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Talking point

A bird in the hand is

worth two in the bush
• used to say that it is better to hold onto
something one has than to risk losing it by
trying to get something better
The more the merrier
• the more people or things there are, the
better a situation will be
Example: "partners in such projects should come from at least
two member states (but the more, the merrier)"
Don't rock the boat
• say or do something to disturb an existing
situation and upset people
Nothing ventured,
nothing gained
• you can't expect to achieve anything if you
never take any risks
Too many chefs in the
there are too many people working together
on something, which may result in the final
product being negatively affected
Go with the flow
• accept a situation, rather than trying to alter
or control it
Let’s call a spade a spade
Calling something ‘as it is’
Build bridges
Dish the dirt
• spread scandal or gossip
Grin and bear it
• to accept something that one does not like
because there is no choice
Fake it till you make it
• …. by imitating confidence, competence, and
an optimistic mindset, a person can realize
those qualities in their real life and achieve
the results they seek
Grasp the nettle
• Force yourself to do something that is
difficult or unpleasant
Play things by ear
No plans and see how things go
Let’s play catch-up
• make an effort to keep up with a rival or with
the demands of a job or task
Take the bull by the horns
• deal with a difficult or dangerous situation
Beware of the echo
• figuratively living in a kind of echo chamber of
own opinions, only pay attention to
information that fits your conclusions and
ignore information that does not

– so beware of it!
Follow your dream
"I'd love to go after my dreams. I just don't
know what they are."
Act now, ask questions later
Dig deeper
Cut your losses and run
• abandon a business or course of action that is
clearly going to be unprofitable or
unsuccessful before one suffers more loss or
Make the next move
Better safe than sorry
No risk, no fun!

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