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Evaluation of Technology and

Assessment of Language Learners

By: Muhammad Asif
Muhammad Sajid

Technological evaluation and assessment of language learning refer to the process of

using technology-based tools to evaluate the effectiveness of language learning methods
and assess students’ performance. These tools can include language learning apps,
software, and online platforms.

In our digital age, technology has revolutionized the way we learn languages. There are
numerous language learning apps and software available that can aid in learning a new
language. However, it is essential to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of these tools to
ensure that they are providing the intended benefits.
Examples of apps we can use:
1. Babbel: Babbel is a language learning app that offers interactive language courses for
over 14 languages. It provides personalized learning experiences and real-life dialogues to
help learners become fluent.
2. Memrise: Memrise is a language-learning app that uses gamification to make learning
fun and engaging. It offers over 20,000 native speaker videos, interactive quizzes, and
language games to help learners improve their language skills.
3. Busuu: Busuu is a language learning app that offers courses in 12 different languages. It
provides personalized learning experiences, interactive exercises, and real-life dialogues to
help learners improve their language skills.
4. Lingoda: Lingoda is an online language learning platform that provides live online
classes with certified language teachers. It offers personalized language learning
experiences and provides feedback on student performance.
Consideration for
learning Resources

1. Quality: The quality of the

learning resources is essential to
ensure that students receive
accurate information and effective
learning experiences.
2. Accessibility: Learning
resources should be accessible and
easy to use for all students.
3. Relevance: Learning resources
should be relevant to the students’
language learning goals and
Purpose of Assessment

Diagnostic Assessment: Getting a sense of strengths and needs for planning instruction
 Formative Assessment: Monitoring growth as you teach.
 Summative Assessment: Determining what students have learned after instruction or
for accountability.
Formative assessment vs Summative assessment:

Formative Assessment: Summative Assessment:

 Occur during the learning process  Occurs at the end of learning
 Allows teachers and students to process.
pivot their pivot strategies and  Provide a final evaluation of
mind streams knowledge and skills.
 Identifies areas of improvement  High stakes testing that often
 Give opportunities to students to evolves ranking of students.
implement feedback  Provides students with a grade.
Motto to Motivate
“Practice makes perfect” – Consistent practice and dedication can
help learners improve their language skills and achieve their
language learning goals.

 Personalized learning: Technology-based language learning tools can

provide personalized learning experiences for each student. These tools
can track the progress of the student and provide feedback on their
performance, which can help to identify areas that need improvement.
 Flexibility: Technology provides flexibility in terms of when and where
students can learn. Students can learn at their own pace and
convenience, which can help to enhance their motivation and
 Interactive learning: Technology can offer interactive learning
experiences that are engaging and fun. Interactive activities like quizzes,
games, and virtual conversations can help students to practice their
language skills and improve their fluency.
 Accessible Resources: Technology can provide access to a vast range of
resources, including audio and video materials, online tutors, and digital
textbooks. These resources can help to support language learning and
provide students with additional learning opportunities.

 Overreliance on technology: There is a risk of over-

reliance on technology, which can lead to students
neglecting traditional language learning methods,
such as reading books and attending classes.
 Technical issues: Technical issues such as slow
internet speeds, device malfunctions, and software
bugs can disrupt the learning experience and cause
frustration for students.
 Cost: Technology-based language learning tools and
resources can be costly, which may not be
affordable for some students.
 Lack of human interaction: Technology-based
language learning can lack the human interaction
and socialization that is essential in language
learning. Face-to-face interaction and
communication are crucial to developing language
skills, and technology may not be able to provide
this adequately.
In conclusion, technological evaluation and assessment of language learning offer several
advantages and drawbacks. While technology can provide personalized learning
experiences, flexibility, and interactive learning, it may lack human interaction and
socialization and can be costly. It is essential to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of
technology-based language learning tools to ensure that they are providing the intended
benefits. Considerations for learning resources should also be taken into account to ensure
that students receive effective and relevant learning experiences. The motto "Practice
makes perfect" can motivate learners to consistently practice and improve their language

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