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Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)

• Principle of AAS

• Instrumentation
• The sample is atomized (turned into gas) in an atomizer,
the atoms are able to absorb radiation at a specific

• Atomic Absorption spectroscopy quantifies the

absorption of the ground state atoms in gaseous state.

• Both ultraviolet and visible light produce transitions to

higher electronic energy levels.

• Analyte concentration is determined from the amount of

adsorption of atoms in the ground state.

• Concentration measurements are usually determined

from a working curve after calibrating the instrument
using a set of standards of known concentration.
• One of the more common techniques used to detect
metals in samples.

• Reliable and simple to use.

• Can be used to analyse about 70 elements.

• Used for both qualitative and quantitative purposes, i.e.

determination of concentration.
• The first AA spectrophotometer was used in Australia, at
the CSIRO by Alan Walsh.

• Built by a Dutch company.

Elements detectable by AAS
Light Source

• Hollow cathode tube, by far most common.

• It contains a tungsten anode and a hollow cylindrical

cathode made of the element to be determined.

• These are sealed in glass tube containing an inert gas

such as Argon or Neon.

• Each element has its own unique lamp that must be used
for that analysis.
Quartz window

Pyrex body


• Sucks liquid in at a controlled rate.

• Creates a fine aerosol spray for introduction into the flame.

• Mixes the aerosol with the fuel and oxidant for introduction
into flame.
• Elements to be analysed need to atomized (atomic state).

• Atomization is the separation of particles into molecules

and breaking molecules into atoms. The analyte is therefore
exposed to high temperatures in a flame or graphite
Flame atomizer
• For a flame we mix a fuel with and oxidant.

• Mostly we use an air-acetylene flame but we also use a

nitrous oxide-acetylene.

• Liquid or dissolved samples are typically used with a flame

Graphite tube atomizer
• Uses a graphite coated tube to atomize the sample.

• In GFAAS, samples are deposited in a small graphite coated

tube which then can be heated to vaporise and atomize the

• The graphite tubes are heated using a high current power

• Important part of the AA spectrometer. It is used to
separate out the thousands of lines.

• A Monochromator is used to select the specific wavelength

of light which is absorbed by the sample, and excludes the
unwanted wavelengths.

• The selection of the specific light allows the determination

of the selected element in the presence of others.
• The light selected by the Monochromator is directed onto
the detector that is typically a photomultiplier tube whose
function is to convert the light signal into an electrical signal
proportional to the light intensity.

• The processing of the electrical signal is fulfilled by a signal

amplifier. The signal could be displayed for readout, or
further fed into the data station for printout by the
requested format.
Calibration curve
• A calibration curve is used to determine the concentration
of an unknown element in solution. The instrument is
calibrated using several standard solutions of known
concentration. The absorbance of each solution is measured
and plotted versus the known concentration.

• The sample with unknown concentration of the element is

fed into the instrument and the absorbance is measured.
The concentration is determined from the curve.
• Determination of small quantities of metals.

• Environmental studies: drinking water, ocean water, soil.

• Food industry.

• Pharmaceutical industry.

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