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Course Rep Training Workshop

The workshop will begin in a few minutes.

Please complete the pre-course survey

- the link is in the chat box.

Please adjust your display to show your usual

name (plus preferred pronouns if you wish).

In the chat box, tell us your name and course.

Fetch a drink, snack, pen and notebook/paper.

We will start soon.

Course Rep Training
Part 2 – Workshop

Trainers: Reps:
Please adjust your display with
name and course, plus preferred
pronouns if you wish:
Trainer Trainer Ranjan, Catering
name name
1.2 Discussion
One good thing about my course
 Our teacher explains things well and is easy to understand.

 Each class, we receive helpful notes that summarise the

main points.

 At the end of each topic, we look at some exam questions

so we know how it will be assessed.

 The course is up to date – we are learning modern

techniques and practices for employment.

 Course information is easy to find online, in the Moodle area

for this course.

1.3 Group introductions

Your Your
name course

One good
thing about
your course

1.4 Workshop Aims

To help reps deepen their understanding of…

1 2 3 4 5
The Factors that Representing Partnership Support
purpose of affect classmates with staff and
course reps the SLE resources

1.5 Course Rep Training Workshop

Part 2 - One team Resources

workshop of reps for reps

Camera ON Microphone Other

please OFF points

1.6 Ground rules for the workshop
Please follow these guidelines, to help
everyone have a positive training experience:
1. We will listen to each other. We will respect each other
and seek to learn from each other’s views.
2. We have different perspectives and may not always agree
– that is ok.
3. This is a safe space to share honestly and discuss openly.
We will treat information carefully and will not share
private or sensitive information outside of this group.
4. We will work together and support each other’s learning.

• RGU:Union is a student-run charity working to support

all students at RGU.
• You’re automatically a member of the Union – there is
no need to sign up.
• The Union is run by a team of elected students.
• Their job is to be your voice and support you with
whatever you need.
• You are always welcome to get in touch and ask
questions or to come to the Union for a meeting.

Your elected presidents

Patricia Nkem Innocent Oluwatoyin Bolajoko Phoebe Moncur

President of Communication & Democracy President of Education & Welfare President of Sport and Physical Activity

Your elected VPs

Johnson Oshodi Queen Uwakwe Ainsley Li

VP Education VP Community VP Societies

Your elected VPs

Rahul Krishnan RB Millicent Awkuewanbhor Jill Adam

VP International VP Welfare VP Sport

2.1 Discussion
The purpose of a course rep


What is a course rep for?

Why do we have them?
What is the purpose
of a course rep?

2.1 The purpose of a course rep


The online module summarised the purpose of

reps in two words:

R ______ ation and P ____ rship

2.1 The purpose of a course rep


The online module summarised the purpose of

reps in two words:

Representation and Partnership

2.2 Activity
Methods of gathering feedback

List different methods that a course rep

could use to gather feedback from class

2.2 Discussion
Methods of gathering student feedback
• Discussion in class.
• Post it notes in class. ADV advantages
• Emails.
• Surveys. DIS Disadvantages
• Comment boxes.
• Social media: Facebook, Twitter
• Online spaces: Class area in VLE.
eg. in Moodle or Blackboard.

2.3 Methods of gathering student
feedback – some considerations

Likely response
Time available Representation

Usefulness of
Accessibility Language

2.4 Activity – Individual reflection

Think of something you Note two methods you

would like to change about could use when gathering
your course – anything, as the opinions of classmates
long as it is related to the about this improvement
learning experience. point.

2 mins

3.1 Recap – the SLE Model (Activity)
The Student Learning Experience

3.1 The SLE Model
The Student Learning Experience

3.2 Why should reps know about
the Student Learning Experience (SLE)?

1. Helps reps
2. Which comments are relevant
to the rep role?
3. Terminology used in meetings.
3.3 Activity: Student Learning Experience
Understanding the SLE Model

We will choose some of the SLE categories and:

1. Briefly summarise what this SLE area includes.
2. Suggest issues for students relating to this area.

3.3 Activity.
Understanding the SLE diagram.
• Course content and the way material is structured through
the course.
• Whether the course matches the way it was advertised.
• Whether the learning objectives are clearly stated and being

What can help enhance the What are some of

learning experience of the key issues for students
students in this area? in this area?

3.3 Activity.
Understanding the SLE diagram.
Learning resources
• Access to appropriate materials such as text books, computers
and online access, equipment, and tools.
• How the learning environment (classroom, labs, libraries) is
used to support learning.

What can help enhance the What are some of

learning experience of the key issues for students
students in this area? in this area?

