade).
«looking inside» (of oneself and of  Frontier life.
the community).  More open society (i.e. the first
 Economy based on trade and American theatre was opened in
Williamsburg –VA–).
 Economy based in plantations and
 Negative conception of the natives.
 Positive conception of the natives.
Mason-Dixon Line, historical border between the North and the South. It was stablished
in 1767, after a war between the colonies of Pennsylvania and Maryland.
William Byrd II
 After his first exploration reports, his work
History of the Dividing Line Betwixt Virginia
and North Carolina Run in the Year of our
Lord 1728, was of a great importance:

-Description of the colonies in 1728.

-Description of their stablishment.

 «Another Limb lopt off from Virginia was New York, which the Dutch
seized very unfairly, on pretence of having Purchased if from Captain
Hudson, the first Discoverer. Nor was their way of taking Possesion of
it a whit more justifiable then their pretended Title».

 «But what wounded Virginia deepest was the cutting of MARYLAND

from it, by Charter from King Charles the 1st, to sir George Calvert,
afterwards Ld Baltimore, bearing date the 20th of June, 1632».

 «Both the French and the Spaniards had […] long ago taken possesion
of […] Carolina; but finding it Produced neither Gold nor Silver, as
they greedily expected, and meeting such returns from the Indians as
their own Cruelty and Treachery deserved, they totally abandond it».
The Birth of a Nation
 Again, great importance of historical facts:

-Tea Party (Boston, 1773).

-American Revolution (1775/6-1783).

-Signing of the Constitution (1789).

Causes of the American Revolution

Pressure of the New Ideas Creation of a

Crown on the «national
settlers’ right feeling» based on
past and future
historical facts

-Elimination of -European
rights. Enlightmnent:
-Cancellation of → Great influence
trade priviledges. in some of the
- Lack of «founding fathers»: Birth of a
representation at Benjamin Franklin, «national
Westminster… Thomas Jefferson… mythology»
American Revolution
American Literature during the 18th
 Continuation with previous  Most outstanding authors:
traditions: reports and Puritan -Benjamin Franklin
works in the North, and diaries -Thomas Jefferson
and records of plantation life in -John Adams
the South. -John Dickinson
-Joel Barlow (poet)
-William Dunlap (dramatist)
 Introduction of new European
models: political and
philosophical essays following
the patterns of Montaigne and
the Enlightmnent.

 Lack of fiction works, even

though they were being
developed in Europe.
The Declaracition of
Independence (composed
by Thomas Jefferson), was
signed on July 4th, 1776, in

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