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Northern Technical University

Technical Engineering
College/Mosul Building &
Const.Tech. Eng.

Types of Hydraulic Structures

(( Dams ))

Hydraulic Structures/ Third

Lec. 3
A.L. Mohammad Y. Hamid
Hydraulic Structures /
1- Introduction :
Dams are constructed for various purposes,
including water storage, flood control, irrigation,
hydropower generation, and water supply. They
can vary in size from small, local structures
to massive ones that span large rivers and
create vast reservoirs.
Hydraulic Structures /
Dams are typically composed of various
components, including a solid barrier or wall that
blocks the flow of water, spillways to release
excess water during periods of high flow, and
various mechanisms to control the flow of water
and maintain the stability of the structure.
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
The impounded water
behind the dam forms
a of drinking
reservoir, which provid
can serve opportunities,
as a e
downstream water levels, regulat
potential for hydropower e r
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
The design and construction of dams
require careful consideration of
engineering, geological, environmental,
and social factors to ensure their safety,
functionality, and sustainability over time.
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
Hydraulic Structures /
2- Classification ( Types ) of Dams :
A- Based on purpose:
⚫ 1.Storage dam or impounding dam (It is
constructed to store water during periods when
there is huge flow in the river for utilisation later
during periods of low flow).
⚫ 2. Detention dam (It is constructed to
temporarily detain all or part of the flood water
in a river and to gradually release the stored
water later at controlled rates).
⚫ 3. Diversion dam (It is constructed to divert
part of or all the water from a river to channels,
like weirs and barrages).
Hydraulic Structures /
⚫ 4. Coffer dam (It is a temporary dam
constructed to exclude water from a
specific area. It is constructed on the
u/s side of the site where a dam is to
be constructed so that the site is dry as
shown in figure below).
⚫ 5. Debris dam (It is constructed to
catch and retain debris flowing in a
Hydraulic Structures /
Hydraulic Structures /
B- Based on Hydraulic Design:
⚫ 1- Overflow dam (It is constructed
with a crest to permit overflow of
surplus water that cannot be retained in
the reservoir).
⚫ 2-Non-Overflow dam (It is
constructed such that water is not
allowed to overflow over its crest).
Hydraulic Structures /
Hydraulic Structures /
Hydraulic Structures /
C - Based on material of construction :
⚫ 1- Rigid dam (It is constructed with
rigid material such as stone, masonry,
concrete, steel, or timber).
⚫ 2- Non-Rigid dam (It is constructed
with non-rigid material such as earth,
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
D- Based on the Structural Behavior
1- Embankment Dams (Earth Dams):
These dams are constructed primarily using
compacted earth materials like soil, rock, and
clay. They rely on their weight and the friction
between the compacted materials to resist the
force of the impounded water. Embankment
dams can be further categorized into:
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
1Homogeneous Earthfill Dams:
Constructed entirely from locally available
earth materials.
2Zoned Earthfill Dams: Built with
distinct zones of different materials (e.g., a
central impervious core and outer shell of
coarser materials).
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
Hydraulic Structures /
Earthen dams are relatively
smaller in height and broad at
the base).
Hydraulic Structures /
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
2 - Gravity Dams:
These dams use their own weight to
resist the horizontal pressure of the
impounded water. They are typically
of or stons and
designed sound be are
gradually taper
to thick
at thethe base and
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
Hydraulic Structures / Dams

Concrete Gravity Dam ( over

Hydraulic Structures /
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
3- A rch Dams:
These curved dams rely on the
arch shape to transmit water pressure to
the abutments on either side of the river
or canyon. They require suitable
geological conditions to withstand the
lateral pressure of the water.
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
Hydraulic Structures /
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
4- Buttress Dams:
These consist of a series of vertical
or nearly vertical concrete supports
(buttresses) that resist the water pressure
by transferring it to the foundation and
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
5- Rock-fill Dams: Constructed
using a combination of rock-fill
and masonry to create a stable
Rock-fill dams have been defined
as a dam that relies on rock,
either dumped in high lifts or
compacted in relatively thin
Hydraulic Structures /
As a major structural element, a
rock-fill dam is built of rock fragments
and boulders of large size, an
impervious membrane is placed on the
rock-fill on the upstream side to
reduce the seepage through the
The membrane usually made
is of or
concrete asphaltic
Hydraulic Structures /
Hydraulic Structures /
Hydraulic Structures /
6- Cofferdams:
Temporary dams built to facilitate
construction in a dry area, often used for
foundation work.
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
7- Arch-Gravity Dams: These dams
combine elements of both gravity and arch
dams, incorporating an arched profile with the
mass and weight distribution of a gravity
dam. Composite Dams:
8- These
incorporate dams materials
combination to from
of features create
types. For example, a composite dam might
have a concrete or masonry core with an
earth-fill shell.
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
9- Timber Dams: Historically,
timber was used to construct dams.
However, these dams are less
common now due to their
susceptibility to decay and rot.
Timber dams are made for small
heads (2-4 m or, rarely, 4-8 m)
Hydraulic Structures /
Hydraulic Structures /
10- Steel dams:
A steel dam consists of a steel
framework, with a steel skin plate on its
upstream face
Hydraulic Structures /
11- Rubber Dams:
A symbol of sophistication and simple
and efficient design, this most recent type
of dam uses huge cylindrical shells made of
special synthetic rubber and inflated by
either compressed air or pressurized water.
Rubber dams offer ease of construction,
operation and decommissioning in tight
Hydraulic Structures /
Hydraulic Structures / Dams
Each type of dam has its own
advantages, disadvantages, and suitability for
specific sites and conditions. The choice of
dam type depends on factors such as the
local geography, hydrology, geology,
engineerin considerations,
g and intended purpose
materials, of
the dam.
Hydraulic Structures /
3- Selection Type of dams:
Selection of the most suitable type of
for a particular site a
lot of judgment and
experience. It thatis the only
exceptional cases in
most suitable
type is obvious. Various factors which
govern the selection type of dam are
discussed below:
Hydraulic Structures /
1.Topography and valley shape
2.Geology and foundation
3.Availability of construction
4.Overall cost
5.Earthquake hazards
6.Climatic conditions
Hydraulic Structures /
7.Diversion problems
10.Length and height of dam
11.Life of dam
Hydraulic Structures /
4- Selection of Site for a Dam
A dam is a huge structure requiring a lot
of funds. Extreme care shall be taken
while selecting the site of a dam. The
following factors shall be considered
when selecting the site of a dam:
Hydraulic Structures /
1 -Topography
2-Suitable foundation
3 3-Spillway site
4 Availability of materials
5- W ater tightness of reservoir
6 6-Shape of reservoir basin
7-Small submerged area
Hydraulic Structures /
8 Accessibility
surroundings 10-Low
11-Development of backward
areas 12-Minimum overall cost
13-Other considerations
(Sometimes political considerations and
public opinion may affect the site of
Hydraulic Structures /
Hydraulic Structures /
Heel: contact with the ground
onthe upstream side.
Toe:contact with the ground on the
downstream side.
Abutment : Sides of the valley on which the
structure of the dam rest
Galleries : small rooms like
structureleft within the dam for checking
Hydraulic Structures /
Diversion tunnel : Tunnels are
constructed for diverting water before
the construction of dam. This helps in
keeping the river bed dry.
Spillways : It is the arrangement near the
top to release the excess water of the
reservoir to downstream side.
Sluice way : An opening in the dam near
the ground level, which is used to clear
the silt accumulation in the reservoir

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