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LET’s have our 2nd Drill !

1. The following are characteristics of a child-

friendly school except for _____.
A. exclusive
B. child-centered
C. gender-sensitive
D. nondiscriminating

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

LET’s have our 2nd Drill !

2. Teacher B discovered that her pupils are weak

in comprehension. To further determine in which
particular skills her pupils are weak which test should
Teacher B give?
A. Aptitude Test
B. Placement Test
C. Diagnostic Test
D. Standardized Test

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

LET’s have our 2nd Drill !

3. "Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you

do, you cheat yourself." says the voiceless voice from
within you. In the context of Freud's theory, which is at
A. id alone
B. superego alone
C. ego alone
D. Id and ego interaction

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

LET’s have our 2nd Drill !

4. The test in English and Mathematics showed poor

results in comprehension and problem-solving questions. How
may the data be used for better learners' performance?
A. Use context clues in vocabulary building.
B. Give more exercises/situations on comprehension
C. Determine weakness in grammatical structures.
D. Involve parents in guiding learners' developing good study

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5. Here is a score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85,
85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1. Which
is the range?
A. 93
B. 85
C. 97
D. between 51 and 34

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6. Schools should develop in the students the ability to adapt

to a changing world. This is adherence to the philosophy of
A. essentialism
B. perennialism
C. progressivism
D. reconstructionism

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

LET’s have our 2nd Drill !
7. What statement is FALSE with reference to Article VIII “The Teacher
and the Learners” of the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers?
A. A teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents, or others
in their behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if undeserved,
B. A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment or offending learners nor make
deductions from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which are clearly
not manifestation of poor scholarship.
C. In a situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop between
teacher and the learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to
avoid scandal, gossip, and preferential treatment of the learner.
D. A teacher shall maintain at all ties a dignified personality, which could serve as
model worthy of emulation by learners, peers and others.

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

LET’s have our 2nd Drill !

8. The instructions for a test are made simple,

clear and concise. This is part of which of the following
characteristics of a good test?

A. objectivity
B. economy
C. administrability
D. scorability

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

LET’s have our 2nd Drill !

9.Bernadette enjoyed the roller coaster when they

went to Enchanted Kingdom. Just at the sight of a
roller coaster, she gets excited. Which theory explains
Bernadette's behavior?
A. operant conditioning
B. attribution theory
C. Pavlovian conditioning
D. social learning theory

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

LET’s have our 2nd Drill !

10.Professionalization of teachers and teaching as

promulgated in Presidential Decree No. 1006, defines
teaching as profession concerned with classroom institution
A. by teachers on fulltime basis
B. at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and
private schools
C. at the tertiary level in both public and private institutions
D. by teachers of permanent status

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1



1. Interpret educational problems in the light of philosophical and
legal foundations of education.
2. Analyze historical, economic, socio-cultural, geographical,
environmental, political and social-psychological factors that affect
the role of the school as an agent of change.

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

1. Early Conceptions of Education

1.1Primitive Education - Education for Conformity

Aims: To survive and to conform to the tribe to which
they belong
Contents: Practical and Theoretical Education
Methods: Tell me and show me, trial and error, enculturation,
Proponents: Primitives
Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

1. Early Conceptions of Education

1.2. Oriental Education - Education for the Preservation of Social Stability

Aims: To impress traditional ideas and customs in order to maintain
and perpetuate the long established social order
Contents: Moral and Theoretical Training
Methods: imitation, memorization
Proponents: Orientals (Chinese, Indians, Egyptians)

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

1. Early Conceptions of Education
1.3. Greek Education - Education for the Development of Individuality
Aims: To promote individual success and welfare through the harmonious
development of the various aspects of human personality
Spartan: To develop a good soldier in each citizen
Athenian: To perfect man (body and mind) for individual excellence needed for
public usefulness
Contents: Spartan- Military and physical training
Athenians-Liberal education
Methods: Athenian- Principle of individuality
Spartan- Competition and rivalry
Proponents: Greeks Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

1. Early Conceptions of Education

1.4. Roman Education - Education for Utilitarianism

Aim: To educate the Roman youth for realizing national ideals
Content: Physical training (martial arts, use of war weapons)
Methods: Elementary-memorization, imitation
Secondary-literary exercises, intensive drill
Proponents: Romans

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

2. Education during the Middle/Medieval Age

2.1. Christian Concept of Education - Education for Humanitarianism

Aim: To develop socially responsible individuals who possess all the
virtues brotherly love
2.2. Monasticism - Education as Spiritual Discipline/ Moral Discipline
Aim: To achieve eternal salvation
2.3. Scholasticism - Education as Intellectual Discipline
Aim: To support the doctrine of the church by rational argument

