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Visit to Taif

• Death of Abu Talib, persecutions intensified, Prophet hoped of help
and support from Taif
• Conversions decreased , new avenues Prophet wanted to search to
spread Islam
• 10th year of Hijrat, Visit to Taif 60 miles away from Makkah,
accompanied by Zaid bin Haris
• Taif a walled city, Al Lat at the centre of the city
• First visits included noble family of Umair – no success
• Saqeef 3 brothers (names), keepers of the shrine --- insulted
humiliated prophet
• Prophet stayed several days - no purpose or success
• A crowd / mob of teenagers – pelting of stones – blood –Zaid as shield
– they chased for about 3 miles
• Orchard of grapes / wine yard / Utbah and Shieba Christian slave
Adaas offered grapes
• Prophet prayed – quote
• Angel Gibrael appeared – quote
• Prophet replied – quote
• Before returning to Makkah Prophet asked for protection from many
Makkans, Mutim the Chief of Nawfil
• On his way back to Makkah a cluster of Jins met Prophet and
accepted Islam
• Hazrat Ayesha asked Prophet on the day of Uhad – quote
• 9 AH all Taif accepted Islam
• Importance of the event – Prophet taught several lessons to Muslims
• 1. tolerance
• 2. forgiveness
• 3. patience / endurance
• 4. positive mindset / optimism / hope
• 5. steadfastness / bravery
• 6. faith in Allah
• Prophet prayed to God: “For the sake of your pleasure, I remain
pleased and resigned to my fate. No change in this world occurs
without your will”
• Angel Gibrael: “I am here to do as you say if you say I can as the angel
of mountains to crush the people of Taif between two hills”
• Prophet’s reply: “No, I hope Allah will make their progeny worship
Him alone”
• At the day of Uhad Ayesha RA asked the Prophet “ Is Uhad the most
painful day of your life?” he replied “No”

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