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Introduction to Computational Linguistics

Various Approaches In Computational Linguistics

Dr. Sadaf Siddiq

What is Computational
- Definition of Computational Linguistics as the study of
using computational methods to analyze and understand
human language

- Explanation of the field combining knowledge of

linguistics and computer science to develop natural
language processing systems and applications

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Applications of Computational
- Explanations of many applications including language
modeling, text classification, machine translation, named
entity recognition, parsing, text generation, and dialogue

- Discussion that the choice of approach depends on the

specific NLP task and the available resources

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Future Directions
- Computational Linguistics is a rapidly growing field

- Continual development of new methods and techniques to

improve NLP systems

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Various Approaches in Corpus Linguistics
Why Do We Need Different
Approaches in Computational
1. Language is complex: Language is a complex and
multifaceted phenomenon that can be approached from
many different angles. Each approach to computational
linguistics focuses on different aspects of language and
can provide unique insights that other approaches may
2. Different types of language data: Different types of
language data require different approaches. For example,
corpus-based methods are useful for analyzing large
collections of text, while machine learning methods are
better suited for tasks such as speech recognition or
sentiment analysis.
3. Different goals: Different applications of computational
linguistics may have different goals, such as improving
language technology, analyzing language structure, or
generating natural language. Each approach can be Photo by Pixabay

