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Tektonik Gunung Api dan

Pembentukan Magma
Sachrul Iswahyudi
Struktur Bumi
Struktur Bumi
Rangkaian Pegunungan
Jalur Struktur Utama
Distribusi Pusat Gempa
Rangkaian Gunung Api
Rangkaian Gunung Api
Batas-batas antar Lempeng
Batas-batas antar Lempeng
Jenis Batas antar Lempeng
Interaksi antar Lempeng
Gerakan antar Lempeng
Lempeng Tektonik
Tectonic plates is not an ordinary plate, it is a
plate that covers the whole earth that moves
very slowly per year. This tectonic plates
when crash against each other creates few of
the natural disasters that we know. Examples
of the natural disaster caused by tectonic
plates are volcanic activity and earthquake.
Pembentukan Gunung Api &
Tektonik Lempeng
Volcanoes are natural features that are not put there by accident.
There are steps of making a volcano which also applies for the
creation of islands. Volcanoes and islands are both created from
cooled magma which successively piled up which burst from the
earth’s crust. It bursts out because their might be a crack on the
earth’s crust because of the movement of tectonic plates and
Hubungan antara Tektonik Lempeng &
Gunung Api
Tectonic plates moves very slowly throughout a
year. In a year they only move around 1mm.
There are a lot of tectonic plates in this world
so even though they only move very slowly
they can collide anytime because of the
limited spaces they have. Tectonic plates
collision forms the landforms that we have
today such as mountains and volcanoes.
Tatanan Tektonik dan Volkanisme
Distribusi Gunung Api
Back Arc Basin
Fore Arc Basin ???
Hot Spot (Mantle Plume)
Pemekaran Lantai Samudra
Pembentukan Magma di Zone Subduksi
Gunung Api & Magma
Volcanoes explode because the liquid rock
(magma or lava) that makes them contains gas.
The gas is dissolved in the magma when it is
under pressure. When the pressure is removed
(by the magma moving close to the surface or by
the volcano falling apart, like Mount St. Helens
did in 1980) the pressure makes the gas having
a greater amount of weight compared to the
overlying rocks resulting in blowing the rocks
and magma out of the way.

 Pergerakan magma dikontrol oleh

kandungan gas (Scrope 1827 dan Perret)
Kuis (dikumpul saat kuliah
 Apakah interaksi antar lempeng tektonik
penting bagi kehidupan makhluk hidup di
permukaan bumi?
 Bagaimana seandainya tidak ada interaksi
antar lempeng tektonik dan pengaruhnya
terhadap kehidupan di permukaan bumi?

(..... jawaban ditulis tangan

…… jawaban dalam bahasa inggris….)

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