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Rapid response teams represent an intuitively
simple concept: When a patient demonstrates
signs of imminent clinical deterioration, a team
of providers is summoned to the bedside to
immediately assess and treat the patient with the
goal of preventing intensive care unit transfer,
cardiac arrest, or death
is a team of nurses and other health care professionals (respiratory
therapists, pharmacists, emergency department personnel, and
others) who bring critical care expertise to the bedside.

Why is rapid response so important

studies show that patients typically demonstrate signs of
deterioration up to 12 hours before they go into arrest. And since a
rapid response team is designed to recognize those signs and
intervene early, it's logical to expect better outcomes and more lives
What is the effect of
rapid response team Rapid
response teams have been
recommended to help reduce the rate
of inpatient cardiopulmonary
arrest,1 which is typically associated
with poor survival. Poor outcomes
may be avoided by early detection of
signs and symptoms suggesting
patient deterioration, particularly
cardiovascular instability.
What are the most common rapid responses?
Rapid response system
1.Common rapid responses. Hypoxia, hypotension and reduced mental state make up the majo
of rapid responses, followed by alterations in the other signs (heart rate, resp. rate, etc). Comm
underlying aetiology: ...
1.initial approach. Assess your ABCD's and resuscitate simultaneously. Airway. Breathing

,What are the benefits of implementing rapid

response team ACLS?
there are fewer cardiac arrests, fewer ICU
transfers, improved survival rates, and shorter
lengths of inpatient stay
What medications are given
during a rapid response?
the three most highly used
medications for emergencies: atropine
injection, epinephrine injection, and
lidocaine injection
Modified Early warning score(MEWS)FOR

The news can be used on all hospitalized

patients to allow for the early detection
of clinical deterioration and potential
need for higher level of car.
Definition code blue:
A code blue hospital announcement means that an adult is
having a medical emergency, usually cardiac or respiratory

What does code blue mean in a hospital?

“Blue code” is generally used to indicate a patient requiring
resuscitation or otherwise in need of immediate medical attention,
most often as the result of a respiratory or cardiac arrest
How serious is a code blue?
‌ he term "code blue" is a hospital emergency code used to describe the critical
status of a patient. Hospital staff may call a code blue if patient goes into
cardiac arrest, has respiratory issues, or experiences any other medical

What can you do during code blue?

• Initiate the code blue per facility policy.
• Start CPR (one- and two-person rescuer).
• Position the bag-mask device and attach it to oxygen.
• Place the backboard.
• Bring the crash cart to the room.
• Arrange the room for best patient and crash cart access
What is an example of a code blue?

Person has stopped breathing. Person has no pulse. Unable

to determine if the person has a pulse or if they are
breathing, and is unresponsive. Unsure of what to do, and
are very concerned for the life of the person

What is the first thing you do in a code

1. First responder (CPR) The first person to respond
to the code blue starts chest compressions at a rate of
100 beats per minute. The goal is to get oxygen
circulating through the patient
What is the role of the
nurse in the code blue?
PRIMARY NURSE – calls the
code, provides chest
compressions until relieved,
gives information to Team
Leader about the patient,
reviews the chart – orders,
advanced directives, last labs
and vital signs
What are the 3 communication codes?
Communication Involves Three Components:
Verbal Messages - the words we choose.
Paraverbal Messages - how we say the words.
Nonverbal Messages - our body language.

What do you document during a code blue?

Several critical time elements should be documented:
Time from collapse to the beginning of cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR).
Time from collapse to first defibrillation when the initial
rhythm is ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular
Time from collapse to first dose of epinephrine
What is the nursing care plan of Code
Managing a code blue as a nurse includes activating
the code, sharing clinical information with the team,
performing chest compressions, monitoring, and
evaluating the code blue process

What are 4 main types of communication?

The four types of communication are verbal, non-verbal, visual and
written communication.

What are the 4 basic communication skill–

listening, speaking, reading and writing
What are five
nursing care plans?
Nursing care plans follow a
five-step process: assessment,
diagnosis, outcomes,
implementation, and evaluation.
Assess the patient. The first step
to writing a care plan is
performing a patient
assessment. This includes
reviewing your patient's
medical history, diagnosis, lab
values, and medication
What are the team roles in
There are a total of six team member roles and each are
critical to the success of the entire team.
• Team leader.
• Compressor.
• Airway manager.
• AED/Monitor/Defibrillator.
• IV/IO medications provider.
• Time recorde

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