1. Limitations of individual approaches: Each approach to computational linguistics has

its own strengths and weaknesses, and no single approach can provide a complete
solution to all problems in the field. Combining multiple approaches can help
overcome these limitations and produce more accurate and robust results.
2. Interdisciplinary nature of the field: Computational linguistics is an interdisciplinary
field that draws on expertise from linguistics, computer science, mathematics, and
statistics. Each discipline brings its own perspective and methods to the field, making
a variety of approaches necessary for a complete understanding of language.
Corpus-based methods
● Corpus-based methods are widely used in computational linguistics because they can
provide a large and diverse source of linguistic data for training and evaluation of
NLP models. Some advantages of this approach include the ability to handle the
complexity and variability of natural language, as well as the ability to identify
linguistic patterns and structures that might be difficult to identify using rule-based or
hand-crafted methods. However, there are also some limitations and challenges
associated with corpus-based methods, such as the need for high-quality and diverse
corpora, as well as the potential for bias and noise in the data. Overall, corpus-based
methods are an important tool in the computational linguistics toolkit and will likely
continue to play a key role in the development of NLP technology in the future.
1. Corpus collection: Corpora can be collected in various ways, including manual annotation, web scraping, or extraction
from existing sources such as newspapers or social media. The size and diversity of a corpus can affect the quality and
accuracy of the resulting NLP models.
2. Corpus analysis: Once a corpus has been collected, it can be analyzed using various statistical and computational
techniques to extract linguistic features such as word frequencies, collocations, or syntactic patterns. These features can
be used to inform the development of NLP algorithms, for example, by identifying common word sense disambiguation
challenges or syntactic patterns that require special attention.
3. Corpus-based NLP models: The analysis of a corpus can be used to train and evaluate NLP models that can perform
various tasks, such as named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, or sentiment analysis. These models can be
evaluated using metrics such as precision, recall, and F1 score, which measure the accuracy and completeness of the
model's output.
4. Example: A common application of corpus-based methods is in the development of machine translation systems. Large
parallel corpora of translated texts can be used to train statistical machine translation models that learn to map the syntax
and semantics of source and target languages. These models can then be used to generate translations of new texts.
Statistical methods
● Statistical methods are widely used in computational linguistics because they can
handle the complexity and variability of natural language, and can be trained on large
amounts of data to improve accuracy and performance. Some advantages of this
approach include the ability to generalize to new data and the ability to learn from
patterns and structures in the data. However, there are also some limitations and
challenges associated with statistical methods, such as the potential for overfitting,
the need for high-quality and diverse training data, and the difficulty of interpreting
and explaining the output of a statistical model. Overall, statistical methods are an
important tool in the computational linguistics toolkit and will likely continue to play
a key role in the development of NLP technology in the future.
1. Statistical models: Statistical models are used to estimate the likelihood of a given linguistic output, given a set of input
features. For example, a statistical model might estimate the probability of a sentence being a question or a statement,
based on features such as word order or punctuation. Common statistical models used in computational linguistics
include Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), Maximum Entropy models, and Conditional Random Fields (CRFs).
2. Machine learning algorithms: Machine learning algorithms can be used to train statistical models on large sets of
labeled data. For example, a machine learning algorithm might be trained on a corpus of labeled text to recognize
named entities such as people, places, and organizations. Common machine learning algorithms used in computational
linguistics include Decision Trees, Random Forests, and Neural Networks.
3. NLP tasks: Statistical methods can be used to perform various NLP tasks such as part-of-speech tagging, named entity
recognition, sentiment analysis, and machine translation. For example, statistical models can be trained to recognize
the most likely part-of-speech for a given word, or to generate a translation of a sentence from one language to another.
4. Example: One example of a statistical method in computational linguistics is the use of n-gram models for language
modeling. An n-gram is a sequence of n words, and an n-gram model estimates the probability of the next word in a
sentence given the previous n-1 words. For example, a bigram model estimates the probability of the next word given
the previous word, while a trigram model estimates the probability of the next word given the previous two words.
These models can be used to generate coherent and fluent sentences, and are often used in speech recognition and text
generation systems.
Machine learning methods
● Machine learning methods are widely used in computational linguistics because they
can learn from patterns and structures in large amounts of data, and can be adapted to
a variety of NLP tasks. Some advantages of this approach include the ability to handle
complex and variable language data, the ability to learn from noisy or incomplete
data, and the ability to generalize to new data. However, there are also some
challenges associated with machine learning methods, such as the need for large
amounts of labeled data, the potential for overfitting, and the difficulty of interpreting
and explaining the output of a machine learning algorithm. Overall, machine learning
methods are an important tool in the computational linguistics toolkit and will likely
continue to play a key role in the development of NLP technology in the future.
1. Supervised learning: In supervised learning, a machine learning algorithm is trained on labeled data, where each example is
associated with a specific output or label. For example, a machine learning algorithm might be trained on a corpus of labeled text
to recognize named entities such as people, places, and organizations.
2. Unsupervised learning: In unsupervised learning, a machine learning algorithm is trained on unlabeled data, where no specific
output or label is provided. The algorithm must learn to identify patterns and structures in the data on its own. For example, an
unsupervised learning algorithm might be used to cluster similar documents or to learn word embeddings that capture semantic
relationships between words.
3. Deep learning: Deep learning involves the use of neural networks, which are composed of layers of interconnected nodes that
can learn increasingly complex patterns and relationships in the data. Deep learning has been used to achieve state-of-the-art
results in tasks such as language translation, image recognition, and speech synthesis.
4. NLP tasks: Machine learning methods can be used to perform various NLP tasks such as part-of-speech tagging, named entity
recognition, sentiment analysis, and machine translation. For example, a machine learning algorithm can be trained to recognize
the most likely part-of-speech for a given word, or to generate a translation of a sentence from one language to another.
5. Example: One example of a machine learning method in computational linguistics is the use of recurrent neural networks
(RNNs) for language modeling. An RNN can learn to predict the next word in a sentence based on the previous words, and can
generate coherent and fluent sentences. RNNs have also been used for tasks such as speech recognition and text generation.
Knowledge-based methods
● Knowledge-based methods have the advantage of being interpretable and
explainable, since they rely on explicit rules and knowledge representations. They
can also be used in situations where there is limited or noisy data available. However,
they may be less flexible than other methods and may require significant domain
expertise to develop and maintain. Overall, knowledge-based methods are an
important tool in the computational linguistics toolkit and can be used in combination
with other methods to achieve better performance and accuracy in NLP tasks.
1. Linguistic rules: Knowledge-based methods often rely on linguistic rules to analyze language. These rules
can be hand-crafted by linguists or generated automatically from data. For example, a rule might specify
that adjectives typically come before nouns in English, or that the subject of a sentence typically comes
before the verb.
2. Knowledge bases: Knowledge-based methods may also rely on knowledge bases, which are structured
collections of information about language. For example, a knowledge base might contain information
about word meanings, grammatical structures, or semantic relationships between words.
3. Expert systems: Expert systems are a type of knowledge-based method that use rules and knowledge bases
to perform reasoning and decision-making tasks. For example, an expert system might be used to diagnose
language disorders or to generate responses to user queries in a chatbot.
4. NLP tasks: Knowledge-based methods can be used to perform various NLP tasks such as text
classification, information extraction, and question answering. For example, a knowledge-based system
might be used to extract information from a database of medical records or to answer questions about a
specific topic.
5. Example: One example of a knowledge-based method in computational linguistics is the use of ontologies
for semantic analysis. An ontology is a formal representation of a set of concepts and the relationships
between them. Ontologies can be used to model knowledge about specific domains, such as biology or
Hybrid methods
● Hybrid methods are becoming increasingly popular in computational linguistics, as
they offer a flexible and powerful way to tackle complex language processing tasks.
However, designing and implementing a successful hybrid approach requires careful
consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of each individual method, as well as
how they can be combined and optimized for the specific task at hand. Overall,
hybrid methods are an important area of research in computational linguistics and are
likely to play an increasingly important role in the development of NLP technology
in the future.
1. Example: One example of a hybrid method in computational linguistics is the use of deep learning
models that combine both corpus-based and knowledge-based approaches. For example, a deep learning
model might use a pre-trained language model to generate text, and then use a rule-based system to
perform post-processing and fine-tune the output.
2. Advantages: Hybrid methods can leverage the strengths of multiple approaches and overcome their
weaknesses. For example, a hybrid approach might use statistical methods to learn from large amounts
of data, while also incorporating linguistic knowledge to ensure that the output is semantically
meaningful and grammatically correct.
3. Applications: Hybrid methods can be used for a wide range of NLP tasks such as machine translation,
text summarization, and sentiment analysis. For example, a hybrid approach might use a statistical
model to translate text from one language to another, and then use a rule-based system to correct
grammatical errors and ensure that the output is fluent and natural-sounding.
4. Challenges: Hybrid methods can be complex to design and implement, and may require significant
computational resources. They may also be more difficult to interpret and explain than single-method
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