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At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Cite the different uses of egg in culinary arts.
2. Describe the function of each uses.
3. Stress the importance of eggs in preparing egg dishes.

Mixing together two or more
liquids that not usually mix
such as oil and water by adding
an additive. Such as
hollandaise sauce.

Mixing and blending eggs with
incorporating air to form a foam.
Seen on cake icing and meringue.

Egg as an additive, the coagulation
of eggs help bind ingredients
together as it cooks. Mostly seen on
beef patties, cakes, and pastries.
Egg as Binder - Egg’s
protein property hold
ingredients together as it

cooks. Meat loaf, patties,
and baked goods relies
on the stability of the
egg. Some examples are:
Baked Penne, Chocolate
Crinkles, white bread,
chiffon cake, and
Relyenong Bangus.

Egg as Coating - Egg when mixed

with milk to make an egg wash
gives of a bronzed and glossy
sheen when baked. Some examples
are pies, buns, croissants,
empanadas, and moon

Egg as Enricher - Cooking with
eggs will give additional
nutritional value to dishes. Most
Filipino dishes has eggs, quail,
duck, and hen eggs are most

Egg as Emulsifier – Another
property of egg is the ability to
hold on to water and oil which
usually does not mix. Example of
emulsions are vinaigrette and

Egg as Garnish - Adding eggs to dishes
does not only give color and appeal but
also as additional source of protein.
Some examples are: arroz caldo, goto, ji
dan (korean dish), rice toppings
(scrambled), and sliced eggs on salads.

Egg as Thickener - Adding beaten
eggs to soups and stirring it will
activate the coagulative property of
egg to achieve thick consistency

Egg as Leavening Agent – In baking

cakes and breads, incorporating air
during whipping traps air bubbles
which make the foam double in size.
When it is heated, the protein solidifies
and holds its shape.

Left over egg whites
 1. Face mask 
 Whisk egg whites with a little bit of water to create a skin-
firming face mask. Egg whites help to reduce puffiness, leave
pores looking smaller and are thought to have anti-aging
 2. Glue
 As egg whites dry, they become increasingly sticky. Although
not particularly strong, they work well as glue for paper or
light cardboard.
 3. Leather cleaner
 The sticky quality of egg whites also makes them good at
cleaning certain surfaces, in particular leather. Gently rub onto
shoes, bags or even sofas, and then wipe off with a cloth. Egg
whites also form a protective covering for leather.
Left over egg yolks
 4. Biscuit decoration

 You can create an edible paint for decorating biscuits
before baking by mixing egg yolks with water and
brightly colored foods. For example: spinach or
parsley for green, baked beetroot for purple and
saffron or chamomile for yellow.
 5. Hair conditioner
 Mix an egg yolk with water or olive oil for a rich
conditioner. Apply the mixture to your hair after
shampooing and leave on for about 10 minutes. Be
warned: rinse with cool or warm (not hot) water to
avoid cooking the egg!
 6. Fertilizer 
 Adding crushed eggshells to your compost will
greatly increase the calcium content and make your
soil richer – simply crush and add to the mix!

 7. Seed holders
 Calcium from eggshells can also help seeds to grow.
When using eggs, try to break them in half to create
two mini bowls. Then fill with soil and add the seeds
– the nutrients from the shells will enrich the soil.
You can keep your bowls upright by storing them in
an egg box.
 8. Pest repellent

 If you crumble eggshells and sprinkle them on your plants or

soil, you can deter pests such as snails and slugs that are
repelled by the rough surface.

 9. Pan cleaner

 Add crushed shells to soapy water to create a natural abrasive

cleaner to use on pots and pans. The rough edges help to
remove tough stains, and possibly remnants of scrambled eggs!

 10. Fabric whitener

 Grandmothers’ tip: Put your eggshells into small cotton bag
and add to your washing machine along with the laundry to
whiten your whites.

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