Community Service Project ON: Awareness On Junk Food & Healthy Food

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Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Govt School

(Reddy Nagar) Narasaraopet

Under the Guidance of Submitted By

K.B.V.Rama narasimham Anjali Kumari Pothuri(20KH1A0578)

Assistant Professor Venna Kalyani Reddy(20KH1A05B3)
P. Sri Mani Charan Reddy(20KH1A0579)

K. Bhargav Subrahmanyam(21KH5A0504)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

 Executive Summary
 About Community
 Activities
 Quessionaire Model
 Problems Identified
 Short term and Long term Solutions
 Mini Project
 Conclusion
 Photos
Executive Summary
Community Service Project plays a major role to make our community better.
Community Service improves the people thoughts and reduces the eating of
Junk Food. Community Service project provides an opportunity to students to
explore their knowledge in real time by collaborating with the members of
In the part of community service project, I choose School as a
community. In the time of CSP I went to Andra Pradesh Tribal Welfare
Residential Govt School and took the permission from Headmaster for
conducting “Awareness on Junk Food & Healthy Food” to the students.

Learning Outcome:
 To creating “Awareness on Junk Food & Healthy Food”.
 To creating students to protect their health.
 To motivate to students eat only healthy food without using fast foods.
 To avoid or at least reduce the eating on Junk food.
After completion of Awareness on Junk food the students are able to have
 A good knowledge about healthy food
 And how to protect their life span
About Community
Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Govt School is located at Reddy Nagar in
Narasaraopet in the district of Andhra Pradesh . Reddy Nagar is a locality in
Narasaraopet city in Andhra Pradesh State , India. It belongs to Andhra region .
My community service project has done at Andhra Pradesh tribal Welfare
Residential Govt School(Boys) at Reddy Nagar in Narasaraopet.
A.P.T.W.R.School was established in the year of
No of Teachers:
Teachers with M.Ed:
Teachers with B.Ed:
No of non-teaching staff:
No of students:
No of parents(educated):

WEEK1 Socio Economic Survey

WEEK 2 Socio Economic Survey &
WEEK 3 Mini Project
WEEK 4 Mini Project
WEEK 5 Mini Project
WEEK 6 Report Preparation
Questionnaire Model
Community Service Part :
Name of the Student:
Father name:
Mother name:
Student Aadhar no :
Father Aadhar no:
Father phone no:
Day scholar / hostel:
Mid day meals:
Amma Vodi :
Do you like Fast Food
No of members in the family:
Open spaced around the house: yes/no
Type of house: roof/tails/concrete
No of Rooms:
Problems Identified in the
As a part of the community Service program in the school. I
identified some of the problems in the school.
 These are identified problems in the community.
 Awareness on eating Junk food.
 Causes of eating Junk food & healthy food.
 Some students are seems like weak.
 Some students are suffered from obesity.
 Most of the people are easily attracting to its taste and neighbours
 Starting most of them are very passionately saying yes we are eating junk
 After saying its causes they almost their future with junk food.
 Some are mostly interested on eating Junk food.
Short-term and long-term
I suggested the following action plan for the sake of safety.
Short term Solutions:
 Reduce the usage of Junk food.
 Maintain proper food for good health.
 Starting this stage to maintain a proper health.
 Spreading causes of unf unhealthy food and benefits of healthy food.
 Reduce health care costs.
 Better rest and sleep.
Long term Solutions:
I requested the school authorities to maintain the following activities that are done
on regular barris.
 To see that campus should be clean.
 Reduces the problems of obesity
 Reduces the cause of heart diseases.
 Suggestions of eating Healthy food and causes of eating junk food.
Awareness on Junk food &
Healthy food
I have completed my mini project on “Awareness on Junk food & Healthy food”
to the students in the school. As a part of this project , first I met school
headmaster and bring a permission from him and start collecting information
from the students and teachers.
I would collected the information from the students like student
details and about their family details , I started my project in school. Mainly my
aim is reducing the eating on junk food and start the eating on junk food.
Junk food tastes good, but the effects on the health is problematic. Junk foods
have become a prominent feature of the diet of youngsters, especially in the
developing country. The health problems that are facing from overweight and
obesity can shorten the life span. The analysis showed that 67 % of students
were attracted of eating junk foods and drinks. Among the surveyed population,
46.3% of students consumed 1-5 cans of soda drinks per week, 29.7% students
reported the frequency of eating pizza per week may vary. 73 % prefer these
kinds of foods for its taste and 50% choose the junk foods because of branded
shops. Surprisingly only 12.3 % had the habit of eating healthy food.
Awareness on Junk Food &
Healthy Food
Effects on Junk Food on the body:
 It causes Fatigue and Weakness.
 It affects on the brain function.
 It increases the risk of heart diseases.
 It can cause kidney disease.
 It can damage your liver.
 It increases your risk of cancer
Harmful on Junk Food:
 Obesity
 Respiratory problems
 High blood pressure
 Heart diseases like stroke
 Hormonal problems
 Digestive system problems
 Depression
Awareness on Junk food &
Healthy food
Benefits of eating Healthy food:
• Effective weight loss solution.
• Increases energy levels.
• Reduce health care costs.
• Better rest and sleep.
• More nutrients on the body.
• Helps in digestive system.
How to reduce Junk Food:
• Junk food cannot eat in front of children , let them see you eat
healthy food balanced food eat home.
• Explain about eating junk food is unhealthy and explain
problems facing on junk food.
• Eliminate packaged and processed snack from home and do not
purchase it. Keep your kitchen with healthy snacks like dares ,
resins , etc. Keep homemade fresh juice.
In this mini project the main theme is “Awareness on Junk
food & healthy food” and protecting our lives without eating junk
food and we have to increase our life span. Because we are the
masters of our new generation. Now a days people are easily
attracting to junk food because of its color and some of are with
neighbour statements. But it affects on the body is very
complicative. It is very harmful to the students because we need to
our nature with the help of healthy food.
However , there is high need of Healthy food without eating
junk food. It is harmful to our human body. Its mostly affected to
teenagers. Because , now teenagers are mostly attracted to any new
food or anything. So , please stop or at least reduce the eating on
junk food and start eating healthy food like vegetables , dairy , curry
leaves , etc.
Any Queries?

Thank You

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