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Used in taking a definite quantity of a fluid (gas of air ) at low pressure and
compressing and delivering it at high pressures.
Two types of positive displacement compressors
i, Reciprocating and 2,Rotary compressors

Reciprocating compressor have characteristics of low mass flow rate and high
delivery pressures. Used in jet propulsion and supply of air is intermittent
( Pulsating)

Rotary compressors have high mass flow rate but low delivery pressure.
Used in supercharging the engines, exhausting and vacuum pumping
Rotary comps are smaller in size for a given flow rate, lighter and mechanically
simpler than reciprocating. Supply of air is continuous
Compressors cont’
Classifications of compressors
Compressors cont’
Reciprocating compressors
Compressors cont’
Rotary compressors
Compressors cont’
Internal arrangement of Reciprocating comp
Indicator diagram for a reciprocating compressor
-Process d-a is induction stroke, mass of air at d is
- Mass of air increases up to a at a temp T1 and press
- Line ab compression and b-c is the delivery stoke at
Temp T2 and press.P2
- Compression process is reversible Polytropic
- pVn = constant
Indicator diagram for a reciprocating compressor cont’
Delivery temp air air
For a polytropic compression
from initial conditions T1 and P1
to final conditions T2 and P2
Compressor efficiency
Condition for minimum compressor work

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