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2-1 Pure Substance

substance which has :
a fixed chemical composition throughout is called a
pure substance . Water , nitrogen , helium and carbon
dioxide for example are pure substance.
2-2 Phase of Pure Substance

Substance exist in different phases . At room

temperature and pressure , Copper is a solid , water is
a liquid and nitrogen is a gas .
Under different conditions , each may appear in a
different phase .
2-3 Phase change Processes of pure substance

A vapour which is not about to condense is
superheated vapour Fig (2) .

FIG (2)
T-v diagram for the heating process of water at
constant pressure.
1- The T-v Diagram:

Now we
repeat this process
at different pressure to
develop the T-v diagram
for water Fig (3).

FIG (3)
As the pressure is increased
further this saturation line will
continue to get shorter and it will
become a point when the
pressure reaches 22.09MPa for
the case of water This point is
called the critical point Fig(4)

critical point :can be defined as the point at which the
saturated liquid and the saturated vapour states are

Above the critical state there is no line that separates

the compressed liquid region and the superheated
vapour region. However, it is customary to refer to
the substance as superheated vapour at Temps above
the critical temperature and as compressed liquid at
temperature below the critical temperature .
FIG (5)
2- The P-v Diagram
The general shape of the P-v diagram of a pure
substance is very much like the T-v diagram , but
the T= constant lines on this diagram have a
downward trend , as shown in Fig(6)

FIG (6)
For most substance , the relationships among
thermodynamics properties are to complex to be
expressed by simple equations . There fore ,
Properties are frequently presented in the forms of
Before we get into the discussion of the property
tables , we will define a new property called:
Enthalpy- A combination property .
In the analysis of a certain types of processes,
particularly in power generation and refrigeration,
We frequently encounter the combination Fig(7)
of properties U+PV. For the sake of simplicity and
convenience , this combination is defined as new
property , enthalpy and is given the symbol H

Or per unit mass

h=u+pv KJ/kg

1- Saturated liquid and Saturated Vapour State

FIG (8)
The subscript f is used to denote properties of
saturated Liquid , and the subscript g to denote the
properties of saturated vapour. Another subscript
used is fg , which is denotes the difference between
the saturated vapour and the saturated liquid values
of the same property Fig(8) . For example:
Vf =specific volume of saturated liquid
Vg= specific volume of saturated vapour
Vfg= different between Vg and Vf that is
Vfg=Vg - Vf
Example 1 :
A rigid tank contains 50kg of saturated liquid water at
90C . Determine the pressure in the tank and the
volume of the tank ?
Use Fig(10)

Ans:0.0518 m3

Example 2
A piston-cylinder device contains 2 ft3 of saturated
water vapour at 50-psia pressure. Determine the
temperature of the vapour and
the mass of the vapour in the
cylinder Fig (11).
solution :

Ans: T=281.03F

Example 3
A mass of 200g of saturated liquid is completely
vaporized at a constant pressure
of 100kPa as shown in fig(12)
Determine :
a)The volume change.

Solution: FIG(12)
2-Saturated liquid-Vapour Mixture

To analyze this mixture

properly , we need to know
the proportions of the liquid
and the vapour FIG(13)
phases in the mixture .


This is done by defining :

anew property called the quality x as the ratio
of the mass of vapour to the total mass of the
x= m vapour /m total
m total= m liquid +m vapour= mf +mg
Quality has significance for saturated mixture only .
It has no meaning in the compressed liquid or
Superheated vapour regions. It values is always
Between 0 and 1 as shown in Fig(14)

A saturated mixture can be treated as a combination
of two substance : the saturated liquid and the
saturated vapour . However the amount of mass for
each phase is usually not known. Therefore , it is often
more convenient to imagine that the two phases are
mixed very well forming a homogeneous appearance
as shown in Fig(15) .
Consider a tank contains a saturated liquid-vapour
mixture. The volume occupied
by the saturated liquid is vf
and the volume occupied by
the saturated vapour is vg .The
total volume V is the sum of FIG(15)
these two: V=vf +vg
Based on this equation , quality can be related
to the horizontal distances on the P-v or T-v
diagram .The analysis given above can be
repeated for internal energy and enthalpy :
Example 4
A rigid tank contains 10kg of water
at 90C. If 8kg of the water is in the
liquid form and the rest is in the
vapour form , determine:
a)The pressure in the tank
b)The volume of the tank
Use Fig(16)