3.3 Activity.
Understanding the SLE diagram.
Learning and teaching process
• Teaching methods, including online delivery methods
• Whether these methods suit this type of course
• Whether these methods are accessible to all students.

What can help enhance the What are some of

learning experience of the key issues for students
students in this area? in this area?

3.3 Activity.
Understanding the SLE diagram.
Assessment and feedback
• The methods used to assess student progress.
• Whether assessments and deadlines are suitable.
• The kinds of feedback provided, and how this helps students

What can help enhance the What are some of

learning experience of the key issues for students
students in this area? in this area?

3.3 Activity.
Understanding the SLE diagram.
Student progression and achievement
• The overall journey of students towards completing a
qualification – often through several modules or units.
• The design of each module to provide sufficient learning to
move to the next module.
• Information provided about onward opportunities and
What can help enhance the What are some of
learning experience of the key issues for students
students in this area? in this area?

3.3 Activity.
Understanding the SLE diagram.
Guidance and support
• Clear guidance for students on what is expected.
• The different types of support that student receive.
• Information about where students can go for advice.

What can help enhance the What are some of

learning experience of the key issues for students
students in this area? in this area?

3.3 Activity.
Understanding the SLE diagram.
Quality enhancement and assurance
• These terms relate to processes that help the institution
achieve and maintain high standards in learning and teaching.
• These processes include internal and external reviews. Reps
and student feedback form a key part of these.

What can help enhance the What are some of

learning experience of the key issues for students
students in this area? in this area?

3.2 Why should reps know about
the Student Learning Experience (SLE)?

1. Helps reps
2. Which comments are relevant
to the rep role?
3. Terminology used in meetings.
3.4 Questions relating to the SLE

Learning and teaching process

1. Are your classes stimulating, engaging and
2. Do you have enough contact time with your
lecturers / tutors?
3. Do your classes motivate you to learn

3.4 Questions relating to the SLE
Assessment and Feedback
4. Are you given enough time to prepare for
5. Are the assessment criteria clear to you?
6. Do you receive adequate feedback from your

Any questions so far?
then… break

Course Rep Training
Part 2 – Workshop

Welcome back!
Please re-start your camera.

4.1 Review of workshop aims

To help reps deepen their understanding of…

1 2 3 4 5
The Factors that Representing Partnership Support
purpose of affect classmates with staff and
course reps the SLE resources

4.2 Students as experts

Students are experts in

their learning experience!

4.3 The Course Rep Cycle

Informing 3 Reporting Gathering 1 Collecting

back feedback
students student
on the views and
outcomes opinions

Acting on

Communicating views and finding solutions

4.4 Reflection – acting on feedback
• The technical terminology (and jargon) is difficult
to understand.
• The tutor is slow to return our assessments and
doesn’t add much helpful feedback.
• When the teacher is absent, the replacement
work provided is inadequate – a video and some
discussion questions.

Invent a similar example of feedback that could

relate to your course.

4.4 Reflection – acting on feedback
When student feedback has helped identify an issue
that needs attention, what does the rep do next?

1. Do you need to know more?

2. To whom should you take this feedback?
3. Who can work in partnership to develop a solution?
4. What is the timescale for implementation?


4.4 Acting on feedback
Some suggested actions that you could take:

• Consult with other reps.

• Collate student opinions – represent all the views.
• Liaise with your staff contact.
• Prepare for a meeting. Attend the meeting.

4.5 Reporting back to classmates
Closing the feedback loop
Methods Considerations
Similar to gathering • Decide what to report,
feedback, including: and to whom.
• Group emails. • Choose an appropriate
• Speaking directly to method.
the class. • Don’t just feed back on
• Online message the wins.
(2.1) The purpose of a course rep


The purpose of a course rep – a third element.

Representation and Partnership

and Feeding back to students

5.1 The ABCD of effective feedback
Recap activity


5.1 The ABCD of effective feedback
Recap activity

A. Accurate
B. Balanced
C. Constructive
D. Diplomatic

5.1 A reminder of the ABCD

A. Accurate. Truthful, specific,

supported by evidence.
B. Balanced. Positive feedback,
not just negative.
C. Constructive.
Can you suggest solutions?
D. Diplomatic. Tactful. Avoid blaming
individuals. Focus on learning.

5.2 Activity - Using the ABCD
1. We should pass on positive
comments to staff, not just criticisms.
2. Be specific and provide data and/or evidence.
3. In addition to reporting difficulties,
tell your staff contact what is going well.
4. When we raise an issue, try to make a suggestion
A. Accurate or offer help in devising one.
B. Balanced 5. Classmates can sometimes suggest solutions,
C. Constructive and reps can discuss them with staff.
D. Diplomatic
6. Go for the ball, not the player.
(Tackle the issue without blaming the person).
7. There is no need to exaggerate;
it is better to give a truthful account.

