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Google Algorithms

Panda Algorithm
Penguin Algorithm
Hummingbird Algorithm
Pirate Algorithm
Rankbrain Algorithm
Fred Algorithm
Bert Algorithm
1. Panda Algorithm
Before to 2011, low quality content / thin quality
content was ranked
High / good content and thin content were considered
the same for ranking
This algorithm is used to find low quality content / thin
quality content/ duplicate content and down it / punish
This is otherwise called as side-wide algorithm
2. Penguin Algorithm
It has the proper link building strategy and it shows
topmost results
Otherwise, it will penalize the website

Proper link building strategy are not

Paid backlinks
Link exchange
Reciprocal link
Spammy backlink (from spam website)
Irrelevant backlink
3. Hummingbird Algorithm

It is used for user purpose

Need to know the information on Google

About ……… Results …………

It displays results quickly (reacting)

Semantic results (LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing) are also


Keyword, Question Type, Conversation result is displayed

4. Pirate Algorithm

This algorithm checks for copyright and digital

media piracy
This algorithm was announced in August 2012
if identify copyrighted content on a website then
pulled it down. It does not crawl and index
5. Rankbrain Algorithm
This algorithm was announced in August 2015
Keyword stuffing not available
Before 2015, Keywords (Top mobile brands in 2023)
can be in order or jumbled in a content / blog. It shows
the result
Reasonable Results will be given
6. Fred Algorithm
This algorithm was announced in August 2017
It is used to promote black-hat tactics linked to aggressive
Avoid too many ads, aggressive affiliate linking and deceptive ads
black-hat techniques include
Hacking website for links
Keyword stuffing
Duplicate & copy others content
Blog content spam

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