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Standard Integration

 Integration is the reverse of differentiation, the sign for integral for example.
 When we differentiate ,we multiply by and subtract from the exponent like

 the derivative of a constant is zero.

 ,
 Consider:
 Therefore, for any integral we add the constant to accommodate the original form of
the three equations.
 For since
Integral of a constant

 Integral of a constant:.
 Examples;
 1.
 2.
 3.
 Note that:
 4.
More combine examples

 Evaluate the following:

 a)
 b)
 c)
 d)
 e)
 f)
 g)
Integral of

 The derivative of therefore the integral of

 Examples
 1.
 2.
 3.
 4.

 Determine the following integrals

 1. 2. 3.
 4. 5. 6.
 7. 8. 9.
 10. 11. 12.
Integral of exponential function rigonometric
 For derivative of exponential and trigonometric function , we multiply the exponential
or trigonometric function by the derivative of for the integral we divide by . From the
table of differentiation:
 a.
 b.
 c.
 d.
 e.
 f.
 e.
 Examples: Evaluate,
 a)
 b)
 c)
 d)
More examples

 e)
 SOLUTION: use the double angle identity:

 f)
 SOLUTION: use the double angle ID: cos

 Evaluate the following integrals:

 a)
 b)
 c)
 d)
 e)
 f)
 g)
 h)
Integral involve inverse trigonometric
 therefore
 The general form is
 Examples:
 1.
 Solution

 2.
 Solution :
 from this equation then use the general form

 3.
 Solution: Take 9 out of the integral to introduce 1 in its place as required in the
general form.
 from this equation then use the general form
More examples

 4.
 Solution: Add and subtract 9 in the numerator and split the fraction in to two parts.
 then split into two integral
 , from the second part of this equation then use the general form
Integral involve inverse trigonometric
 therefore
 The general form is
 Examples: Evaluate:
 1.
 Solution: Take 3 out of integral and then integrate.
More examples

 2.
 Solution: Combine as one term.
 , apply the general form , then

 3.
 Solution: Take 4 as a common factor and out of integral :
 , general form
 4.
 Solution: This is a combination of the three example.

 a)Find the integral of the following :

 i)
 ii)
 iii)
 vi)
 v)
 iv)
 iiv)
 v)

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