5.3 Activity
Using the ABCD to improve feedback
Statement 1 The sociology module is
Sociology is good but popular and can be very
Ms Cornell doesn’t interesting. Five students have
teach very well. Her requested more variety in the
lessons are quite way it is taught. Is it possible
boring – she just reads
to include a greater variety of
paragraphs from the
text book. learning activities, rather than
just listening to a lecture?

5.3 Activity
Using the ABCD to improve feedback
Statement 1 The sociology module is
Sociology is good but popular and can be very
Ms Cornell doesn’t interesting. Five students have
teach very well. Her requested more variety in the
lessons are quite way it is taught. Is it possible
boring – she just reads
to include a greater variety of
paragraphs from the
text book. learning activities, rather than
just listening to a lecture?

5.3 Activity
Using the ABCD to improve feedback

Statement 2
Everyone knows that this A. Accurate
module is too difficult.
I don’t understand the
C. Constructive
homework assignments
and we don’t get any help.

5.3 Activity
Using the ABCD to improve feedback

Statement 3
Dr Davis is difficult to
understand in online
B. Balanced
lessons. D. Diplomatic
Her sound keeps breaking
up, and she puts too much
information on each slide.

5.4 Activity – Individual reflection

Adapt your feedback in the

Think back to Activity 4b light of these four rules. We
(something you would like to are looking for feedback that
change about your course) is accurate, balanced,
constructive and diplomatic.

3 mins

5.1 The ABCD of effective feedback
Recap activity

A. Accurate
B. Balanced
C. Constructive
D. Diplomatic

6.1 Attending meetings

means very confident

means fairly confident

otherwise, leave blank

Use chat box if you cannot find Zoom Reactions (emojis).

6.2 Types of Meetings

With students… With staff…

• a group of reps. • 1:1 with your
• the students’ course tutor.
association. • several reps and
several staff.
• senior staff.

6.3 Activity
Meetings for reps: your experiences
Which meetings will you be
asked to attend?
Have you already been to any?
• Meetings with a lead rep or
faculty rep.
• Meetings of course reps.
• Meetings with individual
subject staff.
• Student-Staff Liaison
Committee, SSLC.

We will use microphones for this activity.

6.4 Preparing for meetings

Before meetings During meetings After meetings

ABCD of Effective Report back to

Check the main topics
Feedback classmates

Follow-up with tutor

Gather views of Listen carefully and
or students’
classmates ask questions

Reflect on your own

Check with other reps Take adequate notes

7.1 The Course Rep
Purpose, tasks and skills




7.2 The purpose of a course rep


The purpose of a course rep:

Representation and Partnership

and Feeding back to students

7.3 Tasks of a course rep





7.4 Skills that a course rep needs

Communication Listening Networking

Reflection Presentation Organisation Writing reports

Diplomacy Negotiation Research

Slide annotation in Zoom

7.5 Main learning points
Gathering feedback
Reporting back Representation – the views of the
whole class.
Close the loop.
The SLE shows relevant areas for reps.

Acting on feedback
A B C D of Effective Feedback.
Partnership – working with staff towards solutions.

7.6 Support available to reps

• Collaborate with other course reps.

• Your students’ association and your institution.
• The online CRT module is available to you all year and
contain reminders of rep principles and practice.
• The resource pack contains many similar materials.
• Additional training resources are available on the
website of sparqs: .
• Support is also available from NUS Scotland, the national
representative body: .

7.7 Your future rep career

• Next year, you could consider volunteering for a

senior rep role such as lead rep or faculty rep.
• Or you could apply to a role as an officer in your
students’ association.
• In February / March each year, sparqs recruit
Associate Trainers (ATs) to train course reps.
• Some institutions recruit their own trainers – ask
your students’ association.

8.1 Review of workshop aims

To help reps deepen their understanding of…

1 2 3 4 5
The Factors that Representing Partnership Support
purpose of affect classmates with staff and
course reps the SLE resources

8.2 Activity – Share one thing

What will you remember from Can you share one thing,
this training, to help you in using the microphone or the
your role as a course rep. chat box?

8.3 Evaluation

Please complete our evaluation survey!

Thank you!

Trainer contact details:

name1 name2
email email

Any further discussion or questions?

Thank you
for taking part in the
Course Rep Training Workshop!


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