Christian Cruz - Teaching Entrepreneurship at School

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From the Wrong Building to the
Right Philosophy
Presented by:
Christian S. Cruz
The Importance of Passion and Purpose

1 Going Beyond
Business Plans
Being an entrepreneur is not only
about starting and running a
business, but also about
developing values such as
creativity, critical thinking, and
problem-solving skills.
The Importance of Passion and Purpose

Instilling Passion and


Teaching entrepreneurship should be about

empowering students to discover what they
love and to relate their passions to
important issues that affect their
The Importance of Passion and Purpose

Creating a
Meaningful Impact

Entrepreneurship education can

make a meaningful difference in
students’ lives by providing them
with the skills and mindset
necessary to make a positive
impact on the world.
Practical Strategies for Teaching Entrepreneurship
Encouraging Creativity

• Educate students on
various approaches to
problem-solving and
encourage brainstorming

• Develop critical thinking

skills by asking open-
ended questions that help
students think outside the
Practical Strategies for Teaching Entrepreneurship
Hands-On Learning

• Assign projects that

require students to
work in teams and
collaborate with

• Teach students to
develop prototypes
and test their
providing real-world
Practical Strategies for Teaching Entrepreneurship
Critical Feedback

• Help students improve by

giving them constructive
feedback on their work
and ideas.

• Encourage peer-to-peer
feedback and evaluation
to foster teamwork and
Practical Strategies for Teaching Entrepreneurship
Encouraging Creativity Hands-On Learning Critical Feedback

• Educate students on • Assign projects that • Help students improve

various approaches to require students to by giving them
problem-solving and work in teams and constructive feedback
encourage collaborate with on their work and
brainstorming others. ideas.
• Develop critical • Teach students to • Encourage peer-to-
thinking skills by develop prototypes peer feedback and
asking open-ended and test their evaluation to foster
questions that help products/services, teamwork and
students think outside providing real-world collaboration.
the box. examples.
Encouraging Risk-Taking and Resilience in Students

Key Concepts Suggested Activities

Encourage students to step out of their

Risk-Taking comfort zones and take calculated risks.
Teach them to view failure as an opportunity to
learn and grow.
Encouraging Risk-Taking and Resilience in Students

Key Concepts Suggested Activities

Encourage students to step out of their

Risk-Taking comfort zones and take calculated risks.
Teach them to view failure as an opportunity to
learn and grow.

Teach students to bounce back from failure

Resilience and setbacks. Encourage them to persevere
through challenges and keep a forward-
looking attitude.
The Impact of Teaching Entrepreneurship

Empowering Students

Entrepreneurship education
can build confidence,
enhance creativity, and
develop important life skills
for students of all ages.
The Impact of Teaching Entrepreneurship

Bridging the Gap

Teaching entrepreneurship
can connect students to the
wider community,
empowering them to bring
meaningful change where it
is needed most.
The Impact of Teaching Entrepreneurship

Driving Innovation

By fostering a culture of
innovation and creativity,
entrepreneurship education
can play a vital role in
developing cutting-edge
technologies and driving
industry growth.
The Impact of Teaching Entrepreneurship

Empowering Students Bridging the Gap Driving Innovation

Entrepreneurship education Teaching entrepreneurship By fostering a culture of
can build confidence, can connect students to the innovation and creativity,
enhance creativity, and wider community, entrepreneurship education
develop important life skills empowering them to bring can play a vital role in
for students of all ages. meaningful change where it developing cutting-edge
is needed most. technologies and driving
industry growth.
Why Teaching Entrepreneurship
Preparing for the Future Unlocking Human Potential
As the world becomes more Entrepreneurship education has the
complex and challenging, teaching power to unlock creativity, cultivate
entrepreneurship is no longer a resilience, and empower students to
luxury, but a necessity to prepare lead fulfilling lives by pursuing their
the next generation for the rapidly passions.
changing job market.
Let’s work together to create a new
generation of entrepreneurs who will
shape a better future for all of us!

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