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Community Development Project

Name: Piyush Singh

Registration No.: 12208976
A Community Development
Project on “Addressing
Environmental and Social
Certificate of Completion
Community Development Project is an
initiative to help students get an outlook
of the things happening around and
how they can improve their mindset and
use their brain and moral ethics to
counter the serious problems around
their locality or area.

We can serve the nation and help people

come out from problems and save life or
sustain it.
Problem Identification
There are various problems prevailing in the society. Some of them are:
● In our society, we are confronted with two pressing issues that require
immediate attention and combined efforts:
1. Garbage Mismanagement: This issue revolves around the painful deaths
of animals caused by the consumption of garbage being randomly dumped
in our society and town.
● It's a risk to wildlife and has an adverse impact on the overall cleanliness and
hygiene of our environment.
2. Deforestation and Habitat Loss: The second issue concerns to deforestation which has
resulted in having effects in our environment, including the climate change, loss of
biodiversity etc.
● The changing climate due to deforestation
has had a significant effect on our once-cold
town which is present in between
of the mountains.
 It has disturbed the delicate balance of our ecosystem,
leading to altered weather patterns, such as a noticeable
decrease in snowfall in our town with each passing year,
increased temperatures, and other adverse effects.

Aims &
 To reduce the negative consequences of
climate change in our mountain town
brought on by logging and altered weather
 To encourage reforestation initiatives and
rebalance our ecosystem in an effort to
counteract climate change.
 To promote healthy land-use methods in our
community and increase understanding of
the value of forests.
 To set up effective waste management
methods and inform the neighbourhood
about proper waste disposal.

• Environmental Study
• Waste Management
• Social Awareness
• Recycling
Steps taken to achieve the objective


Planting tress with the

children and teaching
them the importance of
healthy environment in
our lives.
Steps taken to achieve the objective



To show our commitment, we

took part in volunteer work to
clean the area filled with
garbage. We emphasized the
significance of picking up after
oneself and properly disposing
of garbage in the assigned
garbage bins.
Steps Taken To Achieve The Objective


Increase public awareness

of the harmful
consequences of improper
waste disposal and
deforestation on wildlife
and the environment.
• After completing this project we felt really
good from bottom of the heart not just
because we completed our task but we also
fulfilled our moral and ethical responsibility
of caring about others and we hope that we
would more opportunities in the future.
• The seedling we planted, might grow into
the huge tree providing shade and oxygen to
others or some might grow into a flowering
plant that provide a pleasing aesthetic view.
• Cleanliness has the most vital effect on our
surroundings, its our duty to make our
society clean and beautiful.
Thank You

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