Home Work

Example 5: An 80-L vessel contains 4kg of

refrigerant-134a at pressure of 160kPa. Determine
a)The temperature of the refrigerant ,(b)The quality
c)The enthalpy of the refrigerant and(d)the volume
occupied by the vapour phase.
SOLUTION: ???????
3-Superhested Vapour


The format of the superheated vapour Table

is Fig(17).
Superheated vapour is characterized by:
Lower pressure (P Psat at a given T)
Higher Temperature (T Tsat at a given P)
Higher specific volume (V Vg at a given P or T)
Higher internal energies(U Ug at a given P or T)
Higher enthalpy (h hg at a given P or T)
Example 7
Determine the temperature
of water at a state of
P=0.5Mpa and
h=2890kJ/kg .
Use Fig (18)

2-6 The Ideal Gas Equation of state
Any equation that relates the pressure , temperature
and specific volume of a substance is called an
equation of sate.
In 1802 J. Charles and J. Gay- lussac , experimentally
determine that at low pressure the volume of a gas
is proportional to its temperature . That is
Or Pv=RT-----------(1)
Equation (1) is called the Ideal- gas
equation of sate , or simply the Ideal-gas relation ,
and a gas which obeys this relation is called the Ideal
gas. In this equation , P is the absolute pressure , T is
the absolute temperature , v is the specific volume.
The gas constant R is different for each gas and is
determined from :
R=Ru/M [ kJ/kg.k or kPa . m3/ kg.k ]
Where Ru is the universal gas constant and M is the
molar mass also called molecular weight of the gas .
Constant Ru is the same for all substance and its value
Is =8.314kJ/(kmol .K).
M: can be simply defined as the mass of one mole of
a substance in grams , or , Kilograms . The mass of a
system is equal to the product of its molar mass M
and the mole number N: m=MN (kg)
the values of R and M for several substance is given in
Table A-1. The ideal gas equation of state can be
written in several different forms :
V=mv PV=mRT or mR=(MN)R=Nru PV=NRuT
V=Nv Pv=RuT(where v is the molar specific volume)
Example 8
Determine the mass of the of air in a room whose
dimensions are : 4mx5mx6m at 100kPa and 25C.
Solution: air at specified conditions can be treated as
an ideal gas . From Table A-1 , the gas constant of air
is R=0.287kPa. (kg . k) , and the absolute
temperature is T =25C+273=298K. The volume of the
room is V=4x5x6=120m3 by substituting this value
in , m=PV/RT=100x120/ 0.287x298 =140.3kg
2-7Compressibility Factor- A measure of Deviation
From Ideal- gas Behaviour
The ideal gas equation is very simple and thus very
convenient to use. But gases deviate from ideal-gas
behaviour significantly at state near the saturation
region and the critical point. This deviation from
ideal-gas behaviour at a given temperature and
pressure can accurately be accounted for by the
introduction of a correction factor called the
compressibility factor Z.
It is defined as: Z=Pv/RT
It can also be expressed as:
Z=v actual/v ideal
(where v ideal=RT/P )
NOTE: Z=1 for ideal gases . For real gases Z can be
greater than or less than unity. The farther away Z is
from unity , the more the gas deviates from ideal-gas
Gases behave differently at a given temperature and
pressure , but they behave very much the same at
temperatures and pressures normalized with respect
to their critical temperatures and pressures .
The normalization is done as
PR = P/Pcr and TR = T/Tcr
Here PR is called the reduced pressure and T R the
reduce temperature.
The Z factor for all gases is approximately the same
at the same reduce pressure and Temperature. This is
called the principle of the corresponding states .
Example 9
Determine the specific volume of refrigerant-134a
at1MPa and 50C , using (a) refrigerant-134a Tables , (b)The ideal-
gas equation of state and also determine the error involved in parts
Example 10:
Determine the missing properties and the phase
descriptions in the following table for water.
Example 11
Complete the following table for refrigerant-134a

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