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➢ List all of the adjectives in this extract:

It was the darkest, most wretched hour of the night when Spawn came back to life
and spread like a plague of monstrous locusts through the village of Pallaskenry.
The luckier victims disappeared in their sleep, their bodies vanished, their beds
emptied. The others suffered a far more terrible destiny.
➢ List all of the adjectives in this extract:

It was the darkest, most wretched hour of the night when Spawn came back to life
and spread like a plague of monstrous locusts through the village of Pallaskenry.
The luckier victims disappeared in their sleep, their bodies vanished, their beds
emptied. The others suffered a far more terrible destiny.
Title: Verbs
Date: Monday 21st September 2020

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

Challenge Stretch Super Stretch

What is happening in Label all the nouns and Based on what you have
each of these images? adjectives you have written learned, write a definition
Write three sentences for the challenge task. for the word verb.
Understanding Verbs
1. What is a verb?
A verb is simply a doing or action word.

2. Create a list of verbs that we use in our everyday lives. Write your list
in your books under the subheading of ‘Commonly-used Verbs’.

3. Create another list of verbs that people may do when they are in
danger. Write your list in your books under the subheading of ‘Verbs
used when in danger’.

Super Stretch: How are verbs linked to time?

Conjugating Verbs
➢ Task: Conjugate eight of the verbs that you wrote in a list for question 3 on the
previous slide:
Past Present Future
ran run will run

going to

will be
Suddenly, an explosion echoed through the streets, sending shockwaves through the air.
The hero quickly assessed the situation, dodging debris and leaping towards the
crumbling building. With ferocious speed, Sentinel raced up the staircase, his heart
pounding with determination. Smoke choked the corridors, but the hero pressed on,
searching for survivors. With immense strength, he lifted fallen beams, clearing a path to
safety. Time was ticking, and the flames grew fiercer.
Finally, he found the last trapped soul, cradling them in their arms. With a final burst of
energy, the hero burst through the collapsing structure, emerging victorious.

1.Which words in the above extract are verbs? List them. There should be
2.Which two verbs were used effectively in this extract? Why do you think
Suddenly, an explosion echoed through the streets, sending
shockwaves through the air. The hero quickly assessed the
situation, dodging debris and leaping towards the crumbling
building. With ferocious speed, Sentinel raced up the staircase, his
heart pounding with determination. Smoke choked the corridors,
but the hero pressed on, searching for survivors. With immense
strength, he lifted fallen beams, clearing a path to safety. Time was
ticking, and the flames grew fiercer.
Finally, he found the last trapped soul, cradling them in their arms.
With a final burst of energy, the hero burst through the collapsing
structure, emerging victorious.
‘Verbs used when in danger’.
● Use your verb list from earlier to write a
short passage about a superhero in danger. It
must use verbs to show plenty of action.
● Success criteria
● Adjectives
● Nouns
● Verbs
● Varied sentences
➢ Answer the questions below using full sentences:
1. What did you like about today’s lesson?
2. Is there anything that you did not understand during today’s
lesson? If not, simply write no.
3. What is the best verb that you can think of that is related to

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