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Nature of Judgment

• It is the act of the intellect which the

agreement of disagreement of the idea.
• The mind declares whether one idea
(predicate) applies or does not apply to
another idea (subject).
For example, Man is mortal. If the mind
find spirit and mortal is in disagreement.
Therefore, man is not a spirit.
Ways of Viewing Judgment
1. Scope of the subject
a. Universal Judgment – subject is taken in
full scope of meaning. All men are mortal.
b. Particular Judgment – subject is taken in
partial extension. Some men are alike.
c. Singular Judgment – subject refers to a
specific individual. This man is my father.
d. Indefinite Judgment - does not indicate
whether the subject is to be understood in
full or only in partial extension. Men like
Ways of Viewing Judgment
2. Accuracy, completeness, or necessity with which
the predicate applies to the subject
a. Specific judgment – predicate is the specie or
complete essence of the subject. Man is a
rational animal.
b. Generic judgment – predicate is the genus or
essential class of the subject. Man is an animal.
c. Differential judgment – predicate is part of the
essence of the subject that differentiate it from
the other essence with which it has a common
genus. Man is rational.
d. Proper judgment – predicate indicates
something that belongs to the subject and no
other proper to the subject alone. Man is a
reading being or Man can read.
Elements of Judgment
1. Two ideas in the mind. Mind have two
idea to make a judgment.
2. Comparison of two ideas by the mind.
Mind check on the two ideas, studies
their comprehension, and recognizes
their identity or non identity
3. Prediction or pronouncement by the
mind of the agreement or disagreement
of the two ideas. The essence of
judgment is to make an agreement or
disagreement of two ideas.
Logical Truth and Falsity of
1. True Judgment. It said to be true when
it affirms what it is such as when the
judgment recognizes the real
relationship between two realities.. For
example, when an antibiotic is actually
a medicine then the judgment , “An
antibiotic is a medicine is true”.
2. False Judgment. It is said false when
the mind

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