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 This chapter demonstrates how to work with AutoCAD
commands. AutoCAD commands are executed by using
command tools, toolbars, and a series of prompts. The
prompts appear in the command line box and ask for a
selection or numeric input so that a command sequence
can be completed. The Line command was chosen to
demonstrate the various input and prompt sequences
that are typical with AutoCAD commands.
 Most of the commands contained in the Draw and
Modify toolbars will be demonstrated in this chapter.
The purpose is to present enough commands for the
reader to be able to create simple 2D shapes. The next
chapter will present more advanced applications for
these commands and will present some new commands
as well.
By the end of this session, students should be
able to:
 apply basic commands such as lines, circles,
arcs and rectangular in creating object;
 create basic drawing using basic commands in
AutoCAD such Lines, circle, arc and rectangular;
 apply basic editing commands such as erase,
move, copy, etc in modifying object or drawing;
 modify object or drawing by using basic editing
4.1 Line Random Points
4.2 Erase
4.3 Line Snap Point
4.4 Line Coordinate Value
4.5 Line Dynamic Input
4.6 Construction Line
4.7 Circle
 Draw circle use radius
 Draw circle use diameter
 Draw circle use two point
 Draw circle use three point
 Draw circle use tangent tangent radius
 Quadrant sensitive application
4.8 Circle Centerlines
4.9 Polyline
4.10 Spline
4.11 Ellipse
 Draw an ellipse use axis endpoint
 Draw an ellipse use center
 Draw an ellipse use arc
4.12 Rectangle
4.13 Polygon
4.14 Point
4.15 Text
4.16 Move
4.17 Copy
4.18 Offset
4.19 Mirror
4.20 Array
4.21 Rotate
4.22 Trim
4.23 Extend
4.24 Break
4.25 Chamfer
4.26 Fillet
4.27 Table
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