The Source of All Life - 2023-3

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The Source of All

Let’s turn to scripture

One of the best ways to learn about God is through scripture.

But first there are a few things you need to know about the Bible.

Literalists believe that creation took place

as the Bible describes it.

Bible means exactly what it says. (I’ve told

you a million times….)

• Intention was not a step-by-step account of how creation occurred.

First Creation Story-
Genesis Chapter 1

• Genesis Chapter 1 ** Moodle

What do you notice? What did you learn?

Take some notes on handout

Read Genesis
Chapter 2

• Read the second document entitled Genesis Chapter


What do you notice?

Write down your observations on the comparison blank

Genesis sheet.
Compare and Contrast
Compare and contrast the differences you see in the readings.

Review the two lists. Include any more observations you make
about each text.

You may include differences and similarities.

We will share as a class.

Ancient Hebrew understanding of the universe
Both Stories are True
The stories are true in the sense that they tell great truths about
ourselves and our relationship to God.

The stories are not meant to be a blueprint for the actual mystery
of Creation.
4 Key points of the first story of Creation (7-day Account)

1. One God creates all things and He creates it from nothing.

2. God creates in an orderly way. In others words, He wants creation (it is not
an accident, it is planned) and simply the power of His Word and His will

3. God creates out of love and therefore all that He creates is good.

4. God blesses the 7th day (the Sabbath) and makes it special and Holy.
Key points on the Second Genesis story

Humanity is made in the image and likeness of God, man and woman
struggle to live out that calling

Humanity is the most loved creation

Man is created to till the soil. (He was created from the soil)

Caregiver of nature and other created things.

Creation of People

God loves and wills the creation of every human

being. For that reason God created us in His
image and likeness.

What does Image and likeness mean?

It doesn’t mean we look like God.

What do we have in common with God?

Some would argue….

Intelligence- does not fully distinguish us from animals

Free will- we are not slaves to instinct. We have the ability to make
choices but this is just the beginning….
What do you
think makes us
most like God?
It is our ability to love, is what it means to be the image and likeness of God.

Love is the most powerful force in the world.

We are not talking about love as a feeling or emotion.

Real love is a choice

There is a psalm that reads: ”God you have created me, you
have called me by name and I am yours”.

The more we choose to love, the more we are like God.

Capability to be like God.

We can be the greatest creatures or the worst.

Adam and Eve

The second Genesis story is much older than the

first account.

We see important relationships:

with God, with others, and with self.


Mans relationship with God.

God’s own breath gives Adam life.

God commands Adam. Their relationship is clear and


Relationship with others- “It is not good for man to be


People are social beings.

Summary Question
If you had to explain in your own words
what it means to be created in the image
and likeness of God what would you say?

See if you can do it without your notes…

Turn and talk to your neighbour. You have

10 minutes.

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