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

2. Education during the Middle/Medieval Age
2.4. Chivalric Education - Education as Social Discipline
Aims: Training for a life of high ideals/standards
Training for knighthood centered on the rudiments of love, war
and religion
2.5. Guild System of Education
Aim: Prepare children for the requisites of commerce and industry
2.6. Saracenic Education
Aim: Application of scientific facts to the affairs of daily life
Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

3. Modern Concepts of Education

3.1. Reformation
Aim: Religious moralism
Content: Physical education, Character education. Math,
History, Science
Methods: Memorization, religious indoctrination
Proponent: Martin Luther

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

3. Modern Concepts of Education
3.2. Counter-Reformation
Aim: Religious moralism
Content: 4R's (religion included)
 adheres to the view that nothing exists except in the mind of man, the mind of God,
or in a super or supra-natural realm
- reviewing the previous lessons
- repetition for mastery
- memorization with understanding
- use of textbooks
Proponents: Christian Brothers, Jansenists, Jesuits
Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

3. Modern Concepts of Education

3.3. Education as Training of the Mind / Formal Discipline

Aims: To train the mind through rigorous exercises in order to develop intellectual
To form character (mental, physical and moral)
Contents: Classical Languages and Math; Physical (vigor of the body) mental (mental
power) and moral (good conduct)
Methods: Formal-sensation, memory and reasoning, Drill method
Proponent: John Locke

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

3. Modern Concepts of Education

3.4. Rationalism
Aim: To enable man to think for themselves
Contents: philosophical/scientific knowledge, ethics
and morality
Methods: critical analysis, application of reason

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

3. Modern Concepts of Education

3.5. Education in Harmony with Nature / Naturalistic Conception of

Aims: To develop the individual in accordance with the laws of human
development and to preserve the natural goodness of man
Contents: Holistic education (physical, moral, intellectual)
Proponent: Jean Jacques Rousseau

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

3. Modern Concepts of Education

3.6 Education for Patriotic Citizenship/Nationalistic Conception

Aim: To develop military preparedness and aggressiveness
for the preservation and glorification of the State
Content: Social Studies
Methods: Practical

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1


 adheres to the view that nothing exists except in the mind of man,
the mind of God, or in a super or supra-natural realm
 idealists believe that ideas and knowledge are enduring and can change lives
 to develop the individual spiritually, mentally, morally (mind, soul and spirit)
 to discover and develop each individual's abilities and full moral excellence in order to
better serve society
Methods: Critical discussions, lecture, Socratic method, introspection, imitating models,
reflection/reflective thinking,
Content: Literature, History, Philosophy, and Religion

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

The Learner:
 imitates the teacher who is an exemplar of an ideal person
 tries to do the very best he can and strive toward perfection
The Teacher:
 excellent example/ role model for the student - intellectually and morally
 exercise great creative skill in providing opportunities for the learners' minds to discover, analyze, synthesize and
create applications of knowledge to life and behavior
 questioner- encourages students to think and ask more questions and develop logical thinking
The School:
 train future leaders
 develop morality and to distinguish right from wrong maintain and transmit values
 place emphasis on developing the mind, personal discipline, and character development
Proponent: Plato-"in order to know something, we need to withdraw from the use of our senses and rely on a
purely intellectual approach".
Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1


 Stresses that the world is made up of real, substantial and material entities
 Knowledge is derived from sense experience.
Aim: To provide students with essential knowledge to survive the natural world
Methods: lectures, demonstrations, and sensory experiences, inductive logic
Content: Science and Mathematics
The Teacher:
 a guide, a demonstrator, who has full mastery of the knowledge of the realities of life
 requires the learner to recall, explain, and compare facts; to interpret relationships, and to infer new
 rewards the success of each learner and reinforces what has been learned
 utilizes learner's interest by relating the lessons to the learner's experiences, and by making the subject
matter as concrete as possible

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1


The Learner:
 sense mechanism, a functioning organism which, through sensory
experience, can perceive the natural order of the world.
 can learn only when he follows the laws of learning

The School:
 transmits knowledge
 classrooms are highly ordered and disciplined
Proponents: Aristotle, Herbart, Comenius
Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1


 Pragmatists believe that the curriculum should reflect the society, emphasizing the needs and interests of the
Aim: To teach students how to think so that he can adjust to the demands of an ever
Content: Practical and utilitarian subjects changing world
Methods: Project method, free and open discussion, individual problem-solving research
The Learner:
 learn from experiences through interaction to the environment
The Teacher:
 capture the child's interest and build on the natural motivation
 use varying teaching methods to accommodate each individual learning style
 helper, guide, and arranger of experiences Proponent: John Dewey

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

 Knowledge that has endured through time and space should constitute the foundation
of education
 Perennialists believe that when students are immersed in the study of profound and enduring ideas, they
will appreciate learning for its own sake and become true intellectuals.
Aim: To develop power of thought
Proponent: Robert Hutchins
The Teacher:
➤ interprets and tells eternal truth
➤ spends more time teaching about concepts and explaining how these concepts are meaningful to
The Learner:
 Passive recipients
Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

 Teaching the basic/essential knowledge and skills
Aim: To promote the intellectual growth of the learners.
Proponent: William Bagley
The Learner:
 receives instruction in skills such as writing, reading, measurement/arithmetic
The Teacher:
 focuses heavily on achievement test scores as a means of evaluating progress

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1


 Education is always in the process of development

 Focused on the whole child and the cultivation of individuality
 Centered on the experiences, interests, and abilities of students
 Progressivists strive to make schooling both interesting and useful
Aim: To provide the pupil the necessary skills to be able to interact with his ever changing environment
Proponents: John Dewey, Johann Pestalozzi
The Learner:
 Learns through experiences, by doing
The Teacher:
 plans lessons that arouse curiosity and encourage the students to develop a higher level of knowledge

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

 Man shapes his being as he lives.
 Knowledge is subjective to the person's decision, and varies from one person
Aim: To train the individual for significant and meaningful existence
Proponent: Jean Paul Sartre
The Teacher:
 Assists students in their personal journey
 Aids children in knowing themselves
The Learner: Determines own rule
Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

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 Emphasizes the addressing of social questions and a quest to create a better society
▸ Social reconstructionists believe that systems must be changed to overcome oppression and improve human
conditions. ► Curriculum focuses on students' experiences
Aim: Education for change and social reform
Proponent: George Counts
The Learner:
 takes social action on real problems such as violence, hunger, international terrorism, inflation,
discrimination and inequality, and environmental problems
The Teacher:
 Uses community-based learning and brings the world into the classroom

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

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Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

 Emphasizes a commitment to an ideal way of life
characterized by honesty, courage. service, faith, self-control,
purity and non- violence which can be achieved through YOGA
Proponent: Mahatma Gandhi
Hinduism in Education:
 The teacher shows the way and imparts knowledge by his own example,
responsible for the students' spiritual welfare and gain mastery of every subject
 The students aim of remembering everything by heart
 Teaching methods are oral and memory intensive, discussion and debates
Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

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 Believes in the FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS

 Believes in the LAW OF KARMA
Proponent: Siddhartha Gautama
 Education is rooted on faith
 Continuing educational system- to receive additional teaching
and learn from each other during class discussions

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1


 Teaches moral life through devotion to the family, loyalty

to the elders, love of learning, brotherhood, civil service,
and universal love and justice.
 Stresses the FIVE CARDINAL VIRTUES (benevolence, righteousness,
propriety, wisdom and sincerity).
Proponent: Confucius
Confucianism in Education:
 Civil service exams
 Religious rituals in the schools

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

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 TAO: a way of life, a philosophy advocating simplicity,

frugality, and the joys of being close to nature and being
in harmony with the whole universe
 Strongly believes in WU WEI (Let things come naturally.)
Proponent: Lau-Tzu
Taoism in Education:
 Taoist ethics emphasized on compassion, moderation and humility
 Physical exercises involving slow and controlled body movements to
achieve mental stillness

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

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 Believes in the THIRD EYE (to see things which are invisible to
the naked eyes and to get attuned to the things around us).
 Encourages meditation (mind-awakening).
 Teaches that the entire universe is one's mind, and if one
cannot realize enlightenment in one's own mind now, one
cannot ever achieve enlightenment.

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1


 Has Five pillars: belief in Allah, prayer (5x a day), fasting,

almsgiving and pilgrimage.
Proponent: Muhammad / Mohammed
Islam in Education:
 useful knowledge is necessary for the benefit of the self and
of humanity
 A truly Islamic government is required to the best of its ability to provide
all means that promote adequate education for its citizens

Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

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Source: BLEPT Reviewer Professional Education (2 nd Edition), PNU – NCTE, Manila

DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1


DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER EDUCATION –TEEC 401: Teacher Education Enrichment Course 1

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